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[Fishing] After the changes/fixes to Fishing Quests, does it differ to pick 1 or more Quests ?


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There used to be a debate on the Forum whether it was more advisable to do Quests 1 at a time or multiple Quests at a time.

Since there was a bug with reputation, it was adviced by many to take only 1 Quest at a time to avoid a reputation hit. But I think that got fixed.

After the various changes to fishing and quests what is the current situation ?

Does it make any difference to just do 1 Quest at a time or pick as many as there are as one goes ?


Petra Fyde

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Re: After the changes/fixes to Fishing Quests, does it differ to pick 1 or more Quest

Taking multiple quests is a matter of choice.
This is my personal take on it: Taking one quest at a time, when you reach 20 of a particular fish the next request will be for a lower quantity.
Taking multiple quests can lead to you having multple quests requiring 20 of a particular fish, necessitating exceptionally long fishing sessions.
From my point of view single quests is better. Again, this is my personal view only.


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Re: After the changes/fixes to Fishing Quests, does it differ to pick 1 or more Quest

All the bugs concerning overlapping quests were fixed months ago.

IF you want to avoid multiple quests for the same fish at 20 (especially nasty with Crustaceans), do one or two at a time.

If you want to spend more time fishing, than sailing from port to port, do multiple quests.

I prefer getting all 8 quests, then use my fish stockpile to fill as many as possible, then fish to complete the rest. I then go deliver all 8 (and sometimes get quests that I can immediately fill and deliver without moving my boat). Once I get 8 quests that I have to fish to complete, I park in my fishing spot. Sailing half-way around the world just to deliver 1 quest just doesn't seem like a worthwhile expenditure of game time.

Petra's method is less frustrating but more boring/tedious, my method is faster as long as you've got a lot of fish stockpiled, but can result in hair-pulling when you end up for 3 quests wanting 20 of a crab you just had to fish 4 hours just to fill a 15 for.

My method probably works best if you can get 2 or more players fishing, with only one doing the quests at a time. In my case, it's actually the leaders of several of the guilds within my alliance all pooling our fish, with me (the most experienced fisher & sailor, and the one who gets more game time in per week) running the quests. So far, I've gotten a 120 scroll for myself, and we've gotten 110s for all alliance fishers. We're now combining all lower PS we get to attempt to get 115s, while I continue to quest for 120s for the others. A few of the non-Guildmaster fishers are chipping in when they can, by concentrating on crustaceans (their fishers don't have the skill needed to fight off serpents).


Slightly Crazed
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Re: After the changes/fixes to Fishing Quests, does it differ to pick 1 or more Quest

Even the shard you play on might influence your decision. While I have my ship for the fishmongers sail in circles around the world, I have a second/third/fourth ship placed with other chars and use them with my fisher. (Depends on my mood: one ship near the emporium for doing fast deliverys, one ship in fel deep waters for fishing and getting double leather and scales and a third one for crab fishing in the lost lands.) But I ve read on other comments, that it might not be wise to have your own ship out on the waters too long on Siege. Especially when all of your chars are off. Beeing able to drydock your ship after doing that last delivery would probably be the best choice there.


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Re: After the changes/fixes to Fishing Quests, does it differ to pick 1 or more Quest

I always take 8 fishmonger quest at the same time. Then i fill them all and then sail around to deliver everything. A disadvantage can be that you need to fish up 80 rocklobsters for all your crates before you can deliver. Lucky i'm in a alliance with lonts of guild and its easy to trade for fish and lobsters with them. :)


Re: After the changes/fixes to Fishing Quests, does it differ to pick 1 or more Quest

Taking multiple quests is a matter of choice.
This is my personal take on it: Taking one quest at a time, when you reach 20 of a particular fish the next request will be for a lower quantity.
Taking multiple quests can lead to you having multiple quests requiring 20 of a particular fish, necessitating exceptionally long fishing sessions.
From my point of view single quests is better. Again, this is my personal view only.
I'm along these lines Petra describes as well. However I will take on 2 or 3 if I'm not currently with a quest for 20 of something I am very low on like one of the crustaceans --- Hate to end up with a boat load of quests summing to say 160 blue crabs (shoot or even 160 green catfish)... I keep loose chicken-scratch notes on the quest particulars of ~ the past 30-40 including the to & from. But if I have a good stocked quantity of say a 2 or 3 pointer and it's at 20 I may take on more quests prior to completing the turn of said 20 item to up the odds of an order of again 20 said item hence improving odds of order eligible for the 120 scroll. Given the particular species goes 10 - 15 -20 -15 - 10 (was a happy day when I understood that was by design) I can decide on case by case basis to load up on multiquests & in what sequence to turn em in...or casually just do one at a time.


Re: After the changes/fixes to Fishing Quests, does it differ to pick 1 or more Quest

I play the odds with my orders. Sometimes I'll have 8 orders, sometimes down to 1. It all depends on what they are. If I get orders for 20 dungeon fish, I'll sit on them awhile so that I get more of the same. This increases the point value overall for all my orders and leads to better rewards on AVERAGE.

I've gotten 3-120 scrolls so far, so I think I know what I'm doing.


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Re: After the changes/fixes to Fishing Quests, does it differ to pick 1 or more Quest

I run with 4 + Quests in my hold before and after changes and it makes no difference of this I am 100% sure

As petra said the only thing it changes is the amount of time you spend fishing between orders

Frodo Baggins

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Re: After the changes/fixes to Fishing Quests, does it differ to pick 1 or more Quest

I travel in the same direction all the time Skara to Emporiun, north to Moonglow, west to Vesper, south to Britain, further south to Trinsic, make a stop off to Papua, then to Jhelom then north to Skara to repeat. Some times I have 1 quest some times 7 but as soon as I get the quest I fill the crate before I move to the next city. Every recall to dump fish I make a trip to Shame or the mushroom cave for dungeon fish to keep them stocked up. If I run out of fish I stop and concentrate on fishing. I watch my SOS locations and make detours to collect my bounty fishing along the way. I have a bonded pack horse that I recall with to dump fish in so when and if I have to dry dock my boat the hold is empty.
And when I get bored I go kill Titans or Cyclops and work on my archery.


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Re: After the changes/fixes to Fishing Quests, does it differ to pick 1 or more Quest

Given the particular species goes 10 - 15 -20 -15 - 10 (was a happy day when I understood that was by design) I can decide on case by case basis to load up on multiquests & in what sequence to turn em in...or casually just do one at a time.
Actually it's 10-15-20-10-15-20..., though quests picked up with the same type after delivering one of several quests already filled of that type, can make things odd.