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[Discussion] Silent auction winner list.

The Scandinavian

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi there,

any chance auction team will post the silent auction winners with winning bid?

Or is it top secret?
I have not seen any list from the previous auctions but maybe that is just me.

I'm pretty sure that people that was outbid would like to know the winning bids.

The Scandinavian


I would just like to see what each item sold for to use as a reference for the future

Nightly Spirit

It isnt top secret, however it is silent for a reason. I am sure some people dont want to see their bids posted here. Cost me over 100m more for a item due to bidding war :(

Ken of Napa

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That would be nice. Even though some things went very cheap and others went really high (just like what happens in RL auctions). It still makes a good reference on pricing.

Ken of Napa

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It isnt top secret, however it is silent for a reason. I am sure some people dont want to see their bids posted here. Cost me over 100m more for a item due to bidding war :(

I know what you mean, I went 100 mil over what I thought the item I was bidding on was worth. Then gave up, I just couldn;t get myself to bid 310 mil on something I think is worth 200 mil on a good day.

The Scandinavian

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi there,

I have had a few different definitions of silent auction.

At first I thought all people made a bid and gave it to the auctioneer and
auctioneer released the name of the winners.The funny thing would be that the winner would never know if it was way to high bid or just slightly higher bid.
This because the winner do not know what the other ones bid.

After I saw the first set up of silent auction I understood that the silent bid was just instead of 100 peeps yelling at the same time.

And now it seems that the master plan behind the silent auction is to make the auction non transparent as is if you are not there when it closes it is a top secret what the winning bid was.
Is this an anti community building rule that was asked for?

And to top that we put in a end time of auction that remove all the brave Europeans from competition.

Sorry for my bad english I'm abit upset.

Yes I have a crappy day.

Back to the forge for this smith.

The Scandinavian

Nightly Spirit

I am sorry you were not able to make a closing bid on items due to where you live. I seen people from Japan there and I am sure there time hasto be off by as much as yours. If it were a regular auction and the items were placed on the table and you could not attend then how would you know what the item went for anyways? Its not like anyone has ever posted auction bids, unless its a auction on the forums. Maybe you will have better luck at the next fest.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I will open up AH for all to see once items are all dispensed.


But the one thing u forget, you had a chance to win without being there at least. If you couldn't make a live auction, u would have no chance. Sure most got outbid but a few bids held for a day.

Plus some had buyouts and some items were up for days, giving u a chance to setup bids with friends or u could message people bids from your phone if u couldn't be ther.

A few options a live auction wouldn't give ya. I'd say overall more advantages. Plus added security.

Ken of Napa

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
But the one thing u forget, you had a chance to win without being there at least. If you couldn't make a live auction, u would have no chance. Sure most got outbid but a few bids held for a day.

Plus some had buyouts and some items were up for days, giving u a chance to setup bids with friends or u could message people bids from your phone if u couldn't be ther.

A few options a live auction wouldn't give ya. I'd say overall more advantages. Plus added security.
All this. Plus lets face it, there's no way anywhere near as many items could be auctioned off in a live auction.

Over all, it keeps getting better! It's kinda amazing that three people handle all that. They put an awfull lot into providing a secure auction format for us. For no fee! That's way above and beyond the call of duty!

The Scandinavian

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi Gunga,

yes you are right.
Silent auction is better than yelling auction because it is possible to make bids and so on,harder to win but possible.

I was mostly against that it was not possible to know what the winning bid was.

But that is now fixed so np anymore.

The Scandinavian


Yea, no system is perfect, but this is as good as it gets with the game mechanics we have to work with.