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[Fishing] Shallow Water Fish in Deep Waters


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I have been occasionally catching shallow water fish in deep water. By deep water I mean the middle of the ocean no where near any shores. Has anyone else had this happen?


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There are a couple of shoals, but most likely you are near a server line in the middle of the sea, as those are considered shallow water.


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The server line would be the issue. How far away from it do you need to be to not be in the shallows?


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It's the same distance as you'd need to be from the coast.

However, Server lines are a bit more vague, as the game actually won't let you come within the length of your boat's usable space to the actual line (at least, if perpendicular to the line - it may go be width if parallel to the line - not tested).

On a HS ship of any type, you'll end up jumping over an entire degree as you cross, and that can actually put some SOS locations in the no-man's land between the margins (though you'll still be close enough on either side to fish it up). If you've not become accustomed to it, this can drive you bonkers, when using one of the map programs (you get within 4 or 5 spaces to a SOS, then your ship jumps at least as far past it). You can get closer on a classic ship, and even closer on a rowboat.

Strangely, I've noticed that if my ship is straddling the deep/shallow margin, if I cast in one area, then walk into the other area before the fish comes up, the fish type will be based on the location I am standing at when the fish comes up. Example: I make two casts near a server line, get shallow water fish. I cast from the same spot to the same target water, but move to the other end of the boat before the fish comes up - and I get a Red Snook (or other deepwater fish). So, while nets are based on the targeted water square, casting appears to be based on where you're standing when the fish is caught.

Ertai Vodalion

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casting appears to be based on where you're standing when the fish is caught.
this is true partially i think.

when you fish from a moving boat and you fish up a serp (Uh Oh - That doesn´t look like a fish) it comes up where you cast, when you fish a serp with MiB, Map or Net it comes up where you are.

we would miss out on alot of the MiBs and Nets if it were otherwise i fear ;)


UO Forum Moderator
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casting appears to be based on where you're standing when the fish is caught.
this is true partially i think.

when you fish from a moving boat and you fish up a serp (Uh Oh - That doesn´t look like a fish) it comes up where you cast, when you fish a serp with MiB, Map or Net it comes up where you are.

we would miss out on alot of the MiBs and Nets if it were otherwise i fear ;)
That's a different subject, entirely. I'm talking about where you are standing determining what comes up, not where the thing fished up comes up.

For me, serps always come up from fishing at the boat railing at the point closest to where I cast, unless from a net (where the creatures come up as a group at the target). Technically, the reason why serpents appear to come up away from a moving boat is that by the time the game spawns the serpent, you've moved away from the spawn point, unless castin in fron of your movement.