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[Discussion] Black Halbred

  • Thread starter AmdusciasLS
  • Start date
  • Watchers 1


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
100k. While some are legit, they're totally indistinguishable from the hundreds of doggie duped ones obtained.


100k. While some are legit, they're totally indistinguishable from the hundreds of doggie duped ones obtained.
I think you are misinformed, 2 sold so far at Raresfest for 10+mill. Just an Fyi :>


Stratics Veteran
Yes, why those are going for so much is beyond me. They didn't even sell for that when they first came out and there was only a handful of them then. Now there are probably hundreds or thousands of them, not to mention metalic dye tubs, tok dyes, natural dyes etc. There is nothing special about this hally, there are TONS of them out there and IMO it is completely worthless.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
some folks are being taken advantage of... There was a rare black hally released in decent quantities and then it was entirely ruined by people that produced HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS by doggy duping revenants black hallies.

Sorry man but they are worthless.


Lore Keeper
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I think you are misinformed, 2 sold so far at Raresfest for 10+mill. Just an Fyi :>
He's not misinformed at all. Its quite well known that many of the vendors at rares fest are MASSIVELY overpriced.

heres a random item on a rares fest vendor for you:

"I Survived the Drunken St. Paddy's Knife Throwing Contest" its a green feathered hat. listed at 25,000,000.

There are 5 others on two shards. 4 of them are listed at 5mil, the other at 9.


He's not misinformed at all. Its quite well known that many of the vendors at rares fest are MASSIVELY overpriced.

heres a random item on a rares fest vendor for you:

"I Survived the Drunken St. Paddy's Knife Throwing Contest" its a green feathered hat. listed at 25,000,000.

There are 5 others on two shards. 4 of them are listed at 5mil, the other at 9.

So what you are telling me is that it is cheeper for people to use 2 transfer tokens to go buy the item for 5mil? Sometimes... its about convienience...and availability... not just what you "think". Traders moving this stuff around use up tons in personal money or in game gold to achieve getting things to a single shard.... all though you percieve this as "a rip off". IMO....go get em!! Have at em... just make sure your insessive complaining about prices actually has all the facts in it.

P.S. Hallys are worthless... they are correct, it was a dog dupe item, and there are litterly 1000's and 1000's of them. If ppl are buying them at the rares fest, there are 2 things going on... 1.) People need to research what they are buying. 2.) People are taking advantage of those that do not know.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There is actually one black hally in the silent auction. I informed the lone bidder that it was a dog dupe because he had been told otherwise by someone at rares fest.

One of the rarest fest hosts informed me they are now aware of the item and lineman will be taking care of it.

Very responsive group of people at LS. Props to them.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
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10m for a duped item that looks cool, hmm I might pay that. How many 2 story statues are out there do you think? there going for 250m. Europa gold items?. skull mugs?. ect ect ect. Its still a Jet Black Hally. And I don't see them for sale for 500k. Ya I might pay that. BTW its not mine at AH, I am not trying to promote it, its just my opinion.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There is a difference between duped items and dog dupes which people were able to make thousands of in minutes.

In this situation, we can distinguish a dog dupe from a real item. Dog dupes have no name or special properties. they are distinguishable from your other examples.


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
So what you are telling me is that it is cheeper for people to use 2 transfer tokens to go buy the item for 5mil? Sometimes... its about convienience...and availability... not just what you "think". Traders moving this stuff around use up tons in personal money or in game gold to achieve getting things to a single shard.... all though you percieve this as "a rip off". IMO....go get em!! Have at em... just make sure your insessive complaining about prices actually has all the facts in it.

P.S. Hallys are worthless... they are correct, it was a dog dupe item, and there are litterly 1000's and 1000's of them. If ppl are buying them at the rares fest, there are 2 things going on... 1.) People need to research what they are buying. 2.) People are taking advantage of those that do not know.
I'm sorry maybe im missing something but if the item is bought at rares fest most people are still using two transfer tokens???
I'm also not sure what you are getting at saying its not just about what I "think" or "percieve" and that im "complaining" I just stated that many sellers massively overprice their items at rares fest. Which you also state at the end of your post.
And in a round about way also stated to do you research, by giving an example of a random item at rares fest right now that could be had for cheaper elsewhere.

Why do you seem so angry with my post? Was the item I picked yours? Or did you buy it? I'm betting it was yours. In which case, don't jump all over me for outing your item as a fraud. Maybe i'll go to your vendor and do research on all your items for everyone to see. Then they won't have to "do their research"

You are the one coming off as as the complainer. Rage less.


I'm sorry maybe im missing something but if the item is bought at rares fest most people are still using two transfer tokens???
I'm also not sure what you are getting at saying its not just about what I "think" or "percieve" and that im "complaining" I just stated that many sellers massively overprice their items at rares fest. Which you also state at the end of your post.
And in a round about way also stated to do you research, by giving an example of a random item at rares fest right now that could be had for cheaper elsewhere.

Why do you seem so angry with my post? Was the item I picked yours? Or did you buy it? I'm betting it was yours. In which case, don't jump all over me for outing your item as a fraud. Maybe i'll go to your vendor and do research on all your items for everyone to see. Then they won't have to "do their research"

You are the one coming off as as the complainer. Rage less.
Not going to argue... Its tireing to see people like yourself refering to things being overpriced... So... it is what it is.

When something is a complete rip off.. I.E. dog dupes, then its pretty explanitory. Thats what massively overpriced is.

FYI... I see most ppl hitching rides to theese fests on others ppls transfers. So... no most do not have a 2 way xfer....They hitchhike. The markup is what it is. It takes money to stay in business as a rares vendor.

Your as welcome as you want to to go around and look up all the prices you want to. Or I can just tell you that everything that i sell is overpriced and marked up. So what. But please ... go on... waste your time.... oh, and while your at it... make sure you come to my house and make a comment on my board as so many others do about my prices as well... thats a good use of time, and will make me go reprice things immeditally. LoL

I have as much right to speak up about the fact that ppl want things for rock bottom prices, but have no clue on what it takes to move things around, expecially multiple times to multiple shards to provide them a service, as people do to whine and complain about things being overpriced.

If you read my post as rage, then maybe thats your nature. I don't argue over price... ask around the Fest. I either pay what i think is fair, or I don't buy it. But then again... I have money to burn, not my fault most ppl dont.

I guess gas is too high too, and cigarettes are out of control, and bread and milk are expensive... who gives a crap, you pay to play....See you at my vendor... :0 (That was a reference to supply and demand btw) *Kisses*


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not going to argue... Its tireing to see people like yourself refering to things being overpriced... So... it is what it is.

When something is a complete rip off.. I.E. dog dupes, then its pretty explanitory. Thats what massively overpriced is.

FYI... I see most ppl hitching rides to theese fests on others ppls transfers. So... no most do not have a 2 way xfer....They hitchhike. The markup is what it is. It takes money to stay in business as a rares vendor.

Your as welcome as you want to to go around and look up all the prices you want to. Or I can just tell you that everything that i sell is overpriced and marked up. So what. But please ... go on... waste your time.... oh, and while your at it... make sure you come to my house and make a comment on my board as so many others do about my prices as well... thats a good use of time, and will make me go reprice things immeditally. LoL

I have as much right to speak up about the fact that ppl want things for rock bottom prices, but have no clue on what it takes to move things around, expecially multiple times to multiple shards to provide them a service, as people do to whine and complain about things being overpriced.

If you read my post as rage, then maybe thats your nature. I don't argue over price... ask around the Fest. I either pay what i think is fair, or I don't buy it. But then again... I have money to burn, not my fault most ppl dont.

I guess gas is too high too, and cigarettes are out of control, and bread and milk are expensive... who gives a crap, you pay to play....See you at my vendor... :0 (That was a reference to supply and demand btw) *Kisses*
I don't think anyone was saying they want rock bottom prices? Where did you read that in my post?

And I think you've picked a bone with the wrong person. I xshard multiple times a week, so lets not get into the logistics of pricing and what it takes to stay in business. If you have to give your items a 250% markup to stay in business I'd say you need to re-evaluate your plans.

And I was not complaining about prices at all. I was simply stating a fact. You seem to be complaining that many people don't like your prices. Thats too bad, sorry to hear that. Many other vendors there are selling things at or below prices, while many others still, must over price. Maybe you should talk to some of the ones who are able to profit and still maintain competitive pricing. They might give you some tips.

I'm sorry it seems as if I'm picking on you. I picked a random item that I had seen. And that item appears to be taking advantage of people who don't know. Sorry it was yours.

Not sure where the need for cigarettes, gas and milk come in. They are all pretty much priced the same across the board whereever your from. I haven't encountered any gouging there. And its less to do with supply and demand than it is to do with politics and taxes. But I won't go into an economics rant. It would clearly be above your head.

And I'd venture to say that anyone buying at rares fest has money to burn. So no your not in a minority. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Your rage is clearly seen in your posts stemming from you being upset that many people think your prices are not in line with current market trends. I'm not one of those people. I could care less.

Have a good day.


I don't think anyone was saying they want rock bottom prices? Where did you read that in my post?

And I think you've picked a bone with the wrong person. I xshard multiple times a week, so lets not get into the logistics of pricing and what it takes to stay in business. If you have to give your items a 250% markup to stay in business I'd say you need to re-evaluate your plans.

And I was not complaining about prices at all. I was simply stating a fact. You seem to be complaining that many people don't like your prices. Thats too bad, sorry to hear that. Many other vendors there are selling things at or below prices, while many others still, must over price. Maybe you should talk to some of the ones who are able to profit and still maintain competitive pricing. They might give you some tips.

I'm sorry it seems as if I'm picking on you. I picked a random item that I had seen. And that item appears to be taking advantage of people who don't know. Sorry it was yours.

Not sure where the need for cigarettes, gas and milk come in. They are all pretty much priced the same across the board whereever your from. I haven't encountered any gouging there. And its less to do with supply and demand than it is to do with politics and taxes. But I won't go into an economics rant. It would clearly be above your head.

And I'd venture to say that anyone buying at rares fest has money to burn. So no your not in a minority. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Your rage is clearly seen in your posts stemming from you being upset that many people think your prices are not in line with current market trends. I'm not one of those people. I could care less.

Have a good day.
Ok... u winz the internetz!!


10m for a duped item that looks cool, hmm I might pay that. How many 2 story statues are out there do you think? there going for 250m. Europa gold items?. skull mugs?. ect ect ect. Its still a Jet Black Hally. And I don't see them for sale for 500k. Ya I might pay that. BTW its not mine at AH, I am not trying to promote it, its just my opinion.
100% Agree with you. A lot of the cool looking items have been duped, that being said I still like the items, and at a relatively cheap price I'm still going to get them. I think the thing people are missing is some people buy the item cause they just like it for whatever reason, not because "omg it's so rare!".

You can't help that the item was duped, so if you like it, buy it and who cares.;)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
there is a difference between selling an item that is questionable for cheap as obvious deco vs passing it off as a rare. this community doesn't recognize dog dupes as rares.


there is a difference between selling an item that is questionable for cheap as obvious deco vs passing it off as a rare. this community doesn't recognize dog dupes as rares.
No one was trying to "pass it off", It was just purely for sale. And as for "obvious deco" I would say that most of the rares people buy are just used for deco anyhow. I mean a Blood Pact is also a wep, but you don't see many people using it. The bottom line is whoever was selling it wasn't trying to deceive anyone, just seems like some cranky elderly people need something to complain about. ;)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Amd, there was some in game suggestion that at least one person tried to claim it was a rare em event item.

The fear was that it very well might be passed off to someone that was less informed. If an item was obviously made from an exploit, it's good for everyone to know. Otherwise people get stuck holding the bag.


Originaly the black halberd came from the fel event season 7 , so listed its still an em global event item,

Rarity well there were alot around cos you could loot them of paladin corpses, altough many werent looted ,

im more in thinking is Clainins book a rare or uncomon , the black halberd should be around same +- in quantities , as real event drop ofcourse

If the item was duped aswell with the doggy dupe using revenants , prices will be way lower

but no doubt its still an em event item, see it as a vending machine item go on price check from there , lots around but still worth something .

Season 7

Clainin's Spell Book (~150) (6 mods)
Black Hally From Paladins (~200+)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
there is a difference between selling an item that is questionable for cheap as obvious deco vs passing it off as a rare. this community doesn't recognize dog dupes as rares.
I was told the halbred came from an event from the person I aquired it from. Hence why it was put in auction. I was contacted about the pricing, and perhaps it being a dupe,by a person who I trust in dealing and pricing of rares, and lowered the starting bid as I was then unsure about its orgin. After the "nice" posts that were placed on the boards, I pulled it from auction. It is not my intention of selling anything that is questionable in that form. I am a small collector, mainly low end items, but I treasure what I have, and I do not want my name smeared as one trying to sell duped items.
If I offended anyone by placing it in auction, I apologize.