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[Fishing] UPDATE:Crustaceans fixed



Tested this tonight. It took me 2 1/2 hours from start to finish, but I have proven beyond any doubt that the crustacean point values have NOT been fixed. I got an order for 10 king crabs and my reward was a giant koi bait with 5 uses.

Mark has not delivered at all!

Fishers we have about 2 weeks before this goes live. Please raise a hue and cry and push EA to correct this old bug as promised.



Always Present
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Re: Crustaceans NOT fixed

Post it on UHall for better attention and perhaps ask Petra the courtesy to bring this issue to the attention of the Developing Team.

If we miss this publish it will take a month if not more wait till next publish......


Re: Crustaceans NOT fixed

Post it on UHall for better attention and perhaps ask Petra the courtesy to bring this issue to the attention of the Developing Team.

If we miss this publish it will take a month if not more wait till next publish......
It was posted in Uhall within 15 minutes of my discovery. However there are not enough caring fishermen left to keep it queued higher than the incessant drivel posted there.

Kim Li of LS

Re: Crustaceans NOT fixed

I really hope this issue is addressed at the last minute, before the pub goes live on prodo shards. Crab and lobster are difficult to get and it is very frustrating to have the hard part of the order make the order worth LESS points!(than sea fish, what i consider to the the 'norm')


I retested after today's publish notes came out and the crustacean point values have been FIXED!

I got an order for 10 snow crabs which yielded a 10 fairy salmon bait.

Thank you Devs!

Now please fix the lava lobster traps ...err anchors.


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I wonder if the PM I sent Mesanna not long after your original post was any help in getting it fixed?

Ertai Vodalion

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I retested after today's publish notes came out and the crustacean point values have been FIXED!

I got an order for 10 snow crabs which yielded a 10 fairy salmon bait.

Thank you Devs!

Now please fix the lava lobster traps ...err anchors.
this is good news - i can myself dropping some traps again and waiting for the *bob*


So then it's fixed? ....

I have to assume that it is, but I've stopped doing the quests until there was a difinative answer on the fix.

I'm assumeing (again) that if it is removed from the final publish notes that it isn't fixed? Please tell me Im wrong.




Crabs and lobsters are FIXED on Chesapeake for sure.

Now off to test lava lobster traps, though I really think I'm just going to be disappointed.


Lava lobster traps haven't changed, still boat anchors.

Trash Collector

I thought there was an update that indicated lava lobster traps only appear to be malfunctioning because the only thing you can trap in them is the lava lobster and it's not going to happen 100% of the time. If it bobs, you have one because it's the only crustacean living in lava.