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[Discussion] Continue the story with a rare you own


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
OK figured I would start this up as seems a little slow around here lately. The rules are to continue the story with a short paragraph or two with one of the words being a rare you own. Ill start off.

The lake at Merxmere Village was very still this morning. Usually things like that went unnoticed, but not this morning. It was like a ominous sign of events there were about to unfold. You could feel the power flowing from the scroll as it began to unfold, suddenly they burst into flames. "What Dark Magic is at play here?" I must bring these Self-Immolating Secret Notes to my colleague Gunga Din and see what he can make of it. -


Re: Word association game with a rares twist

OK figured I would start this up as seems a little slow around here lately. The rules are to continue the story with a short paragraph or two with one of the words being a rare you own. Ill start off.

The lake at Merxmere Village was very still this morning. Usually things like that went unnoticed, but not this morning. It was like a ominous sign of events there were about to unfold. You could feel the power flowing from the scroll as it began to unfold, suddenly they burst into flames. "What Dark Magic is at play here?" I must bring these Self-Immolating Secret Notes to my colleague Gunga Din and see what he can make of it. -
So he began to make his way to Guna's Humble home, still with an uneasy feeling on the back of his neck..as if being watched. As he came over the top of a hill he suddently was struck in the face with something mushy, As he wiped his eyes clear he saw running off into the trees an elusive Projectile Orc that had just covered him and his mount in mesanna cream pie!


Seasoned Veteran
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Re: Word association game with a rares twist

lol thats awesome!


Seasoned Veteran
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Re: Word association game with a rares twist

So he began to make his way to Guna's Humble home, still with an uneasy feeling on the back of his neck..as if being watched. As he came over the top of a hill he suddently was struck in the face with something mushy, As he wiped his eyes clear he saw running off into the trees an elusive Projectile Orc that had just covered him and his mount in mesanna cream pie!
He quickly gave chase, He noticed the Projectile Orc running into a heavy forest. He slowed his pace and looked around before entering the forest. He began to track the fowl orc threw the woods. He followed a path of broken leaves and branches that led him to a Magical Door in a mountain side.


Re: Word association game with a rares twist

He quickly gave chase, He noticed the Projectile Orc running into a heavy forest. He slowed his pace and looked around before entering the forest. He began to track the fowl orc threw the woods. He followed a path of broken leaves and branches that led him to a Magical Door in a mountain side.
As Lineman stepped through the sad face animated door he suddenly appeared in front of Gunga's house, which he discovered to be empty. Still cursing the orc, he followed the path of pretzel crumbs and found Gunga deep in the jungle, hidden behind a large palm tree, stalking the entrance to a small house. "Shhhhhhh!", he whispered to Lineman, "I think this old house is about to fall". Barely did he finished the sentence, when with a frightening roar the house collapsed and turned into a big pile of rubble. After a thorough search and because the rubble was very heavy and they left their packies to rest in Trinsic stables overnight, they only picked a Rubble Fire and head back home. "Hey", said one of them, "if a house falls into the woods and there's noone there, would it still make a noise?".


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Re: Word association game with a rares twist

And then lineman died and became one of a few felucca victims. Gunga relieved him of his gold pouch. The keen eyed Gunga put on his replica of the all seeing ancient lens and inspected the contents of his new wallet.


Re: Word association game with a rares twist

The only thing in Lineman's Wallet was some Pixie Dust, but I did strip the corpse of its Halloweenie Armor. Hey what the hell is this between his cold butt cheeks.....

Nightly Spirit

Re: Word association game with a rares twist

As Gunga began examining Lineman's body he became entangled by a tacky web. He looked around and there stood a evil shadowy figure holding a Death's Scyth Decoy. Gunga reached into his pirate boots, hoping that his knife was still there after falling into the dryad leaves.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Word association game with a rares twist

The shadowy figure spoke at that point, "NO WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!". "The notes he carries are they still intact?" "Speak now before I slay you". Gunga weighing his options at this point decided he could not reach his knife still entangled in the web. "I found him like this" Gunga spoke swiftly. "And the only thing he carries is the burnt remains of a scroll",

"If he is your friend then go get a ginseng root quick" muttered the figure. "There is still time, and make sure it is the lying down type, be quick time is of the essence".

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
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Glorious Lord
Re: Word association game with a rares twist

Gunga whiped his hands of on a nearby pile of Thin hay, Plucked a Petal from the Golden Lotus of Heaven growing nearby and placed it on his old friend in honor of his life. He headed of to hopefully find the Ginseng.


Re: Word association game with a rares twist

On his way to find the ginseng, Gunga came across a nice tavern. Hmmm , lineman, pint of ale, lineman, pint of ale....... So Gunga tried to drown his sorrows with a skull mug in his right hand and a golden goblet of wine in his left.

After many fine spirits, Gunga finally felt guilty, spit the last drop of ale from his mouth into a nearby a spittoon, and stumbled off in search of the ginseng.

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Glorious Lord
Re: Word association game with a rares twist

Walking down the trail in a stagger he picked up A Sharpened Stick to help him along. "I seem to remember Ginseng being by the Rift Pillars" Gunga thought and headed east.


Re: Word association game with a rares twist

Walking down the trail in a stagger he picked up A Sharpened Stick to help him along. "I seem to remember Ginseng being by the Rift Pillars" Gunga thought and headed east.
Unable to remember where the Rift Pillers where located in his drunken state he climbed to the top of a Two Story Statue and saw the pillers in the distance. HE quickly stumbled towards them and Plucked a Ginsing from the base of the nearest piller and hurried back to lineman. When he got to where he had last seen the seemingly lifeless body of his friend...the body was gone and all that remained was A Note Written In Blood, A Horizontal Line Running On the Top: Devils Bond.


Re: Word association game with a rares twist

The only thing in Lineman's Wallet was some Pixie Dust, but I did strip the corpse of its Halloweenie Armor. Hey what the hell is this between his cold butt cheeks.....
After Looking closer he relised that item between his cheeks was the Infamause C%$k Ring


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Re: Word association game with a rares twist

Gunga found a nearby horse evacuating itself of some dung. He mounted the silver steed and went off to the cat's lair. He gave up the quest to save lineman and decided he'd get some rainbow cloth instead and maybe a beer.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Word association game with a rares twist

"THAT FOOL" spat the shadowy figure, where has the one who called himself Gunga gone?. Probably off drinking or getting accustomed to the local wench he passed earlier dressed in that colorful cloth. Send a mortal on a simple task and this is what you get thought the dark figure. And these humans wonder why Sosaria is failing. If only he knew what was at stake. Too late for that now, resurrecting the body now would be almost impossible even with my powers he thought.

He sat there for what seemed hrs contemplating his options. That is it, yes why hadn't he thought of it sooner. Looking at Lineman's corpse he muttered a spell in a language long lost to most. Now to take Your Soul. He would find out what was on that note from the living or from the dead, it mattered not to him. What mattered was what was on that note, for he knew who had sent it, and that sent shivers, even down his spine. He must move quickly now.


Stratics Veteran
Re: Word association game with a rares twist

....and then there was silence....due to the mischievous nature of some within a 'sacred community' of Sosaria. You can heard thunder from the distance as agony strikes those who oppose a greater power.

It feels like there is disturbance in the air. The fog is thick around, so thick you can barely see, but upon shinning the light of my 'dragon prod' in the air, I was able to see clearly in the distance.

I can see all around.

Further than anyone else.

With a pristine clarity, I plan my next endeavor. I put on my coveted glasses and continue on a path to greatness.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Word association game with a rares twist

Meanwhile, on the other side of Soaria in the land called Baja, Manticore sits on his Time Out Chair looking at the mess the local goblins made from the previous night's party, splashing their goblin paints all over the walls and on other fine collectable items. He started picking his nose as he stared at this 30 feet tal Yew tree planted on the roof of his mansion. He had no idea how it got there but on the tree there was an ugly green portrait of some woman he's never seen. Nevertheless, it was a quite day, he thought about putting on his Royal Explorer's suit and his stealth Cebo-Shroud and go out on a hiking trip when suddenly....

Nightly Spirit

Re: Word association game with a rares twist

He remembered to never leave home without his trusty Daemon Blood Candle, with the inscription Kas Vas Falm Bal Xen, which would never burn out.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Word association game with a rares twist

Manticore grabbed his crook of mystical moo and began to head out the door. He put his rainbow cloth in a safe place and winked at the picture of Mesanna on the wall. "If you can't see it, you can't take it," he giggled to himself. And through the magical door he walked, ready to begin his journey.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Word association game with a rares twist

The Shadowy figure stood before the breach in the mountain, he had felt Maticores presence but it did not concern him. He knew Manticore would not journey far from the prison he had created for himself. Too many ancient artifacts, many with powers most could not understand, these could not be left unattended. No Manticore didn't concern him, what concerned him was a feeling he had never felt before. He laughed despite himself. When has evil feared evil?.

He would journey threw the night to reach the pillar of souls. There he would contact the spirit world to try and extract the message written on the scroll Lineman had carried upon his death. The message was the key and he knew that. An ICY FLAME ran up his spine as he thought about the consequences if he failed. He knew the time would be soon to reveal himself to this mortal world. Would they except it?. Could they?.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Word association game with a rares twist

The Shadowy figure stood before the breach in the mountain, he had felt Maticores presence but it did not concern him. He knew Manticore would not journey far from the prison he had created for himself. Too many ancient artifacts, many with powers most could not understand, these could not be left unattended. No Manticore didn't concern him, what concerned him was a feeling he had never felt before. He laughed despite himself. When has evil feared evil?.QUOTE]



Re: Word association game with a rares twist

How could they accept him? He did slain so many DEFENDERS of VIRTUES in his past. No, he had to find a quick way to contact the spirits and solve this puzzle. He knew what had to be done. It was what he feared the most. No, it was not another evil, as he feared no evil, but it was the unknown, and the unknown defeated him in the past. He gasped as he made the decision: he had to travel to the Abyss and search for the most feared and shady wizard of them all - The Mage with No Name. Nobody knew who he was or where he lived, he was seldomly spotted at Rares Festivals wearing his WORN and BLOODY ROBE. He will track his whereabout in the Abyss and "persuade" him to translate Lineman's note. But first he has to desguise his ethereal body, so he picked up the mantle sewned by himself off a LEATHER from a MUTANT WOLF.


Lore Keeper
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Re: Word association game with a rares twist

The mantle was an example of the very finest craftsmanship ... except for those last few stitches that were needed in the hem of the garment. How could he have forgotten to finish those stitches?! There was no time for delay. He quickly grabbed the Special Sewing Kit For A Thousand Stitches. His fingers flew as he finished the garment in record time.

He threw the mantle over his shoulders and picked up his Year of the Dragon Moon bag. The bag held Vespera's Festive Ferret Pie, his last bottle of Croden's Finest Grape Wine, A Secret Decoder Carrot From A Royal Spy Rabbit and a few other useful items.

He took one last sip of Sparkling Cherry Juice, grabbed A Fibril Of The Gyre Of Existence and made his way to the door.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Word association game with a rares twist

He gazed at the pillar of souls just ahead, apprehension causing his steps to slow. The Mage was waiting in the shadows as he always was. The mages hissing voice broke thru the silence. "Seeking knowledge beyond your means again are we dark one?" "That robe does not hide your true self spirit! Ahhh yes last time we met things were looking rather bleak for you, I see things were bleaker than I thought?".
Looking with disgust at the twisted mage the shadowy figure pulled out Lineman's soul and handed it to him. "I need to know what his last thoughts were, he had a scroll of extreme importance and I must know what was on it?.

"What have you brought me for payment?" the Mage croaked. The shadowy figure held up a VIAL OF DAEMON ESSENCE in front of the Mage. "That will do, yes that will do nicely". The Mage glanced at the dark one with a little more respect knowing where he must have been to get it.

The Mage started an ancient chant in front of the pillar holding the soul in front of himself. After several minutes he turned towards the shadowy figure laughing like the mad Mage himself. "So dark one, you wish to become mortal again, one life not enough for a lord?".

"The name, what was the name on the note Mage, tell me now!" The dark one yelled as he started towards the Mage.