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[Fishing] Make baits more effective

  • Thread starter Beastmaster
  • Start date
  • Watchers 1


Take a stroll through the big fish spreadsheet linked in the sticky above.

Notice how many of the fish were caught with "no bait". It's because the bonus baits give just isn't worth the effort to use them. Several fishermen have said they have 1000's of unused baits stored up because they are a waste of time.

I believe Mark was quoted as saying they add 1-2% chance to your success rate??? That's Abysmally low.

Maybe each application of bait should add say 1/4% chance as your wasted bait acts as chum? So after like 20 applications your chance has now improved to 5%. This could reset upon catching the desired fish, switching baits, or failing to continue use of the bait.


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As I said in other posts, what I think should be done is as follows :

# 1
Reduce the chances to fish rare fish without using them (hence one would be kinda forced to have to use baits to reasonably get rare fish..) and perhaps also raising the chances to catch rare fish using baits.

# 2
Making magic pies more appealing to players like allowing them to stack, be able to combine their bonuses eating more of them like I eat 1 pie I get 5 minutes boost, I eat 6 pies I get 30 minutes boost.... The more pies get used, the more steaks will be needed and therefore the more rare fish will need to be caught and, if using baits will be made a must to catch them rare fish, the result will be that baits will be a lot more wanted....

I also have not clear whether rare fish steaks coming from pirates' loot can be used for magic pies but if they can, they should be taken out or their number greatly reduced.

Rare fish steaks to make magic pies should only come from rare fish and rare fish should only be possible to catch using rare fish baits which come as rewards from fishing orders.


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I dont believe the fish from pirates can be used to make pies?



When you have fished and caught some of the rarest fish please come back and tell us how you feel then. The rarest fish are indeed VERY rare and the baits are VERY ineffective.


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When you have fished and caught some of the rarest fish please come back and tell us how you feel then. The rarest fish are indeed VERY rare and the baits are VERY ineffective.

But that is for only a handfull of rare fish. Many other "rare" fish can be caught just fine without baits and yet these baits are offered to fishermen turning in their orders even though they will hardly be ever used.

To make you an example, I have collected already over 4,000 Yellowtail Barracuda steaks without ever needing to use any of these baits. I have some 2,500 bait charges for Yellowtail Barracuda which I will probably never need to use since I already have more Yellowtail Barracuda steaks than I can ever need...

I also have some 400 Fire Fish steaks already since I started fishing for dungeon fish which I obtained without the need to use Fire Fish Baits.

But getting those baits which I have no use for, prevented me from getting some other reward which could have been more usefull to me.

This, also, is at a skill below Legendary. I would imagine that at Legendary the chances to fish up rare fish without a bait would go up as compared to lower skill. Meaning, if I have not needed to use those baits now, at a lower skill, I figure I will need it even less once at legendary level.


And what happens when you finally reach legendary and the only use you have for the order/reward system is those baits you despise. I know, I know, you already posted a spiel about the sense of doing orders after you hit 120, but the facts remain, the baits do not server their purpose AS IS. That is the subject of this thread, "Make baits more effective", not "Let's do away with baits". If that's your desire make your own thread.


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am i doing something wrong, here? When I apply bait to a pole, i can only do one charge and it is keystroke intensive to repeatedly apply then clcik pole then clcik target area. Withe lobster pots, i can clcik a stack of 25 and then drop em all in a nice neat line.

It would be nice if when you applied bait to a fishing pole, the default was a single charge yet you could enter a qty from 2 - 99.


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And what happens when you finally reach legendary and the only use you have for the order/reward system is those baits you despise. I know, I know, you already posted a spiel about the sense of doing orders after you hit 120, but the facts remain, the baits do not server their purpose AS IS. That is the subject of this thread, "Make baits more effective", not "Let's do away with baits". If that's your desire make your own thread.

I don't wanna do away with baits, on the contrary, I want them to be more needed.

Check out Post # 2.


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Stratics Legend
I fell like baits r worthless also but i have done about 500 fish quest and never recieved a single blue marlin bait. I have asked around on my shard and I person says he dont know y while another says he wont tell me. Can anyone let me know if there is some of way or am i just unlucky with the quests. At elder fishing I would think there must be another way.:confused::confused::confused:


I have done several hundred of the fishing quests, I'm at 115 fishing now, still no 12o scroll.

But.....out of ALL of those quests, ironically, I've recevied ONE blue marlin bait :p

Don't worry, it's not you, its the RNG :)

120 somedaaaaaayyyyy!!!


IMHO the problem with bait is not how much it aids you in catching fish, it is that the bait for the hardest fish to catch does not appear to be dropping. Bait could provide a 100% chance to catch the corresponding rare fish, but if that particular bait never drops, bait becomes irrelevant. Unless no one has posted pictures of the following rare bait, they have never dropped: Abysmal Dragonfish, Blood Lobster, Dread Lobster, Dungeon Pike, Lantern Fish, Rainbow Fish, Seeker Fish, Tunnel Crab, Void Crab, and Winter Dragonfish. That is the largest portion of the who's who list of the most difficult fish to fish up. Bait really isnt necessary for almost all the other fishes. Has anyone really used Yellowtail Barracuda bait for the purposes of catching Yellowtails :eek:


IMHO the problem with bait is not how much it aids you in catching fish, it is that the bait for the hardest fish to catch does not appear to be dropping. Bait could provide a 100% chance to catch the corresponding rare fish, but if that particular bait never drops, bait becomes irrelevant. Unless no one has posted pictures of the following rare bait, they have never dropped: Abysmal Dragonfish, Blood Lobster, Dread Lobster, Dungeon Pike, Lantern Fish, Rainbow Fish, Seeker Fish, Tunnel Crab, Void Crab, and Winter Dragonfish. That is the largest portion of the who's who list of the most difficult fish to fish up. Bait really isnt necessary for almost all the other fishes. Has anyone really used Yellowtail Barracuda bait for the purposes of catching Yellowtails :eek:

Part of the problem is we have not been getting the correct credit for our orders. If you are turning in orders with crustaceans in them you have not been getting the correct rewards. Hopefully Pub 70 will address this. Then maybe we will see the additional baits and books thus far unseen.


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It's already been stated that Publish 70 will correct the crustaceans.

I had originally planned to wait for it to turn in my orders with them, but with the delays, I decided to forge ahead, as I'm closing in on 110 (will get there this weekend, most likely), plus as the quality of quests is grounded in the number of complete quests for each fish type, I'll be in a better position when the publish does get done.


If correcting the value of crabs/lobsters in the reason or no high level bait,,,, that means that they are rarer/higher value than 120 scrolls?? Oh goddies:hahaha: