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[Fishing] My Dumb Luck...


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I am either having soem really really bad luck (RNG) or my character is bugged...

I have fished and fished and fished for some of the rarest of rare fish... and have yet to catch any of them...

Today I have spent 5 hours fishing for a Golden Tuna... used 400 golden Tuna baits and no tuna..

I have tried for the Winter Dragon fish... over 12 hours fishing for it and nada... Abyssal Dragon fish over 6 hours and nada.. Lantern Fish 3 hours.. nada.. Dungeon Pike 5 hours, nada...Seeker Fish almost 10 hours and nothing..

120 fishing and using baits when I can... even when I dont have the appropriate bait I am using the other baits to catch the semi rares in that location. EX - Summer Dragon fish, Bull Fish, Crystal Fish, Giant Koi, Giant Samuria Fish..

So am I just on a really really bad luck streak?


Always Present
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I am either having soem really really bad luck (RNG) or my character is bugged...

I have fished and fished and fished for some of the rarest of rare fish... and have yet to catch any of them...

Today I have spent 5 hours fishing for a Golden Tuna... used 400 golden Tuna baits and no tuna..

I have tried for the Winter Dragon fish... over 12 hours fishing for it and nada... Abyssal Dragon fish over 6 hours and nada.. Lantern Fish 3 hours.. nada.. Dungeon Pike 5 hours, nada...Seeker Fish almost 10 hours and nothing..

120 fishing and using baits when I can... even when I dont have the appropriate bait I am using the other baits to catch the semi rares in that location. EX - Summer Dragon fish, Bull Fish, Crystal Fish, Giant Koi, Giant Samuria Fish..

So am I just on a really really bad luck streak?

Using 400 baits is quite a good amount, I would have expected that you caught at least a few.

According to Fishing in the High Seas , Golden Tuna spawns only in Tokuno and only in Deepwater.

By the way, how does one move the ship from Trammel Waters to Tokuno Waters other than dry docking it and replacing it in Tokuno ?

Petra Fyde

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By the way, how does one move the ship from Trammel Waters to Tokuno Waters other than dry docking it and replacing it in Tokuno ?
There is no other way, dry dock and re-launch is the only choice.


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Got my boat in Tokonu in the deep water.. Caught enough Giant Koi to make 1700 fish steaks yesterday.. I fished into the night hitting a total of 10 hours fishing for golden tuna. Nada one jumped in my boat... I understand rare fish are just that RARE! but come on now..if they are this rare it makes them almost worth as much as a damn 120 fishing scroll...!

I did also catch 7 Giant Samurai Fish during this time...

I have logged in over 45 hours of Rare Fishing time and caught nada one rare fish... thats absurd!


Slightly Crazed
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Well ... I am only hat 105 fishing, but I stopped counting the monger quests at around 200. (That was before they increased the rate for ps and you could exceed 105 only by binding 105's.) Now I am back doing those quests and I still havent cought a single marlin (either blue or black) and only 1 tiny kingfish. My fishing chest (contains all uncommon fishes/carbs and lobster with only 'a few' of the dungeon fishes) exceeds 75k stones.
[Yes, I simply could buy a 110 from another player. But that wouldnt be the same. :D I want one personally handed over from the fish mongers.]


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I got my first 110 right as I hit 105 skill - I've gotten 3 more of them since, and I'm at 108.9 skill now.


Lore Keeper
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Fish storage is a problem, but I do all my Tokuno fishing in my rowboat.
When backpack is full, I just recall right off the boat. Same goes for all my Felucca fishing.


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Another 6 hours wasted in Tok waters trying to catch a Golden Tuna, another 750 K spent on 100 more baits and yet no Tuna..

I also changed my suit around just to incorporate Luck on my suit since I dont seem to be having in RL luck at this! Wearing 1800 in luck and that doesnt help either..

Oh well.. getting my deep sea fish boxes filled up, over 1K in most fish.. have like 40 Giant Samuria fish and over 2500 Koi fish steaks now!


Do you think there are two or three levels of rarity? Somedays I convince myself it is only 2, and then I fail for hours to fish up a certain rare fish and convince myself it is three levels? What is your best guess as to rarity? The commons seem about 1 in 100, but the scatter of data about the rarer (or rarest) is so uncertain it seems nearly impossible to decern. I suspect it is somewhere between 1 in 5000 and 1 in 100000 cast. Thought? Also, is there two + levels of rarity on the crabs/lobsters as there is clearly with fish? Not gotten to fishing them up yet as stuck on abyssmal dragonfish.


Do you think there are two or three levels of rarity? Somedays I convince myself it is only 2, and then I fail for hours to fish up a certain rare fish and convince myself it is three levels? What is your best guess as to rarity? The commons seem about 1 in 100, but the scatter of data about the rarer (or rarest) is so uncertain it seems nearly impossible to decern. I suspect it is somewhere between 1 in 5000 and 1 in 100000 cast. Thought? Also, is there two + levels of rarity on the crabs/lobsters as there is clearly with fish? Not gotten to fishing them up yet as stuck on abyssmal dragonfish.

Purely speculation on my part from my observations, I'd say there are 3 rarities of fish (talking only rares here) and at least 2 of crustaceans.


I wish they didn't secure this information like you were asking for the nuclear launchcodes. Is disseminating this information crucial? No. But . . . How I miss "5 on Friday" even if most of the questions I had no interest in. Sigh . . .


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I am going to go with 3 levels of rarity...

Lvl 1 examples... Koi, Barracuda, Fire, Reaper, Summer, Autumn, Crystal, Fairy, Bull, Stone, Unicorn..

Lvl 2 examples... Kingfish, Giant Samuria, Rainbow

Lvl 3 examples... Abyssal, Tuna, Seeker, Lantern, Dungeon pike, Winter, Spring...

At least thats the way it is feeling to me...

Sure the crabs are somewhere on the same type of level..


I can certainly buy a three tier system, and the commons are fairly easy to identify. It is the next level/levels that are much harder to catagorize. I had little trouble with the winter or spring dragonfish. I had relatively little trouble with golden tuna, particularly in comparison to the samuri fish. However, someone else says they have fished up 30 sammies and 0 golden tunas. The problem is that the chances of catching a rare fish is so small, and the RNG is fubared, that it is perhaps impossible to imperically determine the probablities or tiers. It is sort of like asking what is the chance of making a hole in one in golf without telling you how long the hole is. You have a chance at each tee box, and yes, even a bad golfer may get a hole in one before a good golfer, but estimating the actual chance is impossible. Would be nice if a Dev chimed in but , , , good luck. They are too busy guarding the vault containing the nuclear codes :eek:


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haha... got to agree with you on that.. I doubt the devs even gander into the professional forums!

I think it varies on any given day as to which is more rare than others... Tonight I fished for 2 hours in Ice on Fel side trying for a winter dragonfish with no luck again.. Thats a total of about 14 hours fishing for the winter without even a nibble..

But then again I am having trouble catching any and all of the would be rarest of the rare fish.. The only really rare fish I have caught that might not even be part of the rarest is the Spring Dragonfish..

Ill keep at it and post any updates I find or get...


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Update... 6 more hours over the past 2 days fishing only for the Winter Dragon fish in Ice Dungeon on the Fel side.. with no catch.

Think I am going to put off fishing for a while.. wait until after the upcoming patch, maybe something is buggy right now with fishing or my character.


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Another 2 hours invested last night on the Winter Dragon Fish and I finally netted one of the slippery ****ards...

After that I decided to try my luck on the Zombie fish since I had 700 baits stored up. Caught 3 Zombie fish in the process of using 500 baits.

Now on to one of the other rares ones...

Mr Bug

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Congrats man on finally getting one, I know sometimes it seems like they dont exist. Sure nice to bag one though when you finally do. !! I know you worked hard for it. I've been going for another Abyssal dragonfish last few days and no luck and quite a few hours in destard spent. Good Luck with the next conquest!!

Lord Aphid/ The Albatross LS


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Thanks Albatross!

Yes it was nice to finally catch the Winter Dragon... lot of hours invested in that one..

Last night I decided to head back out to Tokuno and try for the golden tuna. I had previously logged about 21 total hours fishing for one and 500 baits used with not a single Golden Tuna.. I put in another 3 hours last night without a catch. I will keep at it, eventually my luck is going to have to change for the better!


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6 hours tonight seeking the Seeker fish in the Labrinyth to no avail :-(

At about a total of 16 hours seeking this rare bad boy... one of these days! Did manage about 130 of each of the dungeon fish tonight and plenty of Bull Fish were caught! Rend kept me on my toes tonight as well, so I obtained plenty of grey robes while I was there tonight..


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Tuna Caught.... Tuna Caught...!

Finally after about an hour of fishing this morning I netted a skinny 20 stone Golden Tuna!

Only took about 24 hours of fishing those waters of Tok to pull that bad boy in..

Check... another one off the list..


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Well finally after over 27 hours in the depths of the Labrynith I landed a Seeker Fish! Measly little 20 stoner.. but none the less... a Seeker!


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Weird... over 27 hours to catch my first one and here it is an hour later and another one has been netted. A much fatter one this time, he tipped the scales at 157 stones!


I have finally finished catching all the fish. Now just 3 lobsters/crabs to go plus the missing Void Lobster. In the million or so hours that it took to finally fish up a Lantern Fish, I tossed traps in the river and never caught a void, so decent chance it does not live there.


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I netted my Dungeon pike the night before last, so I am now working on the Lantern Fish myself... not a very easy task at all... Cant seem to keep the Hydras and Serps down at the end of the river.. any advice on keeping them at bay?

Thought about duel accounts, fisher and maybe an EVer, but figured that wouldnt help much... then thought I could put my sampire in the other room with deamons and maybe the hydras and serps would stay targetted on my samp in there?


The only way that I have found to do it by yourself is to have, at a minimum the ability to area peace. If you can get into the hydra room (quite frankly I also put stealth on my fisher to help), you can drag all the spawn to the south and then you must area peace everything and use ticket to hop out of the dungeon and then return. If you do not area peace what you have drawn away, particularly the hydra cheat and are able to immediately retarget you and track you down. (big bug) You can reach three spots to fish, one next to the waterfall, one just south of that, and one you can just reach on the shore and still stay behind the wall of rocks so that unless there are three deamon, they cant hit you with spells. (total 28 fish) The spot to target is right on the shore, just beyond a tiny jut of shore into the river. If you cant area peace, I have no idea how to do it because the hydra retarget you even if you invis, go to another subserver, or even log out!:yell: