In the words of Bill s. preston Esquire and Ted theodore Logan " be excelent to each other"
As for the whole "you guys are a zerg" " na-uhh, you guys are the ones that zerg" " your mom is the one that is the zerg" thing, I got to say that I love it I dont know of any guild that reserves a "fair" fight (sometimes in a duel but not always). Most of you know that my chars roll in a group of less than the average bear, so I have seen my share of ganks I used to try to rock it solo and would get mad if I had a group smoke me, then a guy ( after he killed me) gave me some advise, " if your tired of always getting ganked, join a bigger guild" at first I thought this was the hot garbage way, but I realize this guy was on to something. The game is a "Massive multiplayer role playing game" the more the merrier. part of what makes the game fun is the anticipation, the excitement of making it out of a seemingly dire unforgiveable situation. And the gate fights with large numbers of people are dare i say awesome. I have seen elite PVPers and program assisted supermen alike run around and try to survive from the mass attacks of novice to seasoned non affiliated and most of the time uncoodinated group fights. when you are on the recieveing end of a mass on few fight, it is easy to get distracted and refrence the "fairness" of the fight, relax its part of the fun, albeit doesnt seem like it at the time. Guilds that support the mass attacks demonstrate a dynamic of the game that is as entertaining as it is sometimes complex. Incorperation of the principles of patroling demonstrates leadership.
As for the whole "you guys are a zerg" " na-uhh, you guys are the ones that zerg" " your mom is the one that is the zerg" thing, I got to say that I love it I dont know of any guild that reserves a "fair" fight (sometimes in a duel but not always). Most of you know that my chars roll in a group of less than the average bear, so I have seen my share of ganks I used to try to rock it solo and would get mad if I had a group smoke me, then a guy ( after he killed me) gave me some advise, " if your tired of always getting ganked, join a bigger guild" at first I thought this was the hot garbage way, but I realize this guy was on to something. The game is a "Massive multiplayer role playing game" the more the merrier. part of what makes the game fun is the anticipation, the excitement of making it out of a seemingly dire unforgiveable situation. And the gate fights with large numbers of people are dare i say awesome. I have seen elite PVPers and program assisted supermen alike run around and try to survive from the mass attacks of novice to seasoned non affiliated and most of the time uncoodinated group fights. when you are on the recieveing end of a mass on few fight, it is easy to get distracted and refrence the "fairness" of the fight, relax its part of the fun, albeit doesnt seem like it at the time. Guilds that support the mass attacks demonstrate a dynamic of the game that is as entertaining as it is sometimes complex. Incorperation of the principles of patroling demonstrates leadership.