Zelda of Zed
Zelda and Three Stooges
(see pic at bottom)
Here is a giggle for those of you who have been trying to do the Mag event, and had to put up with the *LITTLE ONES*.
You know the LITTLE ONES that come in when you have the Blackrock monster half way done, and then WOD of death it, to take the prize you were working for!
Yeah you know who im talking about!
One of them jumpped on our boat and tired to take off with it tonight, but i got lucky and got a hold of the boat. I then moved the boat away from land, I asked him to leave our boat, when I took him near land to let him off, one of his other friends was ready to jump on. (yeah we were using a little boat, but come on.. were these folks rasie by wolfs, and not taught any manors or respect for anyone?... guess not... cause they act worse then my 2 year old nephew)
I asked him again to leave our boat, when he refused, claiming he didnt have a way to get back to Mag. I told him i really didnt care, it was not my problem. (smirks) He was asked to leave again several more times, and said he wanted to be taken back to Mag, and I informed him, that was not going to happen he would have to get off the boat how ever he could. He then gated in his friends to our boat, so he was able to leave our boat at anytime. So i took them for a nice long ride ( i was done in Mag anways for the evening.. and could not resist the fun, of going for a ride with my new friends). Took them all the way to the Seprts Pilliar, went to Papau and left them there!
If nothing else, for a half an hour you folks that were in mag,
had a chance, with out the childen being there!
(p.s. Sundina I will replace your ship...lol)
Hope You enjoyed the ride "LITTLE ONES"