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[Fishing] Finally! An answer, and a good one, I hope



Got this today.

Mark_Mythic said:
Thank you for the message. I will try to have it fixed for pub 70.

Sorry about the delay in writing back. I've been really busy with trying to wrap up the live story and getting Magincia ready.

Beastmaster said:
This post has the empirical data to back our claim of trapped fish values equaling shallow water.



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I got this reply back, myself...

Mark_Mythic said:
Thank you for the note, I am looking into the crustacean reward weight issue.

BTW, the longer you leave a trap in the water, the more likely it will have something good. Traps can hold up to 5 lobsters/crabs. It would have 5 if you left the trap there for around 10 minutes. Of course, the longer you leave the trap the more likely it will sink. However, the best way to do it is play averages, put down a lot of traps, expect to lose about half of them and the quality of the catch in the other traps will hopefully make up for it.

IMO, optimum time to pick up a trap is when it has caught 3 lobsters if you are trying to catch lobster/crabs for the fishing quest. The last 2 pulses start giving a good chance at getting enchanted and legendary crustaceans but there is a relatively high chance to lose the trap.

Best regards,

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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That means I've been shooting myself in the foot picking them up after the first bob, but traps on Siege come expensive.


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not really petra ! I went out this morning to test this leaving 30 traps for 5 min losing 6 traps in 5 min pulling single traps i can more than double what i get leaving 5 min and lose 0 traps


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now I suppose if losing traps means nothing you could go out and lay 100 or so and pick them up and get more crab/lobsters in the long run but the trap lose would be great IMO


Lore Master
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I've noticed the traps catch more lobsters when you wait after the first *bob*, however Storm summarized perfectly what usually happens when you wait too long.


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It isn't the QUANTITY of catch that's the issue - it's the QUALITY you lose by single-bob pulls.


UO Forum Moderator
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it has no effect on quality i just ran 30 pots for 10 min here are the totals
regular lobsters =6
regular crab=12
king crab=1
spiney lobster=1
rock lobster =1
dungeon crab=4
rock crab =3
blue crab=1
total crab/lobster=35 18 regular 17 named

pots lost 14

i can get way better than that in ten minutes pulling pots every min

i will do a five and post the totals in a minute after supper then i will do a 1min soak and show you the totals


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here are the results from 5 min soak 2 times for total of ten min 30 pots at a time replacing lost pots

1st run
regular crab =9
regular lobster=7
dungeon crab=2
rock lobster =2
spine =1

9 p0ts lost

total crab/lobsters =25 reg crab lobster =16 named = 9

round 2

regular crab=11
reg lobster=7
blue crab=3
snow crab=3
shovel =1
king crab=2
dungeon =1

total =30 regular crab/lobster = 18 named =12 pots lost =3

total =43 regular crab/lobster =33 named =21 total pots lost =12

first 5 1 min soak of 30 pots
regular crab=24
reg loster=31
rock lob=2

regular/crab/lobster=55 named=19
0 pots lost

second 5 1 min soak of 30 pots

regular lobsters=24
regular crab=21
rock lobster=2

regular crab/lobster=45 named = 22

all total for 10 soaks at 1 min each for 30 pots
total regular/crab/lobster= 90 total named =41 total pots lost=0


UO Forum Moderator
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as you can see the 1 min soaks are for more productive imo and cost effective


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For you, maybe - not for me, or a lot of other people.

I'm failing to see how pulling 20-25% named is an improvement over 33-40% named, other than building points in the library. You claim a LOT more named stuff in your tests than I see in the reality of my day-to-day fishing.

For me:

Pull on one bob: will be lucky to have ONE named per 9 traps attempted. I gave up on that method after putting down 9 traps 4 times, and getting THREE named types - after getting maybe ten named ones in an hour of 1-bob fishing the day before.

On the other hand, I might lose 1-2 traps by waiting for 2 bobs on the majority of the ones placed, but I end up with 40-80% named crabs/lobsters in doing so. Even so, several of the traps will have only bobbed once (and still occasionally not at all, but I still pull them out of fear of losing them).

Besides, Mark is referring more to the rare types, not the uncommon named types, when it comes to the long soaks - and all your test does is a volume of normal/uncommon types - which is like testing a car's maximum speed for a 200 mile race when someone was asking for a test to see if the car could handle the 24 hour at le Mans or Daytona. It's apples & oranges.


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as for the rares you could be correct!
as for the results of my examples these are the norms for 1 min soaks as for the ten min and 5 I only ran through just to get a rough idea I may have had a bad run with the rng

but the 1 min soaks I stand behind my results and would be more than willing for you to follow me and watch if you think I made these up!


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my thinking is around 4 to 6 min is going to give the best ration of lost traps to named fish ! as for the rares who knows
What i was trying to show here is for time invested and the cost of traps when trying to get the uncommon or the regular crabs/lobsters the 1 min soak seems best !
the one drawback I see is there is a lot more mouse clicks placing and pulling traps!


Always Present
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Got this today.

Mark_Mythic said:
Thank you for the message. I will try to have it fixed for pub 70.

Sorry about the delay in writing back. I've been really busy with trying to wrap up the live story and getting Magincia ready.

Beastmaster said:
This post has the empirical data to back our claim of trapped fish values equaling shallow water.


Does anyone know when moreless Publish 70 is supposed to be released ?

Just to figure out whether I'd prefer to keep wasting my crabs and lobsters or just stop my orders and stock them up to resume after the Publish.....


Always Present
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my thinking is around 4 to 6 min is going to give the best ration of lost traps to named fish ! as for the rares who knows
What i was trying to show here is for time invested and the cost of traps when trying to get the uncommon or the regular crabs/lobsters the 1 min soak seems best !
the one drawback I see is there is a lot more mouse clicks placing and pulling traps!

I'd very much like to see a new fishing orders' reward : a special trap (not lava) that is more resistant to sinking....

It could well be a high end reward, I do not mind, but such that players could use more reliably than the regular traps......

It should still be capable of sinking only, not as much as the regular ones, perhaps at twice the capacity (10 crustaceans...) ?

Kas Althume

Crazed Zealot
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This are my results @ 110 skill after 10.000 crabs & lobsters. I always pull them up the second they bob. I hardly lose any traps. 37,21% of my catches are named stuff. With the trap-price on siege i don't really want to test another 10.000 with the 5 minute timer ...

total crabs & lobsters 10086

total lobsters 5042 (49.99%)
plain lobsters 3176 (31.49%)
hummer lobster 309 (3.06%)
crusty lobster 287 (2.85%)
rock lobster 297 (2.94%)
fred lobster 359 (3.56%)
shovel-nose lobster 300 (2.97%)
spiney lobster 314 (3.11%)

total crabs 5044 (50.01%)
plain crabs 3157 (31.30%)
blue crab 300 (2.97%)
snow crab 315 (3.12%)
rock crab 316 (3.13%)
king crab 353 (3.50%)
apple crab 307 (3.04%)
dungeoness crab 296 (2.93%)


UO Forum Moderator
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I wish I could get half those numbers - then again, I'm still in the 106.5 or so area of skill. the last time I tried one and dones was before 105.

I've started noticing an uptick in my results in the 2-bob fishing (really, it's more of a cast 15-20 times while letting the traps sit, then start picking them up), and wonder if skill finally is starting to come into play.


Crazed Zealot
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This are my results @ 110 skill after 10.000 crabs & lobsters. I always pull them up the second they bob. I hardly lose any traps. 37,21% of my catches are named stuff. With the trap-price on siege i don't really want to test another 10.000 with the 5 minute timer ...

total crabs & lobsters 10086

total lobsters 5042 (49.99%)
plain lobsters 3176 (31.49%)
hummer lobster 309 (3.06%)
crusty lobster 287 (2.85%)
rock lobster 297 (2.94%)
fred lobster 359 (3.56%)
shovel-nose lobster 300 (2.97%)
spiney lobster 314 (3.11%)

total crabs 5044 (50.01%)
plain crabs 3157 (31.30%)
blue crab 300 (2.97%)
snow crab 315 (3.12%)
rock crab 316 (3.13%)
king crab 353 (3.50%)
apple crab 307 (3.04%)
dungeoness crab 296 (2.93%)
Out of interest, How long did it take to get those 10,000 crab/lobster?


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For me there was a pretty noticeable difference between 105 and 110 skill

Kas Althume

Crazed Zealot
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@ mapper: I got my first 110Scroll on January, 15th on SP. Took 2 days to get to 110 (from 105) so jan 17th until feb 12th. Basically a month. I crab mainly at the weekends tho. Just after breakfast i throw in some DVD and watch a movie in window mode. Can't tell exactly how much time i used but if you count all saturdays and sundays and multiply it with 2 (2h approx movie length) you get the time spent.


Crazed Zealot
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I miscounted and thought, Had you donated all those to the Library you'd be 10% the way there to getting a Britannian Ship. But It would only be 1%.. :eek: :p


My test:
A)15 traps for 4 minutes (3 bobs) vs.
B)15 traps deployed for 1 minute (1 bob) 4 times each (note: each trap was pulled at each minute whether it bobbed or not)

A)lost 5 traps
8 named
6 unnamed

B)lost 0 traps
15 named
23 unnamed

This test was not designed to test for RARE crustaceans and Mark's claim may very well be true with respect to those, but to fill orders the 1 minute method is superior time wise.


Lore Master
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Same experiment, my results (110.9 skill):

A) lost 4 traps
6 named
9 unnamed

B) lost 0 traps
6 named
18 unnamed

New experiment, 15 traps put for 10 minutes:

lost 10 traps
5 named
2 unnamed