It would destroy my evil image !!! At least a flower I could handle, but a freaking teddy bear !!!
I'm EVIL !!! EVIL I say !!!! Stinking bear
Did the dev team ask Gareth for input on this one?
Well ye can do all the things Tazar suggested. And possibly see if maybe it can be dyed evil black or something sitting upon a blood tile on ye porch, if it dyes with plant or tok dyes.
Or think of the cute lil bear as a *fishing lure* in a purely evil way.
Slap some pretty flowers around it, and a border of prior holidays' gingerbread cookies and lollipops, on ye porch.
If a home *looks evil* whom in their right mind, will go there ?
Everyone could think they are approaching the home of some cute and cuddly kind sweetheart, if ye put bear on porch with cookies and lollipops,

but lo and behold it will be their doom...
cuz ya used cutesy bear, as a ' fishin' lure' to bring in all the innocent Hanzels and Grettels, to your home and to your evil oven, to

to rob them or bake them in ye oven of...death !