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[Discussion] My Original Glacial Pickaxe got changed to a brown color...


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sundina and I have had one of the three original glacial pickaxes locked down in our castle for many years. We have decided to redecorate and noticed that it is now some brown color, the same color that all gargoyle's pickaxes have become after some patch not too long ago. The way to tell real glacial pickaxes from the dupes is that the original ones say "a gargoyle's pickaxe" and not just "pickaxe." So i e-mailed Mesanna asking her to change it back and she told me that if she saw the pickaxe as glacial color before it was brown then she would fix it, but since she didn't shes not fixing it.... i mean this is a chesapeake event item a shard i have played on my whole uo life.... im not making anything up and i am a fairly known rare collector, it isn't something difficult for her to do.... way to ruin a rare

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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i mean this is a chesapeake event item a shard i have played on my whole uo life.... im not making anything up and i am a fairly known rare collector, it isn't something difficult for her to do.... way to ruin a rare
Chesapeake historic item destroyed BOOOOOoooo!!! Now the real items are destroyed and the Dupes only remain! EA gets two thumbs way down!!!

(I don't like seeing shard history destroyed because someone messed up. I want to know who was responsible for that patch)

Cant they check when the item was created? Then cross reference to the date of the event?


A Necromancy Shroud (~12) *
Cynadria's Broken Heart (1)
Fire colored Gargoyle Pickaxe (3)
Ice colored Gargoyle Pickaxe (3)
Imp Race Participant Sash (25-30)

Cerwin Vega

Lore Master
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This really seems to be getting out of hand... They just need to let the colored stuff alone and stop people from making it in the future.

Nightly Spirit

Perhaps informing the GMs of ingame colors would be a good thing? This is truely unreal that they just out of nowhere decide they gonna change a items color. What is the point of collecting anything if they just gonna get rid of it anyways?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Unfortunately, no way to verify because anyone could say that their "gargoyle pickaxe" was glacial....

I'm sorry, but just because of reptuation shouldn't give you any special priviledges....what makes your situation different than any other collector that falls into the same perdiciment?

And for those who are worried about specific items become oboslete, reverted, etc.....it's happened PLENTY of times and hasn't stopped anyone. Look at when glassblowing was introduce which KILLED tons of high valued server birth items.

Game is subject to change during online play. Get used to it.

Smokey of LS

in my opinion thats BS mesanna wants to pick and chose what she wants to "look" into and fix things for some people but not others??? dont sound much like right.... i think people runnin this game are gettin priorities wrong. how bout mesanna look mor into the shards that dont have active em's or em's that dont do **** on their shards..... seems some shards get ALOT more of her attention than many many other shards. i dont like the ethics period.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Unfortunately, no way to verify because anyone could say that their "gargoyle pickaxe" was glacial....

I'm sorry, but just because of reptuation shouldn't give you any special priviledges....what makes your situation different than any other collector that falls into the same perdiciment?

And for those who are worried about specific items become oboslete, reverted, etc.....it's happened PLENTY of times and hasn't stopped anyone. Look at when glassblowing was introduce which KILLED tons of high valued server birth items.

Game is subject to change during online play. Get used to it.
i just think its kind of dumb that the 3 legit glacial pickaxes are now a regular color and the duped ones remain glacial... Mesanna should have a way to look at the item and tell if it was glacial or something, then again i guess its the ems fault back then for not naming the thing something special

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
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Glorious Lord
Do you by chance have a screen shot of the before and after you could send her?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i just think its kind of dumb that the 3 legit glacial pickaxes are now a regular color and the duped ones remain glacial... Mesanna should have a way to look at the item and tell if it was glacial or something, then again i guess its the ems fault back then for not naming the thing something special
Ok, then I take that back....didn't know that the dupes are still around.

Ok....but it will be difficult...even if you take Nabin's suggestion. Photos can easily be doctored.

Hunter Moon

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If only some of them have been changed in color, that implies that an actual individual had to change it and it wasn't a sweeping update that automatically adjusted the color on all of these (ie like the old duped colored shrouds turned to monks robes). IF that is indeed the case, someone had to actually see it and change it and thus would have seen it glacial in the first place. How hard could it be to look into who would have had the power to do this and ask around? I don't think just anyone could and each shard only has so many GMs.

Just a thought for any wandering people of power who would like to help out the loyal rares collectors of UO.

Hunter Moon [HOT] Atlantic


Rares Fest Host | LS April 2011
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Stratics Legend
1 or 2 pubs ago, all the "A gargoyle's pickaxe" were changed to a new hue. There was 3 glacial and 3 fire colored gargoyle's pickaxe that were changed too automatically.
This wasnt a change that a GM did manually, it was in a patch and all gargoyle pickaxes on all shards have this new hue now.
I do not understand why devs write code to do that.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
1 or 2 pubs ago, all the "A gargoyle's pickaxe" were changed to a new hue. There was 3 glacial and 3 fire colored gargoyle's pickaxe that were changed too automatically.
This wasnt a change that a GM did manually, it was in a patch and all gargoyle pickaxes on all shards have this new hue now.
I do not understand why devs write code to do that.
Because every item has a tokenid or itemid tag used for identification. I'm sure one of the attributes is the hue. It is much easier to switch the hue tag....and unfortunately, sounds like these were just a mis-hued item than the original. This would make it incredibly difficult to identify from any other gargoyle's pickaxe after the changes were implemented.

However, if you take an exploit, such as when the Robe of Britannia "Ari" was doggie duped into purple hued "Hooded Shroud of Horrors" ---- that is extremely easy to identify:

itemid = 'Hooded Shroud of Horrors"
itemhue = 'Purple'

Just depends on the situation and item involved. Although something may seem very easy to fix, there is a lot of logic that comes into play with the technical aspect.


in my opinion thats BS mesanna wants to pick and chose what she wants to "look" into and fix things for some people but not others??? dont sound much like right.... i think people runnin this game are gettin priorities wrong. how bout mesanna look mor into the shards that dont have active em's or em's that dont do **** on their shards..... seems some shards get ALOT more of her attention than many many other shards. i dont like the ethics period.
This is my exact opinion. EXACT. It's bull****.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Because every item has a tokenid or itemid tag used for identification. I'm sure one of the attributes is the hue. It is much easier to switch the hue tag....and unfortunately, sounds like these were just a mis-hued item than the original. This would make it incredibly difficult to identify from any other gargoyle's pickaxe after the changes were implemented.

However, if you take an exploit, such as when the Robe of Britannia "Ari" was doggie duped into purple hued "Hooded Shroud of Horrors" ---- that is extremely easy to identify:

itemid = 'Hooded Shroud of Horrors"
itemhue = 'Purple'

Just depends on the situation and item involved. Although something may seem very easy to fix, there is a lot of logic that comes into play with the technical aspect.
yeah i kind of blame the EMs back then for not naming the pickaxes something unique, i mean really how hard would that have been to do... it was a season 2 event item, we are now in season 9 so it is a very old item, that EM team back then was very different, u had to be on at the time to know an event was going on, and they had the power to squelch people and send them to jail during events, i wish the new EMs could squelch and send rude people to jail still :/

Smokey of LS

bascially all the pickaxes, glacial or non glacial more than like have the same item id... same type item and graphic, so when they change that item id any pickaxes with that id which should be all would change. unless the real ones somehow have a different item id. each specific axe dont have a different id.