The items will be personalized, that is our first deterrent against people trying to sell them. The idea is that if they are special to you, you will be discouraged from selling them. If you decide to sell them, that would constitute "demerit" points and could result in demotion or expulsion from the guard. Why? First off, we don't want people to do this simply for items to sell, as far as an IC reason your selling an official uniform could be used by the enemy to do bad things...and of course, that's not good!"We have methods in place so that if you try to sell your royal guard merit items Actions will be taken."
What if someone uses an insurance bug on me and poof my item becomes uninsured and they loot it. Am I now punished because someone used a bug on me?
Guildmate or alliance member steals the item from me because it was not insured or something...Am I now punished?
Someone hacks my account or a friend cleans it off and then goes and sells the item, am I now punished for that?
What if I sell my account and the new owner now has the item and has no idea about this "item agreement" and they sell it and then what happens?
Going along that same line can I use the "Account Access Transfer program" with this EM item on the account?
How do I prove to you that ANY of the things above actually happened? Do you take my word for it? Is their some sort of process in place for this type of situation?
If Sally To Little quits Ultima Online and give me her items, can I sell it? Do I get action taken against me for selling a item Sally To Little gave to me?
If someone drops their item on the ground by accident or on purpose can I sell it? Do I get action taken against me for selling a item someone else dropped on the ground?
What if a solar flare strikes the earth and my computer fries but the UO servers are still running and my credit card company doesn't accept the charge and poof my house falls with the item in it and then two years later I come back, will I be punished?
What if a meteor strikes the Atlantic ocean and a tidal wave......
I want to know more about the EXACT policy I will be agreeing to before I just join the Royal Guard. I would like to see it written out and not just all of a sudden posted when something happens which makes it look like you just made it up on the fly. I just laugh watching people blindly agree to joining such a thing and they don't even know what they are agreeing to.
So like here is an example. So like if we sell it are you going to delete the item? Because if you do the only person your messing over is the buyer, I already have their gold and then the buyer...who is probably a rare collector is going to come after you and so is the entire rare collectors community....and then you will just be in deep poo poo...
Now I will quote this again
"if you try to sell your royal guard merit items Actions will be taken."
See you are leaving this "Action will be taken" thing to my imagination and when you let my imagination decide what you mean by action will be taken then it goes to a very big worse case scenario and "what if" game. Now I have thousands of little men that run around in all different directions in my head so I will let you imagine what else I am thinking LoL
We are doing this to give players something they can feel proud of having accomplished. A lot of times players ask us to take home something that symbolizes their accomplishment during contests, this our attempt at giving you that. As far as all the other "What If..." scenarios that were presented, we will deal with extreme cases (solar flares, tidal waves, locust clouds, alien invasions, apocalypses, account transfers) on a case by case basis.
Apologies for any confusion.