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[Discussion] Rares Fest Auction Items! what are you bringing



I know that there was a thread for this somewhere but cant find it so ill just start a new one so we can all see what everyone is bringing to the fest for the auction i will bring:
A Block of Verite-from what i have read its 1/6 but could be wrong? from Lake Superior shard, square pillow type graphic verite color

Member of the Royal Britanna Navy boots-from Legends shard. no idea on numbers or season

A Daemon Hide- 1/3 of this color from what i have been able to find from Pacific shard season 2 the color is greyish


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm bringing a Santa's Ring and a neon leather dye tub.

Ring is from Season 5 (2006) Baja 1 of 7
Crystalline Ring Properties


Orc Chief Helm
Shroud of Tal'keesh
Neon Leather Dye Tub
Red Lady "Portrait"
Facial Hair Growth and Sculpting Cream
Two old Khaldun Wall Carvings (North Wall/2 pieces not sets)

Maybe more not sure at this time


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Pyramid of Death Survivor Blaze Skull Candle
Heartwood Finest Turkeyshooter Bow
mutated elf items
christmas angel boxes
rare big majik flippers from Baja rare
I was not the last man standing sash on atlantic
Mesanna Jack O lantterns


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I may take my Xmas Eve set pieces from Atlantic. The Scales of the Nuenbem

Angel Dust

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You mean what are we bringing for vendor or for auction?
Lots for vendor

for auction I might add:
Flesh stripped pile of bones
Sharbtur ob rigor necklace and sash
seers of moonstone staff


I think we should keep this thread for auction items, maybe another for vendor items?


Chessmen Set (With Golden Chessboard)
Checkers Set
Birds of Britannia (open book, server birth)

I'll probably toss those in auction.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Auction house is complete so if ya want you can start getting items to us. Have plenty of room ) please only submit item by contacting Demon or myself thru icq first to avoid impostors thxs


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
you can also contact Sundina to submit items, my icq is 102388892 and hers is 95509325, shes my girl and is as trustworthy as me and ran the auction and festival with me during the last chesapeake rares festival


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
you can also contact Sundina to submit items, my icq is 102388892 and hers is 95509325, shes my girl and is as trustworthy as me and ran the auction and festival with me during the last chesapeake rares festival
Oops sorry didn't mention Sun, I keep thinking of you two as one for some reason lol. Also I will have a teleporter in my Museum to silent auction house. And rest assured that it just Demon and Sun who are co owned to house. And house will be made private anytime something is locked down or released. It is pretty much a fail safe system as demonstrated by Demon and Sundina at last Chessy Fest.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Bump, time for some of you big time collectors to part with an item or two and get em to the auction. We have some nice items displayed already.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
just so everyone knows, bids will be taken on all items in the auction until Sunday January 30th at 6:00 pm eastern

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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Wiki Moderator
I cannot decide which one I want to put in the auction

Tome of Necromantic Ensorcelment [Runebook, Blessed]
Tome of Necromantic Ensorcelment [Open Green Book, Blessed]


My neon dye tub is stuck on purple now. With the tubs being stuck on the last color it sucks that you don't have the options you used to have but that particular color will become a lot rarer. Not sure if I will hold on to it or sell now.

On a side note the 1st year leather dye tubs were reverted as well bleh.

Sarah Styles

The hay in the previos post.

Elite bow

Maybe my Blaze Cu and Prepatch Nightmare from 1999-2000

Most likely my midnight silk dress.

Nightly Spirit

I believe this is what people were bringing to the last fest.

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
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Glorious Lord
I plan on bringing a whole bunch of Gold!

Bon Iver

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Oops, didn't even recognize the date. Ahahaha!

Oh what a fool. :lol: