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(RP) The Meeting. Part one.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Dionysis hunkered down, using his skills to blend in to his environment. He settles and sits still. Dion remembers the words...

Kelmo always advised against be 'twitchy'. "Pick a spot and stay" Kelmo always advised. Dionysis quietly chuckles... "like his old ass would be out here."

Using arcane and ancient magic, Dionysis shifts into a swift form. The wolf. He eyes the target... a keep.

Cheapsuit lived there once... No telling what is inside. Perhaps nothing. Just like his cold dead heart.

Like clockwork a gate appears. Diablo steps out.

Dion remembers... "Most that have spotted a house destined to fall are idiots."

"All of them?" Dion asks.

"No" Kelmo responds. "Some are just seeking to recover past treasures".

"Those you should leave be."

Dionysis snaps out of memories... A gate appears. Diablo again... Different name, still the same.

Dion chuckles quietly, "twitchy".

The keep falls... no sound. It is just gone. It is the way of things.

Dion remembers.

"Never rush in Dionysis", Kelmo advises. "See what is happening"

Dion looks over what is left and smiles... The keep fell, yet there is little left.

Dion pokes though what is there... Takes an item or two and sees the gate.

"all your's Diablo"

Dionysis has other places to be.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Re: The Prelude.

Dionysis moves on. He thinks to himself, "At least Cheapsuit did it right this time. All the real treasures were obviously stored safely away."

Though magery is one of the skills he possesses, Dion chooses to walk. "You see many more interesting things this way."

The lone wolf settles into a snow bank near the Trinsic portal and waits. Again. there is no sound. The walls just disappear. It is different this time. The first thing that Dion notices is the couple of dozen flashing soul stones surrounded by stacks of chests.

Taking a look around, Dion sees no evidence of "company". He begins the grim work of sorting through another's treasures and past.

"Always remember, Dionysis... there is nothing personal in this wretched business. We are not seeking to gain. We have plenty. We seek to preserve first and foremost." Kelmo is fond of saying.

"Pompous ass" Dion thinks. "he sits in a warm room, while I am out here doing the deed."

Dion chuckles and shakes his head... There is no other he would rather work with. He looks over the crates he has rescued from oblivion. Soulstones secured and identified, useful items packed away for redistribution, a couple of trinkets... just because.

Five trips back and forth. This was a major fall. While never pleased to see some one just... disappear. The goods are secured.

Mook Chessy

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Re: The Prelude.

I'm not much of a Rp'er but here goes...

RP sits in his office, pounding away at his keyboard. I need to feed the family and keep a roof over everyone's head.

He has a some spare time and decides to check stratics...his face tightens as he reads Kelmo's post, can this be...homes are still falling during the day!

He quickly makes a post about how screwed up EA is and his frustration with the fact that anyone working a 9-5 job has no chance at looting an idoc.

He will hold true to his word and try to make the event Friday night but is filled with venom.

All kidding aside, I started saying a year ago (check my posts) in the end Kelmo and Diablo with be the last two here!


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Re: The Prelude.

The tell tale sound of a magical gate warns Dionysis of unexpected company. Dion blends into the surroundings and waits...

Dion is surprised to Llyod step through. "Come you scurvy wolf. I know you are there."

Llyod, the eldest and quietest of the crew smiles. "Quite the haul this time, sneaky one. Is it all accounted for?" Llyod winks, he knows it is.

"Kelmo has summoned us" Llyod states... "It is time. We are all waiting."


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Re: The Prelude.

Kelmo walks to a window. He looks out and thinks. The land he looks over was once vibrant. Houses and homes from the void all the way to Umbra.

He settles back at his desk and looks over his notes.

Which fellows to let go...

Luka Melehan

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Campaign Patron
Re: The Prelude.

Kelmo walks to a window. He looks out and thinks. The land he looks over was once vibrant. Houses and homes from the void all the way to Umbra.

He settles back at his desk and looks over his notes.

Which fellows to let go...
The euphoria from the wedding was past and Luka was far less social these days. Many were leaving to make other lands thier homes. There was little intelligent activity on the seas, but they brought her peace. Thoughts of the past filled her mind. Regrets? A few. With her own life going so well, she had felt the need to reunite some old ties and rebuild a few bridges. Only then could she put her entire heart into this shiney new future. Her dear Kelmo was understanding and allowed her the time she needed.

That was weeks ago, and since then Luka had made two trips abroad. Her lovely blue ship was weathered and tired as it pulled into dock. The local pub was quiet and only whispered rumors circulated where once it was a lively buzz. But she learned what she needed to know.

As she walked into Kelmo's office, she saw him sitting at his desk, with his broody face on. She walked up behind him and simply, laid a hand on his shoulder. Whatever it was, she was here.


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Re: The Prelude.

Camriel surveyed the mess he made. Wood shavings and material scraps on the floor, ingots strewn hither and yon. It has been another long night, far past the time when he should have found his bed. And yet, it had been worth it. Their 12 cannons would soon have more than enough ammunition.

He takes a long sip of his hot, spiced apple cider and considers how far he and his half-sister, Adrianas, have come. The decision to move here had been difficult. Would they even be able to survive? Their homes on Nappa had been safe and neighbors plentiful - but what good are neighbors if no one ever stops by to visit? They might have well have lived on an isolated island. When they did see others, they were always dashing about, worried only about their own affairs. No time to chat, no time to help newcomers to the land. Of course, Camriel and Adrianas were established and quite well off, and would gladly help those new to the land when they happened upon them. But the isolation was maddening. The guild they had once treasured had withered and died. After a number of months without a single person speaking to them, the decision was made.

Camriel came first, as a good brother should. He was extremely pleased to quickly find a house spot on the road, just outside of Skara Brae. Close to cotton and vegetable fields, forests and not far from the docks of Skara Brae. Almost no monsters about, just the occasional mongbat. There was a castle next door, owned by someone named Janus. Would he mind this new structure, standing in the shadow of his castle? Only time would tell. Camriel set to work building his craftman's haven. There was much that he and Adrianas would need and he had to be certain he could provide it.

There was much chatter he could hear in the ether. That was good. Even though there was swearing and some obviously less-than-friendly folks shouting into the ether, it was more than they had on Nappa. On Nappa, he could ask a question into the ether and narry a soul to bother to speak, despite the crowded markets and banks. So he built the house and continued to listen to the ether. It allowed him to quickly determine who would likely be friend - and who, foe.

Within a few weeks he had made friends with others, who helped him quickly build his skills. Then Adrianas came over and within another few weeks, he built a house for her too. He was now a grandmaster in nearly all trades - all that was left was a little more scrbal work and he would be able to add that certificate to the others on his bedroom wall.

Adrianas was still young, and still training. She was the one who first brought up the subject of purchasing one of the new, large boats.

"Are you crazy?!" Camriel had blurted out. "What are you going to do with a boat?"
She shrugged. "I dunno . . . "
Then her brilliant green eyes lit up impishly and Camriel knew he was in trouble.
"I'll capture pirates!" she declared.
She dropped her eyes and her small mouth began to curl into a pout. "Why not? I will be able to defend myself by the time you can get a boat ready for me. . . ." She raised her eyes to give him her best "sweet innocent" look.
He sighed, knowing she would have her way - one way or another.

Camriel shook himself out of the memory. Would Adrianas indeed be ready by the time he was finished? It appeared so. If nothing else ran in their human-elvish family, it was determination. The fatigue finally overwhelming him, he drained the last of the cider and rose to find that bed. Who knows, maybe he would finally have a little time for himself. Maybe he'd even get to use that fishing boat . . . .

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Re: The Prelude.

Marie mutinously kicked the porch support as she made her way down the front path. Dee wants honey fetched to make pies, Cousin Tez wants maps handed in at the library. Why should she be the one to run all the errands? She didn't want to run errands, she wanted to go fishing, or digging up buried treasure, or maybe even stealing from the gargoyles in Hythloth - silly creatures, they were fun to steal from.

Still, she loved her fishing shack and was so pleased she'd been able to persuade Molly and Dee to move their shop so that she could have it. And, after all, they got a bigger shop too!

Molly said she had to run errands till she'd covered the cost of her boat repairs. Penance for leaving it where pirates could find it and shoot holes in it.

Marie sighed and looked around. This was a wild land, carelessness had a price, but she'd pay it with only a few protests, wild or not, it was home!

Falon of Eldor

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Re: The Prelude.

Ariana looked through the chests trying to find some decent armor. She appreciated Falon's work, but neither of them were too bright and the pickings were meager. When Falon had told her about the event tonight that she had signed her up for, Ariana tried to hide the trembling and appear more confident than she was. She knew Elven Dragon was strong but her reflexes were slow and her self-assurance lacking. She promised Falon that even if they were raided, killed and looted she wouldn't cry, as she always seemed to do when participating in a community event and the pk's would come and kill the innocents. She made sure to stuff her linen with extra tissues because even though she promised not to cry, she would probably run and hide and cry the moment the first pk's made their appearance. She had heard through skypages that her ally and friend, in game, Lord Skyler, might not be there and she trembled even more knowing he would not be at her side. :stretcher:


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Kelmo smiles as Luka lays her hands on his shoulders. "Something has to change love." He says. "The land is what it is. What ever gods there are have forsaken us. Little mana rains from that heaven. For us."

Kelmo looks at the little momentos... the things that had always brought a bit of comfort. Things spread across his desk. Trinkets. Merely trinkets.

"Forgive me, my love. I am tired. Perhaps this place would have better off had I never come here. Perhaps it would have been better for me."

Llyod knocks softly on the door.

Kelmo smiles. He knows that knock. "Come in my brother."

Llyod steps in. He nods toward Luka. "Ma'am good to see you."

Kelmo sighs. He looks at his older brother. "You have told them?"

"They are headed here as we speak." Llyod mumbles.

"How do you think they will take this?"

Llyod looks at his brother. "Kelmo, you are an idiot".


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: The Prelude.

He quickly makes a post about how screwed up EA is and his frustration with the fact that anyone working a 9-5 job has no chance at looting an idoc.


Luka Melehan

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Campaign Patron
Llyod steps in. He nods toward Luka. "Ma'am good to see you."

Kelmo sighs. He looks at his older brother. "You have told them?"

"They are headed here as we speak." Llyod mumbles.

"How do you think they will take this?"

Llyod looks at his brother. "Kelmo, you are an idiot".
Change had been in the air for longer than Kelmo had been willing to admit. Still she would stand by him wherever his feet found him. She would not argue whether or not this place would have been better, or if he would have been better off. They are just mutterings of an old man. Her old man.

Luka took a step back and nodded quietly to Llyod. She knew this man almost as well as she Kelmo, and had dear feelings there as well. Dropping her eyes, she raised a demure hand to her lips in response to Llyod's last comment.

Even though she had been away, she had not need to ask what this was about. It was a concern she had voiced before, one of those things she had found it easier to discuss with Lloyd. Kelmo could be so stubborn. But he always heard her. Always remembered her words and thought about them, even when she didn't.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
(My one and only OOC post in this thread) If you do not want to read this, don't.

If you wish to play along in whatever sort fashion you can muster in character, feel free.

Trust me. I have enough deposits in the Stratics bank to keep this thread clear.

The PvP crowd has done it's best... Let us try.

If necessary, I will invite guest Mods to keep this thread clean as I am very invested.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Kelmo laughs. He stands and moves across the room to embrace his older brother.

"Idiot? Not the first time I have heard that."

Llyod smiles a crooked grin. "Tis been some time since we talked. Your crew is content to let you be who you are. I am your brother. I know."

Llyod walks across the room and takes Luka's hand. "Tis good to see you again... My studies... they keep me away."

Llyod looks at Kelmo. "What are you about sir? Are you seriously considering dismissing some of us? Me? Dion? Sam?"

Llyod walks to the window. "Yes. Kelmo, at one time there were dozens of folks out there. From here to there as you are fond of saying."

"Many others say the same thing... Siege is this or that. Siege was this or that."

Llyod chuckles quietly. "Remember when we first came here? Many hated us. Many said we would not make it. Seven seasons later... you are ready to give it up?"

Llyod senses the others drawing near. "this is not like the other worlds... on other worlds... we would be one. Here, we are unique. Think on that before you dismiss any of us"

Luka Melehan

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Luka smiled as Lloyd took her hand and leaned towards him to kiss his cheek, before standing to listen to the boys reminesce. So much had happened before her arrival. By the time she had come to these lands, you might say it was already the beginning of the end.

Something betrayed itself to her elven senses. So...Danis had arrived as well, come out of his forest solitude for this clan meeting of sorts. She didn't announce his arrival. He would wait outside until the others arrived.

Then she decided some sake was in order and slipped out of the room.


Always Present
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*Miranda ponders again with great pondering ponderences or ponderances*

What are all these people doing touring me new keep ? Is there a parrot infatuation here upon the Perilous land of Siege, or were they just curious what one does with all her hedges and parrot birdies ? Twas nice to have so many quests in me new digs today, unfortunately the parrot birdies seemed ascared of so many folk they were nearly silent....

*Miranda ponders...pondering in and of itself*

Will the gladiators named Packers even win tomorrow ?

*Miranda ponders further...* wonder if anyone can figure out why all the green & gold hues are... in me keep *


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
just before everyone clears the room.


an ode to ambiance


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Llyod smiles. "Luka is a keeper Brother. You know that, though. About the rest of us... let us think on this. I know you plan to travel to Chesapeake as a guest bartender. Consider other options."

Kelmo thinks...

Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
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*looks around his "slightly worn" house one last time, then tips his hat to Kelmo and walks out the door*


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Who is ? Lil ol me ?

Aye, that is why I came here and still remain ...here !

:grouphug: *Tosses him some buckeyes,
hides the CBD she was a thinkin to sell him..... *
Now be off with ye, I gots some Packers, to watch on the tele ! :)

Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hail neighbor, where art thou off to?
off to that thing called "real life", it has become very complicated. The kids, the job.... I may return later, but for now I have to pay attention to that.


That sort of thing happened to me four years ago. I'm just now getting back to having free time.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Who is ? Lil ol me ?

Aye, that is why I came here and still remain ...here !

:grouphug: *Tosses him some buckeyes,
hides the CBD she was a thinkin to sell him..... *
Now be off with ye, I gots some Packers, to watch on the tele ! :)
No, not you!


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
A shadow leaves the wall and sits at the desk. Dionysis lowers his hood.

"You have read my reports, Kelmo. You know what it is like out there."

Dion shifts uncomfortably is his seat. "I have seen some ugly things out there. You have even paid for some of it. Homesteads falling. Some out right disappearing. Leaving no trace."

Dionysis smiles and remembers. "My tasks have changed over the years. Once you had me entertaining a town, then stealing sigils... Now you have me watching the world fall apart."

Dionysis pours a drink. "Here is to all of us. Here is to all that remain."

As Dion salutes the two brothers with the liquor he hears thundering hooves in the distance.

Dion smiles." Sam will be here soon." he says....

Chevy Aveo

A shadow leaves the wall and sits at the desk. Dionysis lowers his hood.

"You have read my reports, Kelmo. You know what it is like out there."

Dion shifts uncomfortably is his seat. "I have seen some ugly things out there. You have even paid for some of it. Homesteads falling. Some out right disappearing. Leaving no trace."

Dionysis smiles and remembers. "My tasks have changed over the years. Once you had me entertaining a town, then stealing sigils... Now you have me watching the world fall apart."

Dionysis pours a drink. "Here is to all of us. Here is to all that remain."

As Dion salutes the two brothers with the liquor he hears thundering hooves in the distance.

Dion smiles." Sam will be here soon." he says....

Here is to all that remain!! *Boba fett drinks with dion*


Always Present
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Miranda ponders an old thread drug back up again.... and ponders further.

They say the hottest fires make the hardest steel ya know.

Of course for some the fires have dimmed if not been totally extinguished.
Homes decay all around us, and fall down.
Shops close, vendors are tossed without regard, onto the unemployment line.
People leave to find work or happiness elsewhere, hoping to rekindle life, somewhere.

And yet, people still come, here.

Perhaps they still, come here, because this isn't the emerald city,
where the economy is even worse borked, where tiny trinkets flow in abundance insurable yes, yet commonplace, overdosed luxury on silver platters, costing a zillion gp, nor are the streets paved with milk and honey here.

No, this is the hard shard. It ain't pretty here !

Miranda ponders...
What does this city know about LUXURY ?
What does this city, know about being ignored, left to our own devices ?
What does this city know about going to hell and back !
Everything !

We are not the ATL city.
We are not the Ches. city.
We are not the Europa city.
We are not the Napa city.

WE ARE the SIEGE city !

That is who we ARE !



Speaking of yourself in the third person is a sign of madness.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Bo does it did it, so so can I !
Tis even worse when the voices in my head, of 4 chrs. here; all argue amongst myselves !


They are coming to take me away haha hoho hehe :)