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[Fishing] Decayed ships


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OK, this may be a stupid question, but my High Seas boat has decayed while I was off-line. I don't think there was anything on it apart from the quest I was on, so it's no great loss, but is there a way to get it back at all? The access rune was in a runebook, so still exists, though it now says it's for an unknown ship with an unknown owner, which is in Dry Dock. Any ideas before I go shopping and make some more cannon?


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You're SOL - gotta replace everything.

You really have to work hard at losing a ship, as in the old days it took a week for one to decay - and now it takes at least 2 weeks without refreshing it for it to be lost.


Seasoned Veteran
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I just lost a ship also. I know that I had visited the ship in the past week to refresh it. so I think something may be wrong with this two week time frame thing.

Lady Tia

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I just lost a ship also. I know that I had visited the ship in the past week to refresh it. so I think something may be wrong with this two week time frame thing.
Just visiting the ship does not refresh it. You have to double click the tillerman or the mooring line in order to do so.


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DBL clicking on the tiller man by any character on your account also refreshes your new ship.

The old style Dragon ships etc. can be refreshed by anyone, even if they don't have any connection to the ship and can't even board, by dbl clicking on the gang plank.

These methods work even if you are not on board, even if you are on another ship or from inside your house. All you need is to be able to see the tiller man or the part of the ship where the gang plank is.

Captain Toad of TIME BANDIT(Hey! She is black, She steals all my time, I can fish for crabs off Her deck, and She has the Skull & Crossbones tattooed on Her bow, if the chance comes up)


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Oops my bad should have stated I regularly recall in and double click the tiller man to refresh my ship and that I had done so in the past week. I even go as far as making sure the context under the tillerman says "THIS STRUCTURE IS LIKE NEW" before I recall away or log off. My ship is now gone. I am not complaining and would not have even posted but seemed that it might make the OP feel better knowing that he was not the only one to lose a ship. Oh I also sent in a bug report.

Lord Frodo

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Where did you park your ships? Did you by chance leave them sitting next to some mountains? I have had 4 ships out (3 new ones and 1 old style) and have never lost one, refresh everyother day.


Lore Master
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I just lost my ship, which had a hold full of stuff that was important. When life is going crazy and is difficult it sure would be nice to get a reminder of an eminent loss of a vessel. I know dry dock is available, but sometimes I don't know my situation will be as it was...Why do they decay anyway seems pointless. Gold sink minded people? I wish my tillerman could have emailed me.



There must be some sort of bug with ships decaying sooner than they should and/or saying they are drydocked when they are not (provided of course that you have refreshed the ship). I just refreshed my three (two newer types with cannons, one old dragon type) two days ago and happen to check the runes today while I was adding fishing nets to the chest, and both runes to the new ships say they are dry docked. Since the key to my dragon ship is in the same chest and knowing I've just refreshed all three just two days ago, I recall off the key, arrive on my dragon ship and sitting right next to it is my new ship - the very same "drydocked" one I can't recall to using the rune that belongs to it. I got on the ship hoping to refresh the rune but it still says it's drydocked. So that means my other ship is right where it should be but since the rune to that one also says it's drydocked, and I have no other way to get to it, I suppose it will just decay and I have to suck it up? Ugh.

Petra Fyde

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yes, many people this morning found their ship runes didn't work. The ships are still there, we just have to find them. There's a thread on UHall and most shard boards have a thread where people are listing boats they've found in an effort to re-unite them with their owners.
Why do you have to 'suck it up'? The rest of us aren't, we're getting together to help each other find our ships. Mark a new rune on the ship you've found, then go find the other one?


It is a new bug that hit overnight that unlinked all ship runes. Just stand on the deck of your ship and mark a new rune.

For the 2nd ship, you'll have to sail to it (hopefully you know about where it is). If you don't, many of the shard forums have threads going regarding "found ships" to help folks find theirs before they decay.


yes, many people this morning found their ship runes didn't work. The ships are still there, we just have to find them. There's a thread on UHall and most shard boards have a thread where people are listing boats they've found in an effort to re-unite them with their owners.
Why do you have to 'suck it up'? The rest of us aren't, we're getting together to help each other find our ships. Mark a new rune on the ship you've found, then go find the other one?
Ah, well I should have read a bit more on the boards and had some faith in the UO community and the way they love to help out. My bad, you guys are awesome!

Thank you for the replies, guess I'll check the boards and then do a bit of sailing.... although, truth be told they are my hubbys boats and I have no sailing experience at all :blushing: This should prove interesting... hehe


Always Present
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My ship is gone too.
I hope I find it I have 5 quests going.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Someone in another thread has said the the GMs are transporting people to their boats. worth a try. Start the page with 'I'm told you can do this', or words to that effect :D


UO Forum Moderator
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Someone in another thread has said the the GMs are transporting people to their boats. worth a try. Start the page with 'I'm told you can do this', or words to that effect :D
Yes they did this for me waited less than ten minutes for a gm and he asked if i wanted to go to my boat then took me there and asked me to mark a rune before he left to make sure it worked!

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
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Well my fisher is not a mage.

Not the first boat full of quest lost and other gear.


The GM thing worked and even put my rowboat back into deed form in my pack.

Got the boat to a dock and then relogged on a mage. Remarking rune, take a look at the location right after. Even though in Tram the location of the rune said Fel. Ran about and all the trees have no leaves like in Fel but in Tram. Using the rune corrected both and labled to Tram for the location. Still no leaves on the trees though. May have to try to bug my lumberjacker to not see leaves in tram.


This has always happened since HS came out, usually after the first recall to boat it will
have the proper location.

We have a few friends boats missing and are hoping a GM will help us.


Thanks for the info about paging a GM. I logged in yesterday and found that my ship runes don't work either. I'm waiting in the GM queue now ... though considering how long I'm having to wait (I think it's been stuck at # 11 for an hour) .. I hope my ship doesn't decay and I die of old age first!