DATE: 2nd January 2011
TIME: 8pm UK, 9pm CET, 3pm EST
LOCATION: Counsellor's Hall in Britain, Trammel
Meet at the Counsellors' Hall Britain, Trammel 8pm UK time [Gate from there to the Quiz Location will be open for 15 minutes]
Quiz to start 8:05pm sharp - you got to be in it to win it!
OOC event with both EMs with a Quiz and an Announcement for 2011.
Source: End of Year Quiz and Announcement for 2011
TIME: 8pm UK, 9pm CET, 3pm EST
LOCATION: Counsellor's Hall in Britain, Trammel
Meet at the Counsellors' Hall Britain, Trammel 8pm UK time [Gate from there to the Quiz Location will be open for 15 minutes]
Quiz to start 8:05pm sharp - you got to be in it to win it!
OOC event with both EMs with a Quiz and an Announcement for 2011.
Source: End of Year Quiz and Announcement for 2011