This event is open to all citizens of Sosaria. Should you have any questions, please contact me via any forms listed in my signature.
*laughs* I was all set to gate you, and then I forgot that I did not have my normal suit on with LRC and had no regs on me, so I walked you over (with one arm around you making sure you don't trip over yourself) to Pandy only to find out that she had the exact same problem!!!! How embarrassing... Luckily, she knew to just go buy some regs off the necromancers to gate.It was a lovely event. I wish I could have spent more time, but Aedon has been drunk now for 3 days. Sort of hard to RP for long when hiccuping all the time.
Thank you to Bianca and Pandy for making sure he found Aegis again.
Here's to many more great events in 2011. *Raises a glass of alka seltzer.*