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[Discussion] reputable and non reputable players


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
in a profession where x-sharding and trusting others with auction items is common do you believe we should have a stickied forum signifying those players that have been deemed trustworthy and those that have not to entrust our valuable goods with holding in any way?


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
All you really have to do is read. :)

When someone makes a good, safe trade, they will reply in a post "smooth trade, thanks" etc etc

Go to someone's stratics page, look at the people that have visited the page, PM or ICQ them to ask their opinion of the person in question.

<------------ CLICK ON THEIR NAME

Last, but certainly not least, when visiting the person Stratics "homepage", go to the tab that says "Statistics". Under this tab, there are two options:

"Find all posts by Slickjack"
"Find all Threads started by Slickjack"


This is the NUMBER ONE way to quickly ascertain who and what a player is and if they can be trusted.


It takes years to gain a good reputation, and ONE BAD TRADE (or theft) to lose it.


Yeah, what Petra and Lykor said. The internet is still anonymous to some degree and lies can be made. The best way to protect yourself is to do what Lykor said. If someone vouches for another and can be held accountable if the person being vouched for turns out to be a scammer then that can work too.

It's not easy to trust due to a few bad apples in a group of many good people which is unfortunate, but a part of life. You can always try using a broker who technically can be anyone both parties mutually trust.

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
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Glorious Lord
Yep What Lykor said.

You Develope trusted friends overtime which makes trading, xsharding, collecting all very fun.

:) and dont delieve all you hear about the rares people being aloof and eclectic. I have found everyone to be very helpful and nice over the last year or so I have been involved with rares.

In Addition there is always someone to help you out on another shard with that special purchase you have been looking for.

Yeah Rares Community


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yep what Lykor said so ill use him as an example. My first transaction with Lykor was pretty nervous for me and I did my homework. I asked around some of the old timers I trusted and read through his posts. It went smooth and I was happy to have successfully taken my first few steps as a rares collector.

Since that time Lykor and I have bought and sold a few things from each other. He is happy to answer my questions or just bs about game additions and changes.

At this point I would not have any issues trading with anyone he thinks is trustworthy, he even offers to broker. I would also not have any issues ignoring anyone he thinks is suspect.

Though I am using the word trust freely here, I still wouldn't let down my guard. For example I wouldn't make a trade with someone in fel. No matter how many reputable recomedations I had. And there isn't a reputable rares collector out there who would ask you to let down your guard to make a trade.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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I have started a sticky thread in which I have included Lykor's advice. Feel free to add to it, or to link to it in any thread where you feel attention should be drawn to it.


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
One of the tricks "ass-hat" uses:

He looks thru paper dolls and scopes out items that are uninsured.

He gets on an alt character and says something to the effect of:

"Hey! I heard about you (flattery)! Would you like to come see my small museum? ..... It's in Fel, so if that's cool, I'll just gate you over"

It's really quite disarming how people can talk to you, so be careful!

Once you hit the gate, he will show you a few items, then go afk for a phone call. Next thing you know, you are getting AI'd by a stealth archer and you're uninsured items are being looted.

Thanks for the input everyone and Gheed is right, building trust is important. Let's not forget that the Pacific theft was MONTHS in the making, so don't ever think that these crooks just want a quick "score". They'll do whatever it takes to scam you.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
One of the tricks "ass-hat" uses:

He looks thru paper dolls and scopes out items that are uninsured.

He gets on an alt character and says something to the effect of:

"Hey! I heard about you (flattery)! Would you like to come see my small museum? ..... It's in Fel, so if that's cool, I'll just gate you over"

It's really quite disarming how people can talk to you, so be careful!

Once you hit the gate, he will show you a few items, then go afk for a phone call. Next thing you know, you are getting AI'd by a stealth archer and you're uninsured items are being looted.


you forgot "Hey want to be in my guild " or "Can i join your guild" so we can work out a deal. Be easier to talk that way insted of party.

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
I have seen both the archer and the guild trick *tried* first hand. Made me giggle making our resident asshat run from my trammy trader. :p

Nine Dark Moons

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
"ass-hat" is a good name lololol
and ya, the "join my guild so we can talk easier" trick is a classic.