Veteran's Day
November 11th, 2010
Written by: Scorp
On November 11th, 1919, following the first world war. President Wilson proclaims the first Armistice Day with the following words: "To us in America, the reflections of armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country's service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations." The original concept for the celebration was for the suspension of business for a two minute period beginning at 11 A.M., with the day also marked by parades and public meetings. After the second world war, on June first, in 1954, President Eisenhower signs legislation changing the name of the legal holiday from Armistice Day to Veteran's Day. From that day forward all over America, millions of service men and women, whom have dedicated their time, effort and ultimatly their lives, have been given back a day a single day. On this day, all of America is asked to remember what seperates us from the rest of the world, and who has died to keep our great country this way. This November 11th, was no different. Especially for Able Parker, a player of Ultima Online, and an active Soldier of the United States Army. He set out to let the enitre shard of Chesapeake know one thing, His quild appreciates all of our armed forces, and all that they do. And to show their appreciation, Able Parker of the Brotherhood of Virtue, built an American Flag in Luna. A real sight to see, and a sight that makes you think of what this day really means for the players of Chesapeake. What does it mean to you?
Peengu, the guild leader of UFO, answers that question...
What does Veteran's Day mean for you
Well, since my dad was in WW2, my son was in Iraq for two years, and everytime I hear the National anthem I tear up, it means everything to me
So your son went to Iraq, so Veteran's Day obviously means a great deal to you. How does it make you feel when people bring holidays as such into the game and they incorporate it into the game play
when you look at your child at the playground free and easy, playing with no worries, compared to a child in a third world country trying to find something to eat, or a country where women are taken advantage of and maimed at the whim of the men there, and you see your wife in the kitchen, or on the computer, knowing you are there to protect. It is all because of our boys in the service watching over us, allowing us the lives we live, SALUTE them, THANK them, but above all love and cherish them, those that have survived for us, and those that have fallen for us.
May we never forget our heros
And one last question, if you could say one thing to all veteran's of America, what would it be?
To all the Veterans of the world... If you are on the side of freedom for your family and ours, I salute you , and shed a tear for your sacrifices you have endured for all of us. For all the Veterans who are against freedom, I pray for you, and I humbly hope you will someday mature and see the folly of your ways.
Rocari,The Co-Guild Leader of Brotherhood of Virtue, also answers that question.
What does Veteran's Day mean for you
It is a time to honor the heros of the armed forces. To thank them for everything they have done for our country.
How does it make you feel when people bring holidays as such into the game and they incorporate it in to the game play
It is always nice to see people express themselves in the game. Especially with a holiday such as Veteran's Day.
And one last question, If you could say one thing to all the Veteran's of the world what would you say?
Thank you to all the Veteran's for what you have sacraficed to serve. No one will ever be able to truely repay you.
And finally the man who constructed the American Flag in Luna, answers that question! Able Parker of Brotherhood of Virtue
What does Veterans Day mean to you?
Able Parker
Its about honoring all service members of the present and past. Everyone that has served our country should
be shown upmost respect, its a calling not most understand.
What made you decide to create the American Flag in Luna?
Able Parker
Veterans day is one of the most ignored holidays. Other then getting the day off no one really knows what its about.
I just wanted to put up a reminder of what every soldier fights for.
How did players react to your flag?
Able Parker
Most of everyone enjoyed it, some did not. I didnt expect everyone to like it, some tried to destroy it, and when that
happened some tried to rebuild it.
Just like Able Parker's Flag, Some have tried to destroy this great country we live in, and when that has happened we have rebuit it, but we could not have done so without our Soldiers on the front lines. So I ask, the next time you see a member of the armed forces, will you just walk on by, hoping they know how lucky you are you have them fighting for you, or will you stop and shake their hand and thank them for all they have given without even asking for any thanks in return. "As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." ~John Fitzgerald Kennedy
November 11th, 2010
Written by: Scorp
On November 11th, 1919, following the first world war. President Wilson proclaims the first Armistice Day with the following words: "To us in America, the reflections of armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country's service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations." The original concept for the celebration was for the suspension of business for a two minute period beginning at 11 A.M., with the day also marked by parades and public meetings. After the second world war, on June first, in 1954, President Eisenhower signs legislation changing the name of the legal holiday from Armistice Day to Veteran's Day. From that day forward all over America, millions of service men and women, whom have dedicated their time, effort and ultimatly their lives, have been given back a day a single day. On this day, all of America is asked to remember what seperates us from the rest of the world, and who has died to keep our great country this way. This November 11th, was no different. Especially for Able Parker, a player of Ultima Online, and an active Soldier of the United States Army. He set out to let the enitre shard of Chesapeake know one thing, His quild appreciates all of our armed forces, and all that they do. And to show their appreciation, Able Parker of the Brotherhood of Virtue, built an American Flag in Luna. A real sight to see, and a sight that makes you think of what this day really means for the players of Chesapeake. What does it mean to you?

Peengu, the guild leader of UFO, answers that question...
What does Veteran's Day mean for you
Well, since my dad was in WW2, my son was in Iraq for two years, and everytime I hear the National anthem I tear up, it means everything to me
So your son went to Iraq, so Veteran's Day obviously means a great deal to you. How does it make you feel when people bring holidays as such into the game and they incorporate it into the game play
when you look at your child at the playground free and easy, playing with no worries, compared to a child in a third world country trying to find something to eat, or a country where women are taken advantage of and maimed at the whim of the men there, and you see your wife in the kitchen, or on the computer, knowing you are there to protect. It is all because of our boys in the service watching over us, allowing us the lives we live, SALUTE them, THANK them, but above all love and cherish them, those that have survived for us, and those that have fallen for us.
May we never forget our heros
And one last question, if you could say one thing to all veteran's of America, what would it be?
To all the Veterans of the world... If you are on the side of freedom for your family and ours, I salute you , and shed a tear for your sacrifices you have endured for all of us. For all the Veterans who are against freedom, I pray for you, and I humbly hope you will someday mature and see the folly of your ways.
Rocari,The Co-Guild Leader of Brotherhood of Virtue, also answers that question.
What does Veteran's Day mean for you
It is a time to honor the heros of the armed forces. To thank them for everything they have done for our country.
How does it make you feel when people bring holidays as such into the game and they incorporate it in to the game play
It is always nice to see people express themselves in the game. Especially with a holiday such as Veteran's Day.
And one last question, If you could say one thing to all the Veteran's of the world what would you say?
Thank you to all the Veteran's for what you have sacraficed to serve. No one will ever be able to truely repay you.
And finally the man who constructed the American Flag in Luna, answers that question! Able Parker of Brotherhood of Virtue
What does Veterans Day mean to you?
Able Parker
Its about honoring all service members of the present and past. Everyone that has served our country should
be shown upmost respect, its a calling not most understand.
What made you decide to create the American Flag in Luna?
Able Parker
Veterans day is one of the most ignored holidays. Other then getting the day off no one really knows what its about.
I just wanted to put up a reminder of what every soldier fights for.
How did players react to your flag?
Able Parker
Most of everyone enjoyed it, some did not. I didnt expect everyone to like it, some tried to destroy it, and when that
happened some tried to rebuild it.
Just like Able Parker's Flag, Some have tried to destroy this great country we live in, and when that has happened we have rebuit it, but we could not have done so without our Soldiers on the front lines. So I ask, the next time you see a member of the armed forces, will you just walk on by, hoping they know how lucky you are you have them fighting for you, or will you stop and shake their hand and thank them for all they have given without even asking for any thanks in return. "As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." ~John Fitzgerald Kennedy