I've voted "Maybe", which I view as a certain amount of "yes" but not with full confidence.
I missed the HOC and I'm not sure which decisions the EM's have arrived at, or if it has anything to do with the Livery Quests, but that is the current rumor and pulling it this far into it is almost criminal. Alot of effort on the parts of the EM's as well as the player base will have been wasted, and I'm certain that will not foster positive feelings.
So, here are my reasons for "Yes" followed with what I see are shortfalls that can be fixed.
Townships are interacting. However, it is far below what they could achieve. I know I have biases, and I'll assume that others do as well, but this can be fixed. With fishing, boats, multiple facets/land masses involved, markets, etc., the limits of township interaction should only be limited by the imaginations of the players operating them.
EM's have put a fair amount of effort into the townships. The Township Summits, Banners, Teleporter Hubs are nice, but I don't have a warm and fuzzy that the players are doing their part to make them worthwhile. I am disappointed that the only effort to maintain the status gained is only making a token appearance at a meeting and nothing else. In fact, I am one of those people. The Summits have become such a bore for me, that the only reason I do make an appearance is when two other people have failed to attend.
I wouldn't recommend removing the Summits, but I do recommend spreading them out.
Oh well, that's enough of my ranting for now...