6 level t maps [SOLD] [SOLD]
Selling 20 levels T-Maps.
1 millions for all 20. In bulk
Selling 20 levels T-Maps.
1 millions for all 20. In bulk
In every chest there are 30K on money. And there are forged pardon, other t-maps and many other expensive items. Only a forged pardon, when you find it, cost about 1 million50k each level 6map? LOL
Your missing the point. The reason that i would never ever pay 50k for one of these is that they are so easy to get.In every chest there are 30K on money. And there are forged pardon, other t-maps and many other expensive items. Only a forged pardon, when you find it, cost about 1 million
And killing guardians and others monsters spawning from the chest you have money, items, gems.
LoL... i have to make a gift to someone and sell them at 1K each?
Go to miasma to take themI could buy em for 30k each if you want to
It's ok. But please message me n ICQI would buy 900 K pls PM