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[Discussion] Vendors Are Available NOW! Raresfest Catskills.


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
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Stratics Legend
ICQ me 495659440 if you have a reserved spot!!!

Follow map on the raresfest thread and the vendor house is thru the house teleporter!!!!

Permanent gates will be put up later this week.


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've been telling people this individually, and it's a pain, so I'll make a public post:

Because of the late change of schedule, from 3 day to week long fest, many people decided to transfer early, and some never changed their plans and will be here later in the week.

Since these people reserved their vendors, I can't give a vendor out to someone else, KNOWING that the reserved spots are taken but the "owner" isn't here yet....

I have started a list, on my trusty legal pad, of people requesting vendors and if we have room after the reserved vendors have been given out OR after the auction on Friday, I'll then give them out PER MY WAITING LIST.

No, this list isn't public. :)

I have quite enough to do w/o typing more on Stratics ..... but I really do hope by the weekend that every legit vendor that wants one, gets one.

By the way, I have caught 3 people impersonating others on the reserved list to try to get a vendor. So, I have been having everyone, EVERYONE, send me a PM or ICQ with their player name that is on Catskills before I give them a vendor... I'm sorry for the trouble, but we all know what lengths people will go to in order to scam or steal items in UO. (hello PAC fest).....

I hope everyone is enjoying the festival, after I get out of class, I'll be available the rest of the day/night.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Didn't intend to cause problems, nor try to jump the line, if you have space left late awesome if not..... ummm I get to keep my hording habit for longer :D Either way for me personally I win. Except for logging in at 7am to find a harbringer as a fellow shopper it's been great, can't wait for the auction.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've been telling people this individually, and it's a pain, so I'll make a public post:

Because of the late change of schedule, from 3 day to week long fest, many people decided to transfer early, and some never changed their plans and will be here later in the week.

Since these people reserved their vendors, I can't give a vendor out to someone else, KNOWING that the reserved spots are taken but the "owner" isn't here yet....

I have started a list, on my trusty legal pad, of people requesting vendors and if we have room after the reserved vendors have been given out OR after the auction on Friday, I'll then give them out PER MY WAITING LIST.

No, this list isn't public. :)

I have quite enough to do w/o typing more on Stratics ..... but I really do hope by the weekend that every legit vendor that wants one, gets one.

By the way, I have caught 3 people impersonating others on the reserved list to try to get a vendor. So, I have been having everyone, EVERYONE, send me a PM or ICQ with their player name that is on Catskills before I give them a vendor... I'm sorry for the trouble, but we all know what lengths people will go to in order to scam or steal items in UO. (hello PAC fest).....

I hope everyone is enjoying the festival, after I get out of class, I'll be available the rest of the day/night.
for those people transferring later in the week, tell them to log onto a character on catskills on the account they will be wanting the vendor on, they don't need to transfer in order to receive a vendor


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah you're right, but some people don't play every hour of every day and have requested I hold their spot. What difference is it that it's a red vendor deed versus an empty vendor for 3 days?

Nothing :)


so once the reserved vendors are claimed and there is no more space avalible at the house there will be no more vendors? that is going to keep some people from comming as i have a guildmate that has decided he wants to come but now he wont come because he does not want to transfer over with items and then not get a vendor :(


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
so once the reserved vendors are claimed and there is no more space avalible at the house there will be no more vendors? that is going to keep some people from comming as i have a guildmate that has decided he wants to come but now he wont come because he does not want to transfer over with items and then not get a vendor :(
lykor said they have around 100 vendor spots available if need be


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would like to reserve a vendor spot for Hunter Moon. Her Stratics is broke atm (Petra is trying to fix her) and was asked to post.


Btw, SupSoc rules UO !


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
for those people transferring later in the week, tell them to log onto a character on catskills on the account they will be wanting the vendor on, they don't need to transfer in order to receive a vendor
That is exactly what I did. =)


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Between all of the 1 post stratics people that COULD very well be any of the sleaze bags that NONE of you want to have a vendor AND the NUMEROUS people that are impersonating stratics members to try to get vendors......

yah, I'm just not going to change my opinion on this.

I do not want to log in and see a fake ethy clothing vendor, for example, during this festival and I dont think any of you do either.

I know I have alot of people unhappy by the vendor house design (which can't be changed now) and some are upset b/c of the number of vendors available, but this is how it is.

I hope you all enjoy the fest and I am doing my best.

and yes, Soc rules UO.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Between all of the 1 post stratics people that COULD very well be any of the sleaze bags that NONE of you want to have a vendor AND the NUMEROUS people that are impersonating stratics members to try to get vendors......

yah, I'm just not going to change my opinion on this.

I do not want to log in and see a fake ethy clothing vendor, for example, during this festival and I dont think any of you do either.

I know I have alot of people unhappy by the vendor house design (which can't be changed now) and some are upset b/c of the number of vendors available, but this is how it is.

I hope you all enjoy the fest and I am doing my best.

and yes, Soc rules UO.
So there isn't 100 spots as you said there would be before?
Guess you should have mentioned that before. Glad I decided not to transfer after all.


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well we've stopped the whole fest because you didn't transfer......

Please Oh Please come to Catskills! I beg you! So many people are depending on YOUR presence to have a good time and make this a successful event!!!!


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
you did make this post though lykor

"Also, we have around 100 vendor spots available, so "reserving one" won't really be of much concern "

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
you did make this post though lykor

"Also, we have around 100 vendor spots available, so "reserving one" won't really be of much concern "
Weren't you selling the short stool at the vendor house for 50 million? I think you have no room to give Lykor a hard time here.

Also, to the thieves trying to get vendor spots by impersonating myself and others...it is not going to happen.



Rares Fest Host | LS April 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok i have a friend that want to come to the fest, he will need a vendor.. i told him to post but he doesnt remember his stratics account. Anyway, can he have a vendor? i really dont undestand all about those 100 vendors, or the private waiting list of lykor's friend.


I was going to bring mine to the rares fest to sell, but since there are not enough Vendor spots Lykor told me not to transfer. I thought i had read a post somewhere that lykor stated there would be over 100 vendor spots and reserving one should not be an issue.
You where advised not to Transfer.....what kind of rares fest is this??? this just *Holds tongue and closes mouth


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Weren't you selling the short stool at the vendor house for 50 million? I think you have no room to give Lykor a hard time here.

Also, to the thieves trying to get vendor spots by impersonating myself and others...it is not going to happen.

actually i put in the description "from the humility cloak quest" so people know it is not a true rare, up to them whether they want it or not, i mean hell ive paid 50 mil for it in the past, i'm sure others have to, if i want an item regardless of its origin i'll pay the cost

Nastia Cross

I wish they would have decided to run the auction like the one at the Chesapeake rares festival so that everyone can participate not just those that will be on at 7pm on Friday....

And saying you will have 100 vendors and not actually delivering on that promise is kinda bad too...

*shrug* I'll still come to check it out.


Wielder of Ebil Cookies
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Well, one thing I will say is Lykor has put a lot of work and effort into this fest. Part of that is reducing any possibility of scams and greifing. Within two days of posting the location of the vendor houses, random houses were poping up all around that might or might not have ended up being full of scam items. We both searched a very long time for a small area that would hold 2 18x18's and not allow for neighboring placement, but were unable to locate one.

So with that considered he made a bold move to relocate the vendor house for everyones protection and enjoyment. Part of that was taking a cut on the amount of vendors available, however I would much prefer this over 100+ vendors and lag and people upset about being scammed by a neighbor house.

So though I do understand the frustration of some folks, I feel this way was the better option. Less vendors, less lag, more high quality items packed tighter and easier to view.. whats to be upset about?

Just my 2 cents.

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
actually i put in the description "from the humility cloak quest" so people know it is not a true rare, up to them whether they want it or not, i mean hell ive paid 50 mil for it in the past, i'm sure others have to, if i want an item regardless of its origin i'll pay the cost
In reality you didn't have the explanation on it initially...but it is a moot point.

I just think Lykor is doing a good job...people are getting spots that reserved them and those who wish to falsify who they are are being denied. Heck, the *official* start of this fest isn't even till friday...

As far as people selling the cloth, I bought some...because I know there are 200 or so shades of it...making it fairly rare. Even though I know how to get it now, you will not see me sell it. I would much rather walk up to a person and ask them thier favorite colors...then make them something out of what they pick. But hey, this is just me.

Is this cloth like the short stool with regard to vendor sales? Aside from both still being available nothing at all. The odds of getting the paticular color I got are roughly 1 in 200...and a robe will cost me 10 mil. On the flip side the odds of getting the stool are 100%...and the cost was 50 mil. Skewed thinking eh?

I suppose how we view a situation is relative, there is always another way to *see* things. I don't want to harsh on you here, or any of the collectors in all honesty...just take the time to really think about the (your) situation before being so quick to judge how somebody else handles theirs.

Ahh well, that is my two cents...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i will admit that i am one of those bad people selling the cloth.

when i first looked ppl were charging 10+ mil for a stack of 10 cloth. so i decided to bring my giant pile and brought the price down to a average of about 2 mil per 10. honestly its a giant pain to collect and with sooo many colors ints going to be very difficult to get a large amount of the color your going to want. i see several colors being highly sought after once this ends.

just my 2 cents. and slickjack is doing a great job and the best they can to make this enjoyable.. now only if i can get home before the auction starts id be happy.