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[Discussion] Funky Cloth?

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where is this cool colord cloth comming from? i would like to buy some but want to know where its from before i buy it and then find out i can make it myself or somthing


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Trick or Treat.
If you cut it with scissors when it is changed the color of clothes, it is available.
sorry my Funky English.


ahhh you mean when the npc changes your color of your cloths? ok so its not worth 12m for 15 cloth hehe

Kylie Kinslayer

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If you mean the marbled cloth kind of like the Dawn's Guard armor I believe that's just the Antique Wedding dress cut up into cloth.

If you mean the white cloth that is going around, then that's from glitched (exploit) white leather tub.


Kylie they are talking about the different color two tone cloth running around. There are two vendors at the fest selling them. Interesting colors for sure.


Lore Keeper
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There are 3 cloth problems currently: antique wedding dresses from fishing mibs that can be cut, some are I am sure subbing them as the skull cap in the Queen Dawn armor set. Clothing from trick or treating, 'trick' dye and you get a funny color that can be cut and some people have used a glitch in game mechanics to make a white leather dye tub dye cloth.

We here at Stratics currently have no ruling on whether any of these are considered an exploit are not, therefore trading any of them is at your own risk.

My personal opinion on it, still spawning, not rare.

Kylie Kinslayer

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There was a public cloth tub on Atlantic at Dragonstorm Vendors, just East of Umbra. When I went to dye a robe I noticed it now only dyes leather again. I don't think the owners pulled it. Maybe the all the glitched tubs are now unglitched. Just an fyi.

Nails Warstein

Royal Explorer & Grand Archaeologian Of Sosaria
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What about the Tangle colored clothes? Where does that come from?

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
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There was a public cloth tub on Atlantic at Dragonstorm Vendors, just East of Umbra. When I went to dye a robe I noticed it now only dyes leather again. I don't think the owners pulled it. Maybe the all the glitched tubs are now unglitched. Just an fyi.
Nope, didn't pull it. Seems it has been reverted. Hopefully folks were able to benefit off it while it was around!


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The Tangle Color is from an old Doggy dupe. There is a very low number of that cloth.

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
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The Tangle Color is from an old Doggy dupe. There is a very low number of that cloth.
Not from a doggy dupe as far as I am aware, and in addition there is some of this cloth in game that was attained by very legal methods.


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If its legal then lets hear it? Should be safe to talk about it on these boards. I bought about 400 pieces of it at GL fest and Iam usually the only one selling it... Doggy dupes were within the game mechanics?


While I wont claim to have any knowledge of where the tangle colored cloth comes from, I do have to wonder why if it was created in 2006 or so when the dog dupe occured that the individual who created it wouldve waited so long to finally release it.

Although the possiblity that they were banned and some how their house was missed for several years is of course feasable.


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Well the guy I got it from said He got it from a IDOC. Question I have is are there any event robes or event clothing articles of that color that came out before or during the doggy dupe? Btw the guy I bought it from was from Pac. If this cloth is attainable today then why dont we see more of it?


Well the guy I got it from said He got it from a IDOC. Question I have is are there any event robes or event clothing articles of that color that came out before or during the doggy dupe? Btw the guy I bought it from was from Pac. If this cloth is attainable today then why dont we see more of it?
Perhaps it was in the house that fell (last year?) that contained the LT sashes and other high end items. That would certainly make sense.

Cerwin Vega

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There are alot of new colors of cloth being made, similar to BoD reward cloth. Anyone know how many different shades there are? It seems alot of them are really close but they just wont combine.


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Lineman, its from trick or treating... Somtimes you get colored and you just cut your clothing up.

There are roughly 150 colors or so. None of which are the tangle color...

Cerwin Vega

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With so many different types its hard to collect enough to make what you want, but some of the colors are very cool... hope they dont take them away.



Crazed Zealot
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Guess I'll post now.

Tangle cloth not from Doggy Dupe

Tangle cloth first mass introduced at GL festival

Origination of Tangle Cloth = Pacific Shard

New Trick or treat cloth none are Tangle colored

130 types

They won't take them away (confirmed)


Stratics Veteran
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Cutting cloths is not an exploit. In fact they gave us the tools to do it.

Manticore big question... Can you still produce tangle cloth?


Stratics Veteran
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Cutting cloths is not an exploit. In fact they gave us the tools to do it.

Manticore big question... Can you still produce tangle cloth?
With that theory, white cloth tubs weren't either since the tools are in the game... same with 99% of exploit-based items... Now if it's being used as intended, that's another discussion entirely.
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