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[Discussion] Information



First I'd like to apologize to everyone that was involved in the sale threads I was running several months past. Personal, Financial, and Computer issues required me to leave the game for awhile. The majority are resolved and are something I'd like to leave in the past.

Second, I was hoping someone might be able to provide me some information on an item.

I found this deed in the pack of a character I rarely use on Baja last evening, and have been unable to find any information about it.

Thank you.



Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That was from a event a few months ago. Was a vending machine at end of event. Dont think allot of people got them though. Not sure on #


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry to hear about your troubles, but certainly glad you are back friend.

I hope everything's back to normal for you asap...



That was from a event a few months ago. Was a vending machine at end of event. Dont think allot of people got them though. Not sure on #
Thank you for the info...still not sure as to how i acquired it as i dont recall attending the event, but at this point im not sure it matters.