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Fishing Powerscrolls


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I guess messana said that you can get 110 scrolls, but you only get a chance from 6 part quests.

These are rare, and it seems to me that the drop rate is really low cause many people have done several and no one is known to have gotten one yet. Myself included.


Heheh they add a time sink and all the little hampsters start running the wheel :)

The more I read, the more I enjoy not owning this booster. Of course if you find something really cool I'll probably be like darn it I have to have it now! The only thing which seems worthwhile might be some of the new items from the bosses, which will be for sale in Luna eventually. 0 reason to buy the booster for min/maxxers.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I like it that its hard to get the PS. Gives you more satisfaction when you eventually get one. :)


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I found more info here:

so now I think that the 120 ps probably come from dungeon fishing quests...

Heheh they add a time sink and all the little hampsters start running the wheel

The more I read, the more I enjoy not owning this booster. Of course if you find something really cool I'll probably be like darn it I have to have it now! The only thing which seems worthwhile might be some of the new items from the bosses, which will be for sale in Luna eventually. 0 reason to buy the booster for min/maxxers.
this booster worth the price just for the storage increase :p


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There could be a 'system' way easier as the point rating ...
Powerscrolls of 110 and higher only from 6-part-orders:
- chance for 110 for orders with 110 fishes/crabs
- chance for 115 for orders with 115 fishes/crabs
- chance for 120 for orders with 120 fishes/crabs

After my first 100 quests, I thought, i would give felucca a chance. I have done now another 26 quests and havent recognized any chance in rewards. (7 of those 26 were 6-part-ones.) Actually there werent any more ps for me within those 26 quests but we will see. :)


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Could we please get some details on the PS from Dev???

TMC Crowley

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Has anyone gotten a 110 scroll yet without binding ? I've done 211 quest so far without canceling any and not go on a 110 scroll . Is it broke or what it needs to be fixed this is a joke and not a very good one . I was going to upgrade my other 3 account but I'm not going to and to the point wish i didn't upgrade the account I did ...


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Has anyone gotten a 110 scroll yet without binding ? I've done 211 quest so far without canceling any and not go on a 110 scroll . Is it broke or what it needs to be fixed this is a joke and not a very good one . I was going to upgrade my other 3 account but I'm not going to and to the point wish i didn't upgrade the account I did ...
I think the general consensus is that you can only get the higher scrolls from
5-6 part orders including dungeon fish. and the odds are still pretty low it seems. But sadly in order to start getting dungeon fish in the orders you need 106 fishing. SO, everyone will have to find 8 105's and bind them unless they change it, which they really should.


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Um thats not exactly true if i am understanding what you are saying
I got my first scroll at 99.6 fishing and it included no dungeon fish .... and i am able to get dungeon fish atm just not the rare i believe

Luke Carjacker

Um thats not exactly true if i am understanding what you are saying
I got my first scroll at 99.6 fishing and it included no dungeon fish .... and i am able to get dungeon fish atm just not the rare i believe
No, what she's saying is that you need to reach 106 fishing before you will get quests that include dungeon fish. You can catch them well before 106 fishing, but you will not (since they patched it after the first day) get fish monger quests that include dungeon fish until you reach 106 fishing.

And, based on the quests & rewards people have received, you likely need to get quests with at least 5 or 6 parts, that include some dungeon fish with their 1.5x value, in order to qualify for higher end scrolls. Just speculation of course, since nobody has reported getting any but it does seem to be the way it works.


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ah ok was not sure I understood what he was saying thanks for clarifying !