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Fishing Powerscrolls

jack flash uk

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i finally got a 105!

done over 130 quests and a now at 103 skill

anyone got any 110+ scrolls from the quest, or is it a case, as Mandrake posted, collecting 105' and bonding etc?


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I still have hopes that being at 105 skill and being on the tokuno ship to raise your skill to 106 will result in quests with all dungeon fish, which will give you better rewards. Otherwise wed have to collect like a billion 5's...

But I guess not.

They really need to do something about this. Binding 105's should not be the only way to get to 120. Thats just stupid. I really wish there was a little more transparency in this matter, cause if you have to do this quest literally 1000 times to get a 120... thats horrible, and I am stopping right now.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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I still have hopes that being at 105 skill and being on the tokuno ship to raise your skill to 106 will result in quests with all dungeon fish, which will give you better rewards. Otherwise wed have to collect like a billion 5's...
I am at 100 and have a Tokuno ship and my skill still says 100 not 101 when I am on my ship. If you go to this page Shipborne Travel and Adventure nothing on there says anything about a +1 to fishing. Where are you getting your info?


And people complain about repeating quests in wow.

I hope the gods look favorable on the RNG the next time you hand a quest in.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I suspect it's RNG based. In which case, I'm screwed, because the RNG hates my guts :(

I've been lucky enough to get given a 105 scroll* but am having difficulty finding somewhere to fish that doesn't show up as 'too easy' on the crystal ball. This is something that needs to be addressed too.

*You know who you are, and thank you again :)

Old Man of UO

*scratches head*

But really... what is the point of having fishing skill above GM?

Luke Carjacker

*scratches head*

But really... what is the point of having fishing skill above GM?
Of the rare fish, some can be obtained at GM fishing, but others can only be obtained a higher levels of fishing. Nobody knows yet, but I'm guessing some are only obtainable at 120 fishing. And I think it would make sense that some of the rare fish will be caught more frequently at higher fishing levels.

The reason to get these fish is to make the fish pies, which give buffs, some of which are really nice. Is it worth it? Don't know yet, but I guess that would be the main reason.


Stratics Legend
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The reason to get these fish is to make the fish pies, which give buffs, some of which are really nice. Is it worth it? Don't know yet, but I guess that would be the main reason.
Yup thats why I want 120. But I refuse to believe that you have to bind 105's cause thats really... a LOT of 105's. More than they could ever really expect people to collect in years.

I really really REALLY wish there were some more transparency in this.


Yeah... Much sillier than killing dragons in a video game!
But 'Dragonslayer' sounds cooler than uhm 'I catch virtual fish'.

Though the Old man and the Sea has more literary value than Eragorn so you are right.

Mandrake of DF

Lore Master
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Well, I got my 110 - but not as drop. Had to bind 5'ers to get it.

Im currently at 108 fishing and get larges with dungeon fish - but cant see any different in rewards from quests. Got a new +5 ps....so thats no different either.

Only thing is I got a marlin when I hit 107,8 fishing. 122 stones - so that was a nice catch.

I cant see any record anywhere that anyone has gotten any higher scrolls than +5. And for myself, I lost count of how many quests ive done....but its a lot. Ive been doing them all day long since it was released, and I got a ton of bait....


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Ugg... I seriously don't want to do enough quests to get 8 more scrolls...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
im having flashbacks to when everyone searched for level 7th and 8th circle myst spells and they were not included in game yet. I hope this is not the case for hard core fishers.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yup thats why I want 120. But I refuse to believe that you have to bind 105's cause thats really... a LOT of 105's. More than they could ever really expect people to collect in years.

I really really REALLY wish there were some more transparency in this.
Only like one thousand 105's. First one to 120 Fishing wins UO.



Slightly Crazed
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Actually I am hoping for the announced change to mibs. ( I already fished up 50 sos + 5 asos in search for a ps without success.)
That we know, where 105's are coming from, doesnt automatically mean, that we know, where are 110's and higher are coming from.
We only suppose that you will get better rewards/higher scrolls once you exceed 106 skill and get quests for dungeon fishes. If we are right, 110's will start to show up faster, after the first really active fisher has bound enough 105's on one shard.
It could even be possible, that you can catch spezial mibs in lava for example, which could contain powerscrolls. Or they could show up after cutting up a special big fish. Someone already spread rumours that it is possible to loot them from pirates. (Most are captured these days ....) Other solution could be Scalis (not too many hunt it atm). Or what about those npc-trading ships. Their captains/holds could contain them too. Corgul doesnt seem to have them. he gets killed so often, that we would have heard of it.


Stratics Legend
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Close enough, its a little under 1k. Either way... clearly there are higher scrolls... or theres a bug and only 105s are being given as rewards.

I'm guessing that you have to get a 6 part scroll all dungeon fish to get the bigger scrolls. Trouble is you dont get the dungeon fish till 106, so you have to bind 8 105 scrolls to get there. So... mega sucks cause thats probably uhh... 300 fishing quests if you are lucky. Thats less than 30 quests per scroll, which is low.


Yeah i was going off the Assumption that you need 10 105s.. [And my math was Terrible] (I couldnt remember as i have *Never Binded 105 Scrolls)


8 To make a 110
12 110s to make a 115
10 115s to make a 120


80 (110s to make enough 115s)
80 x 12 = 960

So 960 105s to make a 120 Scroll.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I personally think that it is ridiculous having to make 100 boring quests in order to get a 105 FISHING (!!) scroll. It is easier to get a 120 scroll of any other skill. I think it is a glitch, because it makes fishing even more pointless than it is anyway.

What bothers me is that since the booster was released the developers made no comment about this (except that they "increased the chance to get fishing powerscrolls", HA HA HA). A simple "works as designed" or "we're working on a fix" would have been nice.

I am convinced that it does not work as designed, and that a handful of dedicated fishermen are completely wasting their time. Most people I know have stopped doing those quests altogether.

Luke Carjacker

That estimate is about right, I got my 8th (or rather 9th because I ate the first one) after about 300 quests. The thing is, I'm pretty burned out and don't feel like doing more quests at the moment. Maybe in a few days. Till then, I am having fun fishing up some of the rare fish and creating trophies and such.


So 960 105s to make a 120 Scroll.
At an average of 5 Quests Per scroll (And Im told that is Completely Unrealistic as it makes much *More*)

Thats still 4,800 Times you have to do this quest line.

At 10 Per its 9,600 Times

20 is 19,200

and 50 Quests Per Scroll is 48,000 Times.

Sounds like a realistic goal.. (Lol)


I Believe the real theme behind this booster is Frustration, not pirates.

Or Repetitive Action, I suppose.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I am convinced that it does not work as designed, and that a handful of dedicated fishermen are completely wasting their time. Most people I know have stopped doing those quests altogether.
I'm beginning to wonder myself. Now that I got my first 105 i've decided to stop. If it weren't for the fact that I have been majorly bored I wouldn't have even gone this far.

I for one think that the 106 requirement for the dungeon fish was a BAD idea. It demands that you do the binding to get the 110, and 300 quests (conservatively) to just get to 110 is pretty crazy and draining.

Worst of all it would just be nice to KNOW whats going on, and if we are working for nothing or not. That is the most annoying part.

I really wish they would stop putting in completely blind systems like this.


I really wish they would stop putting in completely blind systems like this.
After so many Years of this, You'd think it wouldnt surprise us every time, But low and behold, We fall for it each Xpac/Booster


Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I like the grind. There should be only a handfull of 120 fishers per shard after few months. If your not 120 then no reason after 6 months crying for new content.

The real issue will be when the pies are made. If it is going to take a day or two to make a pie (takes a high 20s tally to get the fail/exc. in happy place) then the buff better be good. For the effort, the buff should be as good and lasting as the 6 at brit bank getting their focus. The polish on the prized fish was a nice surprise. No brainer fix way over due. Like Dull Eli not pick spawning or having 25 ore.

There is a 46% chance to burn your yellowtail cuda steak. Yet to cut up one the few I caught to get a steak count from one fish. The pie buff is 3hp regn for 300 secs. Thinking a fail on cooking doesn't poof the steaks and just the lesser items. If 120 doesn't make it easier to catch the rares the effort for 300 secs maybe unbalanced.

All a wait and see. Sure when the few fishers are done wont be anyone for a pirate hunt. Be like trying to get a group together for a Grizzled Hunt


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I like the grind. There should be only a handfull of 120 fishers per shard after few months. If your not 120 then no reason after 6 months crying for new content.
You know, if at least we knew what we were getting into I wouldn't even have such a problem with it takes a lengthy time investment to get that 120.

But to suggest that the fishing quests should be good enough content to last for months is absurd. The depth of this content can NOT stand up over 100+ runs. Giving it 100 is extremely generous. I would say a couple of evenings of doing it before it gets super boring and the mysterious nature of the rare rewards and the lack of variety and lack of value of the lesser ones begins to rub you the wrong way. Mining is more fun (did I just say that??) AND more rewarding. I mean geeze.

It should have been tied to a transparent system (or at LEAST better out of game documentation) where you at least have some idea of what you are aiming for, and what it takes to get there, and if they wanted the process to be a lengthy one... the whole thing needed to be way more engaging.

The idea of things taking a good chunk of time to master is all well and good, but it seems an odd stage in the game to start imposing barriers to getting things done with some semblance of swiftness. Thats not at all how the rest of the game works.

Also... rng hurts fun more than it provides it. Especially when doing something as repetitive and boring as these quests. I suggested in another post that a loyalty system would have been a nice way to go, so you know that each stupid fish shipment you do you WILL eventually get what you are after and you have a good idea of when. Because hell even if its 6 months you know that you are working toward something on a specific time table.
A 1/100 chance < after you earn 100 points you are rewarded. ESPECIALLY for this sort of endeavor.

Theres nothing like getting a big 6 part fish order spending hours to fill it, then getting a book that you already have 10 copies of. And its not even a special colored book for novelty sake, I could literally just copy the first one I got, red leaf it and it would be indistinguishable!

I mean thats just deflating. Its not "fun" and It makes you want to stop doing it, and indeed I have stopped doing it. I'm sure I'm not alone

As for the pies they seem ok by the numbers. I haven't made any yet though. But for the work you have to go through to get those steaks... you shouldn't fail that much, or otherwise the pies are useless. They have good buffs, people will want to use them, but they will only be useful if they don't cost 10k a pop.

Oh and I dont know if they stack or not, but they HAVE to stack or people wont use them. EVERYTHING should be stackable!


As for the pies they seem ok by the numbers. I haven't made any yet though. But for the work you have to go through to get those steaks... you shouldn't fail that much, or otherwise the pies are useless. They have good buffs, people will want to use them, but they will only be useful if they don't cost 10k a pop.

Oh and I dont know if they stack or not, but they HAVE to stack or people wont use them. EVERYTHING should be stackable!
I fully agree here .... but unfortunatelly (or was it not really thought to the end by the developers) they do not stuck.

Neither the pies, nor the ingredients you need to buy for them ..... :sad3:


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I fully agree here .... but unfortunatelly (or was it not really thought to the end by the developers) they do not stuck.

Neither the pies, nor the ingredients you need to buy for them ..... :sad3:
This has to be an oversight.

R Traveler

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Got mine after about 50 completed and like 30 resigned quests.
It was 15/5/10/5 or like this.

R Traveler

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Got mine after about 50 completed and like 30 resigned quests.
It was 15/5/10/5 or like this.


UO Forum Moderator
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just got mine also turned in a 5 part have done about 20 five part ones before getting scroll


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am at 100 and have a Tokuno ship and my skill still says 100 not 101 when I am on my ship. If you go to this page Shipborne Travel and Adventure nothing on there says anything about a +1 to fishing. Where are you getting your info?
Petra probably forgot to add the information since it is not mentioned on the publish notes (or she's trying to verify if its still active). Here's the link for High Seas Test Update posted by Mesanna.


Players will receive a +1 to their skillfactor when fishing or lobster fishing from a Tokuno Boat.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well over 100 quest and zip but bait and poles..
Now he says he has notjing available for me at this moment..thats from most of the docks...

Tired running around to find one who will give me quest..
I fi could get my 15$ back i would take it..and they can shovel-nose there beta pub were the sun dont shine..

Pirates are not working 70% of the time for damage...you have jerks going around destroying ships because there borred or stupid.....other players ships..

This pub..as i see it not realy a booster you should have payed for....is not worth it at the moment...still to many bugs and gliches....

And this point system people say they are seeying for fish mongers quests?? i dont see any points at all showing up in chat or anyware else..

So i am taking a brake from the grind and going to read a book...


UO Forum Moderator
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Stratics Legend
here is exactly what i collected before I received the +5 power scroll

25 MIB
199 Stone crab Bait
110 Fairy Salmon bait
49 Yellow-tail Barracuda bait
222 Giant Koi Bait
76 Great barracuda Bait
10 autumn Dragon fish Bait
183 Holy Mackerel Bait
82 Blue lobster Bait
7 Lava fishing Poles
14 books 1-4
3 Lava Lobster traps

Was at 99.6 skill when I got the scroll

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Petra probably forgot to add the information since it is not mentioned on the publish notes (or she's trying to verify if its still active). Here's the link for High Seas Test Update posted by Mesanna.


Players will receive a +1 to their skillfactor when fishing or lobster fishing from a Tokuno Boat.
That was dated 10/1 on test center. Did it make it into the booster that went live. If you are GM (100) does your skill goto 101 like mining gloves? I started with a Tokuno Boat and won an Orc boat and have seen no difference between the 2. On both boats my fishing said 100.


Lore Master
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I bet 110 + PS are not put into the game yet and they are too afraid to tell all the fish questing people this.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Not sure if celebrating is in order. Just received first 105, from 15 fred lobster/15 yellowfin tuna/15 rainbow trout quest... guessing around 160th quest. That was the 17th quest filled today. If the drop really is easier since the patch with improved drop rate, then I'm hoping there is a better fix forthcoming. Already have accumulated 2864 bait uses to this point. Is grinding the only way to accomplish this mouse murdering task?


i have given up on doing fishing quests altogether. it is ridiculous that this is so hard, and it is even more ridiculous that the developers haven't been commenting on this for weeks, despite all the complaints and discussions here.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I like that fishing cant be mastered in a few weeks. Brings back the feel of the old days when GMing a skill was something to be proud of.

I'm not sure of all the rewards yet. But I think that the folks that see this through to the end will do it for bragging rights.. or the right to claim they are nuts.

After all... when was the last time so many were happy to see a +5 drop?

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Was one the things I checked on the loyalty tab. Some kind of measure of progress. Some title name ranking option would of work also with quest progress. Also there are a load of players chasing one quest at a time still. You can have a quest from every fish monger but one.

None stacking bait is way up on the list but was good thing that it force a housing increase.

I've done load of the explorer quest for rare books. The fishing books not being unique in some way is a shortsighted in what warms our fancy. Should of been like BODs and getting a run of 1-6 books got you a 110 PS. Some quester that exchanged a set for a 110 PS. This burn would made them collectable with less around. And the sale trade factor.

They need to put an icon on the pillars so they show on the EC map better. Maybe just need to experiment with the tillerman map drop for their locations.

The DOCK BLOCKING is getting really old. Worse is snaking through a path and have someone cork your escape. Harbor master needs to message a captain that comes to the docks with a birthing cost. Let that cost roll and at a point impound the boats left to long. Any impounded boat you recall to pops you in front of the Harbor Master and window comes up with the bill (gold sink). Something along the lines of stables and items on a house sign.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I like that fishing cant be mastered in a few weeks. Brings back the feel of the old days when GMing a skill was something to be proud of.
I have to agree with that. However, I think that skill gain in fishing hasn't been slowed down, its just the powerscrolls that seem to be unavailable. If this really was done by design, it should be applied to ALL skills, not only to fishing.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hmmm ... have to fully agree with all those who think, it's too much what's needed to finally get a fishing 105 power scroll. Compared to what's needed to get power scrolls for one of the other lately added skills - like e.g. imbuing - it's simply mind & mouse boggling (and even much more ...)!

Just for the 'records' ... had got mine after estimated # 30 finished fishmonger quests, delivering 15 Captain Snook and 20 Pumpkinseed Sunfish only! Had not done a log up to that point! After getting the scroll, I have finally begun to log all further completed quests. I'm currently at 101.3 fishing - got that skill gain for another fifteen completed fishmonger quests. So I'm currently fishing for the numbers 46, 47 & 48 of those ...

Without the existence of the fantastic fisher's Co'op on Europa, I would never have done that much in such a relatively 'short' time! ThankXXX alot to Cailleach and the other mates who 'feed' that place!

BTW - was a GM fisher (with ZERO luck (!)) from the first fishmonger quest on and have done almost all crab / lobster fishing so far on a 'legacy' boat in Felucca for the added resources! Sailing / fishing on a gargoyle galleon (as my fisher is a garg) for getting the quests and the deliveries ... this might be not so clever? Is there really any 'bonus' if one would use a Tokuno ship as a fisher -- besides the ship being a tad bit faster?


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have a theory about the fishing ps:
maybe if you have 100 skill you can get only 105,
with 105 you can get 105 and 110,
with 110 you can get 105, 110 and 115,
with 115 you can get 105, 110, 115 and 120

This system could be similar to bods, the higher is the skill the better the reward...

Rotgut Willy

Seasoned Veteran
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None stacking bait is way up on the list but was good thing that it force a housing increase.
Bait should have been single use stacking items instead of multiple charge nonstackable items. So instead of getting a 15 charge stone crab bait, you'd get 15 single use, stackable stone crab baits.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
None stacking bait is way up on the list but was good thing that it force a housing increase.
Bait should have been single use stacking items instead of multiple charge nonstackable items. So instead of getting a 15 charge stone crab bait, you'd get 15 single use, stackable stone crab baits.
Dbl clk bait jar and target another bait jar of the same type (doesn't matter # of uses) and they will combine into 1 bait jar.

Mandrake of DF

Lore Master
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I have a theory about the fishing ps:
maybe if you have 100 skill you can get only 105,
with 105 you can get 105 and 110,
with 110 you can get 105, 110 and 115,
with 115 you can get 105, 110, 115 and 120

This system could be similar to bods, the higher is the skill the better the reward...
At 105 fishing i kept getting +5 scrolls.
Now at 110 fishing I keep getting +5 scrolls....

Its frustrating....


UOEC Modder
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Stratics Legend
maybe is chance of 105, one of 110, etc..?
or depend by the quest?
I saw quest which requires 5 fish, 10 fish, 15 fish and 20 fish (10 per 2 kind). Maybe certain quest has a better reward than others?