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Saltpeter will be mined through niter deposits...



So now I have to worry about luck with my miner and be able to protect myself in dungeons. So I guess I will just leave my mining on my T-Hunter. I guess I could go out on a boat but never was a fan of mining while on a boat.

Test Center Update - Publish 68.3 James Nichols22 Oct 2010 15:39:04 ESTGreetings!

The following changes will be available on Test Center 1 for you to check out this weekend. Please note that TC1 will be brought offline at 4:00PM EDT for the update, thank you.

Publish 68.3
Saltpeter is now a mineable resource
•Can be mined in dungeons and on a boat
•Players will occasionally uncover niter deposits when mining for ore
•Frequency of discovery and size of deposits depends on mining skill and luck
•Mine the niter deposit to obtain saltpeter
•Niter deposits will decay over time if not mined
New Rare Crab and Lobster Trophy’s
•Enchanted and Legendary Crabs and Lobsters can now be turned into trophy’s via the Taxidermy Kit.
Bug Fixes
•Made a channel in the sea market so boats can get in and out a little easier. This will be marked by bouys.
•Fixed an issue with not being able to access cargo holds while the boat is moving
•You will no longer be able to cast field spells on stairs
•Players will no longer be able to scuttle a ship in Trammel
•If you are a ghost on a scuttled ship you can now debark your ship to your last valid terrain location by using the mooring lines.
•Cannon ammunitition will no longer lose its price or reset the price of a container on server maintenance on your vendor.


UO Forum Moderator
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my miner has always been a noncombat type and has lots of room on his suit so dropping 8 or 900 luck on should be easy and then another 700 plus from the statue should work for me

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I wonder if you must have added the High Seas booster to the account that the miner character is on before you can find niter deposits and mine them for saltpeter.


Mining is starting to be a SUPER skill.
I think you need it for Glassblowing
Treasurehunters need it too to find chests


R Traveler

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Coming next year.
Miner booster.
Artifacts can be mined in any dungeons.
Dungeon dependent arties - doom gauntlet, tot, ilsh, abyss.
New mining ability (replaces gate travel spell) - tunnel/cave mine. Stand on mineable spot, click pickaxe, target marked rune to valid mineable spot, dig temp tunnel, which collapse in 1 minute.

R Traveler

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Forgot to add. Miner booster accounts receive basement level at their house plots with additional 20% storage increase for sure.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Guess it's a good thing my relatively weak-fighting miner uses the Crystal Vollem I got from the SA expansion token. He already uses it to take out ore elementals that spawn with the garg pickaxe, but now he'll need it to guard him if he has to go into the dungeons to mine for saltpeter.


hmm I missed that it has to be in dungeons.
Trammel has Khaldhun is that a dungeon?


Coming next year.
Miner booster.
Artifacts can be mined in any dungeons.
Dungeon dependent arties - doom gauntlet, tot, ilsh, abyss.
New mining ability (replaces gate travel spell) - tunnel/cave mine. Stand on mineable spot, click pickaxe, target marked rune to valid mineable spot, dig temp tunnel, which collapse in 1 minute.
Hilarious, ecspecially about the Gate travel!


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Coming next year.
Miner booster.
Artifacts can be mined in any dungeons.
Dungeon dependent arties - doom gauntlet, tot, ilsh, abyss.
New mining ability (replaces gate travel spell) - tunnel/cave mine. Stand on mineable spot, click pickaxe, target marked rune to valid mineable spot, dig temp tunnel, which collapse in 1 minute.
Comeon its gonna be Minecraft UO style (reference Minecraft)

Trebr Drab

Coming next year.
Miner booster.
Artifacts can be mined in any dungeons.
Dungeon dependent arties - doom gauntlet, tot, ilsh, abyss.
New mining ability (replaces gate travel spell) - tunnel/cave mine. Stand on mineable spot, click pickaxe, target marked rune to valid mineable spot, dig temp tunnel, which collapse in 1 minute.
Hilarious, ecspecially about the Gate travel!
I believe those would be "worm holes".

Lady Storm

Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
Hint there is tons of spots in dungeons to mine free of pests.
NO dragon needed unless your in fel then........... forget the pests watch out for local reds!
When was the last time you walked in a tram dungeon??

Trebr Drab

Double resources in Fel?

This might be worth an expedition.


Hint there is tons of spots in dungeons to mine free of pests.
NO dragon needed unless your in fel then........... forget the pests watch out for local reds!
When was the last time you walked in a tram dungeon??
If Trammel Khaldhun counts then there is actually a safe spot to mine

If runes still work there


Whats the point? As a miner i see no point and a waste of time to my ore to time ratio. Saltpeter is obtainable through multiple npc for UO equivelent to pennys. This is just a disavantage. So I ask whats the point?

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Whats the point? As a miner i see no point and a waste of time to my ore to time ratio. Saltpeter is obtainable through multiple npc for UO equivelent to pennys. This is just a disavantage. So I ask whats the point?
Maybe they will consider removing Saltpeter from vendors or switch back to the original of having it only available to the Sea Market in quantities of 500.


I have mined all over Britannia even mined off a boat when I first started my miner 6 years ago BUT never mined in a dungeon wouldn't know where to start?? which one to mine in and etc?? is there anywhere I could gather some Intel on this??

Lady Storm

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There is a spot in Destard that is huge for mining and if you clear off the top shelf by the 2nd lvl entry its good too.
Shame has tons of spots you can mine free of critters.
Not so sure if the kaldune runes still work, would be nice if they did....

Fel mining can be tricky and dungeon minng is 10xs as tricky due to the recall issue... no escape for the wicked and not so wicked.


Indeed if planning goes into it. Now I ask CAL or any of the DEV involved in this change please if you reading this. I and others need to know what are you basing your thoughts and data on to come to this conclusion to slow down mining efforts to add a common cheap resource which is obtainable in unlimited quanties from npc?


I have mined all over Britannia even mined off a boat when I first started my miner 6 years ago BUT never mined in a dungeon wouldn't know where to start?? which one to mine in and etc?? is there anywhere I could gather some Intel on this??
Why bother. For every saltpeter mined is less ore mined for the spot if ore is even minable in the spot. Slowing down your efforts from a resource that you can buy cheapely from npc. Miners should be avoiding mining this as much as possible to obtain more valuable ore,stone or special gems for each strike on the ground.


maybe they will add it to the dropdown when you choose "mine for..." ore, gems, etc

that way nobody wastes time mining for something they dont want


maybe they will add it to the dropdown when you choose "mine for..." ore, gems, etc

that way nobody wastes time mining for something they dont want
Hopefully far far away from any other selections. not even the poorest of players will be mining it becaue they wouldn't be able to afford a ship if they were that poor and it won't be sellable to other players and if they are crafters it's much faster to clean out the multiple venders cheapely than to have it interfere with mining efforts.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Saltpeter is obtainable through multiple npc for UO equivelent to pennys.
Again I must point out: Not On Lake Austin. We still only have the ONE NPC at the sea market. Would sure be nice if we got the same deal the other shards are getting instead of feeling like third-class citizens.

Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
I got a couple of Niter deposit's in just a few minutes (mining from a boat). the Deposit looks like one of the rock graphics but bronze-ish in color.



Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
why would u waste time mining it, its so cheap, just buy from vendors


Stratics Veteran
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Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
To the best of my knowledge Khaldun, Trammel is off limits and bannable to be found there. I could be wrong and will attempt to get clarification on that.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
why would u waste time mining it, its so cheap, just buy from vendors
You may want to do if for RP purposes on that character or in your guild, you may enjoy playing really 'solo' and not relying on NPC vendors... all sorts of reasons really. Whatever the reasons anyone has, though, it's their reason, and if it's not spoiling anyone else's game that's perfectly good enough.

The better question for a sandbox game is probably 'why not allow every option and let the individual player decide what they want to do, as long as you don't unbalance the game as a result?" Adding this saltpeter mining method sounds fine on all levels, to me.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The more things that can be obtained by crafting (including resource gathering) or hunting, the better!


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Actually you dont have to mine the niters, if you dont want to. Becourse they spawn randomly on mining. That also means a scriptor might not get them, becourse they have to be targeted manually. (Maybe not, if a recall scriptor uses target by resource.)
Mining in a dungeon probably means that can get saltpeter there like gems. If you want a mostly friendly dungeon, go to the orc dungeon and wear a mask from an orc lord. But be prepared ... last time, I mined there, my beetle got attacked while I was wearing such a mask. (Thats several years ago.) But there are at least two forges down there, that can be used for smelting. And it also depends on waht counts as dungeon, too. The passages from Sosaria to the lost alnds are good places .... north minoc passage and the lighthouse passge for example. There are warnings to leave pets out, but I havent got any penalty for doing not. Aditionally there areareas inside dungeons that can be lured empty unless someone else hunts the lured monsters. Lockpickers used to do that in the past: the poison ele in shame, the acid ele in despise. Additonally you have areas without much spawn like the wrong entrance or around the houses in the abyss.


UO Forum Moderator
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According to Cal's expanded patch notes, Saltpeter's going back to the commodity method - meaning that with the publish, you can buy as much of it as you want (stocking in 500s), but within a week it will be costing in the hundreds, per.

the only cheap saltpeter, after a week, will be from mining.


UO Producer | Dark OverLady
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I wonder if you must have added the High Seas booster to the account that the miner character is on before you can find niter deposits and mine them for saltpeter.
Yes you have to have High Seas Booster before you will get any niter deposits.



UO Forum Moderator
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Mesanna, did my response to the Saltpeter thread detailing the history of the stuff have any bearing on this?

And, did you get the list of DSFASFA houses from one of the LA people?

Lastly - it's been almost 2 months since the contest ended. Any news on the LA Fairegrounds redesign competition, or have you all been too busy with High Seas?


According to Cal's expanded patch notes, Saltpeter's going back to the commodity method - meaning that with the publish, you can buy as much of it as you want (stocking in 500s), but within a week it will be costing in the hundreds, per.

the only cheap saltpeter, after a week, will be from mining.
As long as it goes up to maybe 50k-100k on npc venders I'll be find with it. Other than that it's messing with my time to ore ratio.

Eyes of Origin

To the best of my knowledge Khaldun, Trammel is off limits and bannable to be found there. I could be wrong and will attempt to get clarification on that.
Hmm why would this be offlimits and bannable? i mean, its been awhile since i have been there myself, but i dont remember it ever being bannable to be there.


UO Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
According to Cal's expanded patch notes, Saltpeter's going back to the commodity method - meaning that with the publish, you can buy as much of it as you want (stocking in 500s), but within a week it will be costing in the hundreds, per.
Commodity pricing has been broken for a long time, in that the shopkeepers would never offer to buy back an item for more than its base price. This created the problem that asking prices would inflate while offer prices would not, and therefore it would never be worth anyone's time to sell anything back. One place this is particularly problematic is with glass bottles, and the slow rate of sand mining.

With these changes, we are making it so the shopkeepers will offer significantly more gold when buying back commodities with high prices. This will make it worthwhile in many cases (like glass bottles) to sell these items back to shopkeepers. It also opens up opportunities to find creative ways to profit by trading items around, either by simple buy low/sell high, or by resource gathering and crafting coupled with trading.

the only cheap saltpeter, after a week, will be from mining.
I would not expect its price to climb as high as some think it might. It's not too difficult to mine, and if the price gets too high then it will be worthwhile to mine some just to sell to the NPC shopkeepers.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I did say I'd ask for clarification.
It's a lot of years ago since someone gave me a rune and told me to mine there, then told me you weren't supposed to go there!
I over marked the rune and never used it. Terry would never forgive me if I did something that put our account at risk.


Commodity pricing has been broken for a long time, in that the shopkeepers would never offer to buy back an item for more than its base price. This created the problem that asking prices would inflate while offer prices would not, and therefore it would never be worth anyone's time to sell anything back. One place this is particularly problematic is with glass bottles, and the slow rate of sand mining.

With these changes, we are making it so the shopkeepers will offer significantly more gold when buying back commodities with high prices. This will make it worthwhile in many cases (like glass bottles) to sell these items back to shopkeepers. It also opens up opportunities to find creative ways to profit by trading items around, either by simple buy low/sell high, or by resource gathering and crafting coupled with trading.

I would not expect its price to climb as high as some think it might. It's not too difficult to mine, and if the price gets too high then it will be worthwhile to mine some just to sell to the NPC shopkeepers.
As I remmeber it. I beleive it was on purpose to stop certain ways to obtain gold through npc. Though thats not really a issue anymore as gold is infalted through the production shards anyway. So it's a good change to revert to it's old state as it made no sense to try to curve gold generation through this matter and only hurt the few permanent newbies.