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Event Idea - Pet Show


Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
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I first had this idea several years ago, but it appears now that I might have the connections to pull it off. I'm just presenting the idea to you in the hopes that you might be able to offer some assistance and advice.

The idea is a pet show. We have a category for all the popular pets, plus a catch-all category for less popular or common pets, then a best in show. The idea is to select three eminent Catskills tamers to do the judging, and as a pre-event we would have a discussion group a few days to a week before with those three judges, chaired by myself, on what makes a good quality pet, which anyone would be welcome to attend.

I would like to have prizes for each category, plus a grand prize for the "Best in Show", and that is something it would be wonderful if we could get some EM help with. The idea at this point is to have this as a part of a Fall Fair.

EM Kasaven

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think this is something that we can work with.
My only confusion would be on judging criteria.
Are they based on skills? Fighting? RPing/describing your pets looks?

Also brings me to another question - is everyone interested in a Fall Fairgrounds Festival again? Last years was fun, so I was curious what you all thought of having another.



Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
I think this is something that we can work with.
My only confusion would be on judging criteria.
Are they based on skills? Fighting? RPing/describing your pets looks?
This is an rp event in the sense that you can role play it if you like, but the judging itself could be based on a few things, and this is why we need accomplished and respected tamers to be the judges.

1. The rarity of the colour pet, yes, a blaze cu sidhe would get bonus points.

2. The stats and skills, and this is at the judges' discretion, and would be what the discussion group would be about. Some tamers value strength, some dexterity, some hit points, some intelligence, some resists, some skills, or any combination of the above. The only thing I wouldn't want the judges to do is consult the pet power calculator in their judging. For one thing that would take too long, for another thing it would turn the show into pure number crunching.

3. You could also if you like have the pets go through a simple series of commands, and if they fail any, they would lose points. But that would be pure luck in most cases, so I'm not sure about this one. This also might make the judging too complex.

So a judges sheet might look like this:

Appearance: 0-9 (this would be the rarity of the pet, and for those which have no rare colours they would get an automatic 5)

Statistics: 0-9

Training: 0-9

Obedience: 0-9 (as I said, I'm undecided as to whether this should be included)

The judges submit their numbers and they are totalled to find the winner. If there is a tie for first place then a second round of judging will ensue. The pet with the highest score wins "Best in Show", or if there is a tie for first place another round of judging will be required. If there is a deadlock after a second round of judging, I will make the final decision.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think this is something that we can work with.
My only confusion would be on judging criteria.
Are they based on skills? Fighting? RPing/describing your pets looks?

Also brings me to another question - is everyone interested in a Fall Fairgrounds Festival again? Last years was fun, so I was curious what you all thought of having another.

RE: Fall Festival.
