I did it... I killed Navery about 4-5x last night.
Didn't get any Tangle or anything other than a Spider Carapace or Ichor, though. Someone mentioned using the rocks might be bad. I used the rocks 2-3x in each fight (took me a while to kill him).
Here's how I went in there.
120 sword
90+15 tac (15 on ring)
111 Bush (Wasn't using slayer so I wanted EOO and perfection)
94 Ninja (Stoned off Anat for ninja from another character)
99 Nec
87 SS (Haven't finished training)
71 Chiv
Weapon: Elemental 30 phys, 40 fire, rest in energy/cold, hml, hsl, hla, di, Daisho. (test weapon, wasn't fully finished)
Whenever I get frozen/webbed, is when I get in trouble. I quickly learned that one of two things happens. Either he melees you down to a 10% sliver of life, or he poisons you and leaves you at 1/3 life.
If I was meleed to a sliver, I run offscreen and use divine aura for sta and cleanse wounds to heal up. I'd run outside to beat on wolf spiders to get hp back but it's not worth the risk when I can more safely cleanse wounds. Navery is SLOW
If I get poisoned and left at 1/3 hp, I offscreen and use cleanse by fire (chiv cure). Sometimes it takes multiple casts. My Karma is going down from the necro spells the entire fight, not sure if this has any effect.
So I tried 2 ways to fight.
First I tried LG's ninja/whammy mode. I assume he wanted me to be a whammy as you can't be on a swamp dragon and summon mirror images. This did OK, but when it came to the 'getting in trouble' part, I wasn't able to offscreen effectively and I croaked. I did get going for a minute or two using this method and it was working really well. Probably just a timing issue.
Next I tried the sampire+swampy method. I did much better and this is how I killed him for the most part. I would have been more effective with anat using this method. I tried Deathstrike but it didn't seem to do much so I mostly used LS, Feint, and sometimes a double strike.
I was relying on EOO, perfection, and chivalry a lot for consecrate. I would curse weap sometimes.
It took forever to kill him. I finally started just jousting. He seems to freeze you in place less if you joust him.
I think I was also having mana issues and need a larger pool (have around 40 now and 35 LMC). Of course if I actually get the tangle that will help it a lot. I can play with my stat distribution as well, I'm just not looking forward to my hp dropping. ;/