So after conquering Greater Dragons, a Para Balron, and going toe to toe with two Reptalons at once using my new spec/gear I wanted to try something new: Rend and Mephitis.
I ran into the same basic problem with both.
With Rend, I went EOO, Curse Weap, Consecrate, ran in and got honor off. I was doing well and got him to about 70% and then I just randomly started missing tons of swings. He was just doing too much damage and I either had to back off or he killed me several times. Gave up on that one.
Basic same thing with Mephitis. Poison was a non-issue as I leeched through it, but I would miss too many swings and get in trouble. Several times the hits to my sta had my bar empty and I had to hit Divine Aura to get sta back. Oddly, Lightning Strike – unless it crit – did NOT produce enough damage to leech back enough mana, health, and stamina. I had to rely more on double strikes and LS crits with her to keep all my bars full. She got me once or twice and I ran back.
Missing swings seems entirely RNG driven.
I was using my ‘kill all’ Double Axe slayer set for both critters:
Super Slayer (reptile/arachnid)
SSI 30
DI 38
HML 55
HSL 44
*Elemental damage geared towards these type of creatures, but used Consecrate when I could afford the cast
I have DCI & HCI at 40 right now. I have HLD on my M&S glasses. I can’t think of any way to get that last 5 HCI unless I go elf with Wood Armor. Not ready to do that just yet, and I doubt 5 HCI would have made enough of a difference to warrant that large of a change!
I’m going to try creating an elemental regular (dragon/spider) slayer set of Daishos. But in my experience, the faster weapons just don’t seem to do enough damage to keep me alive.
I mean, I have a dragon slayer radiant scimitar with HLA and I get in more trouble with that than I do a reptile slaying double axe.
Lastly, now that I got rid of bandaging I’m trying to do better on noticing when I’m about to be in it deep so I can run off, use consecrate/cleanse wounds/spirit speak/potion, and come back rather than oOoOoooooo…
Any thoughts?
I ran into the same basic problem with both.
With Rend, I went EOO, Curse Weap, Consecrate, ran in and got honor off. I was doing well and got him to about 70% and then I just randomly started missing tons of swings. He was just doing too much damage and I either had to back off or he killed me several times. Gave up on that one.
Basic same thing with Mephitis. Poison was a non-issue as I leeched through it, but I would miss too many swings and get in trouble. Several times the hits to my sta had my bar empty and I had to hit Divine Aura to get sta back. Oddly, Lightning Strike – unless it crit – did NOT produce enough damage to leech back enough mana, health, and stamina. I had to rely more on double strikes and LS crits with her to keep all my bars full. She got me once or twice and I ran back.
Missing swings seems entirely RNG driven.
I was using my ‘kill all’ Double Axe slayer set for both critters:
Super Slayer (reptile/arachnid)
SSI 30
DI 38
HML 55
HSL 44
*Elemental damage geared towards these type of creatures, but used Consecrate when I could afford the cast
I have DCI & HCI at 40 right now. I have HLD on my M&S glasses. I can’t think of any way to get that last 5 HCI unless I go elf with Wood Armor. Not ready to do that just yet, and I doubt 5 HCI would have made enough of a difference to warrant that large of a change!
I’m going to try creating an elemental regular (dragon/spider) slayer set of Daishos. But in my experience, the faster weapons just don’t seem to do enough damage to keep me alive.
I mean, I have a dragon slayer radiant scimitar with HLA and I get in more trouble with that than I do a reptile slaying double axe.
Lastly, now that I got rid of bandaging I’m trying to do better on noticing when I’m about to be in it deep so I can run off, use consecrate/cleanse wounds/spirit speak/potion, and come back rather than oOoOoooooo…
Any thoughts?