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[Discussion] Something Fishy...Be Careful

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Lore Master
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Hello all i am wiriting this to report that on ATL at the moment there is a certain vendor or 2 that i have watched over the past few weeks seilling the same new event items over and over again. I and some other respected members of the community i have talked to have witnessed this as well. These vendors which i have watched sell ie: goblin oils, demonic zombie skulls, etc and many more... I have watched these items sell and then be restocked with the same items totaling over the amount that have been listed to drop (well over) that EMS quoted were dropped. I dont want to cause panic or anything but me and others suspect a renegade EM either selling these items or giving them to other players, maybe their friends to sell to make much gold or something much worse. One of these vendors we have noticed is setup in ATL which we suspect is one of the vendors we also saw on the chessy rares fest selling the same items over and over again which also included seeing many many of each tribal mask sold several pixie traps on the same vendor many many goblin oils, demonic scroll of empowerments, runic inscription items and many many more. I as well on now at this atl vendor watched them sell and then be replaced by the same items. These items that have been sold i will say again have sold many many of the items totaling way over the items that were listed to be dropped that the EMs stated were dropped. Again i dont want to cause panice but SOMETHING IS UP! I am going to contact Mes about this and hopefully we can figure out if something is wrong here. If there is renegade EMS OR SOMETHING EVEN WORSE THIS NEEDS TO BE CONTROLLED AS IT IS BAD FOR THE WHOLE COMMUNITY! EDIT: May not be EMs Just Becareful is all i will say.


Lore Master
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Re: Possible Renegade EM... Something Fishy...

just confirmed with house owner it is the same vendor owner from the rares fest in chessy that sold the same items over and over. now selling the same ones here


Slightly Crazed
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Re: Possible Renegade EM... Something Fishy...

I'm not sure if EM's can even make items. I was thinking that they had to have them made by either a Dev (Mesanna) or maybe a GM. If they do have the power to make items (even renamed items) then you will never know what happens behind the closed doors. It would suck to have paid hundreds of millions for something only to find out that 50 of them were made instead of 1 or 2.



Re: Possible Renegade EM... Something Fishy...

EM's can make anything. I complained about this happening months ago. Thats why I don't buy many EM items. Gold to $$. All i gotta say.

Nastia Cross

Re: Possible Renegade EM... Something Fishy...

Is it possible that its not an EM, just someone who knows how to dupe?


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
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Re: Possible Renegade EM... Something Fishy...

That's great. Hold on to your rares everyone till this is figured out.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Re: Possible Renegade EM... Something Fishy...

Why are you folks all in a tizzy?


Rares Fest Host | LS April 2011
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Re: Possible Renegade EM... Something Fishy...

I know the vendors you are referring to. But I know one of the vendor's owner that he was buying them on the secondary market at the chesy festival to resell. So he was just doing what he thought was a good business move I think. As for the other vendor, I too have seen items that are selling substantially lower that the market rate, i.e. orc amor pieces for 100 mil where before they were selling near 200 mil on Stratics etc... Problem is, even if my numbers are off, the fact that one vendor is selling all that just makes everything look and feel even more suscepcious.

Known rare dealers shop on this thread all the time so you know when they are selling and you can probably trace the items but when a vendor pops up out of no where and starts to sell large quanties of a few items it makes you start wondering.
U talk about the guy that was selling alot of skull mug? (he -supposedly- bought them.. who knows)
Everyone knows that skull mugs are being duped. That guy inclusive.

These vendors which i have watched sell ie: goblin oils, demonic zombie skulls, etc and many more...
Problem with some items like Goblin Oil is that is listed as:

Goblin Oil (~20)

That doesnt mean there is 20. For "ME" (yes, my opinion) that means that hundreds could exists.

Same as:

Garkin's Dagger (>10)

"more than 10" means to "ME": more than a few hundreds. We know, everyone has at least one garkins dagger.

Another one is:

Replica Of The Rowan Tree (~30)

But oh well, ill just end my post here.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Re: Possible Renegade EM... Something Fishy...

EM's can make anything. I complained about this happening months ago. Thats why I don't buy many EM items. Gold to $$. All i gotta say.
Not that I give a damn. Ems can make squat... except deco. They can also attract game nerds. Just saying. I may be a nerd... But deco? Is that really rare?

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
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Re: Possible Renegade EM... Something Fishy...

Not that I give a damn. Ems can make squat... except deco. They can also attract game nerds. Just saying. I may be a nerd... But deco? Is that really rare?
Be careful now...*gets out the big stick*


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Re: Possible Renegade EM... Something Fishy...

Good Lord... Don't you folks have real rares to look for? EM created stuff? Really?


Lore Master
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Re: Possible Renegade EM... Something Fishy...

No disrespect intended Kelmo, but i think nearly every EM item in the last year or so would classify as "deco", meaning its just a renamed / rehued version of an existing graphic.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Re: Possible Renegade EM... Something Fishy...

No reason to lock this Cowboy... I just don't get it.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Re: Possible Renegade EM... Something Fishy...

No disrespect intended Kelmo, but i think nearly every EM item in the last year or so would classify as "deco", meaning its just a renamed / rehued version of an existing graphic.
Exactly... When EMs start handing out arties let me know. Maybe I will show up


Re: Possible Renegade EM... Something Fishy...

Get what? the value people place on some EM items?


Old and in the way
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Re: Possible Renegade EM... Something Fishy...



Lore Master
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Re: Possible Renegade EM... Something Fishy...

No disrespect intended Kelmo, but i think nearly every EM item in the last year or so would classify as "deco", meaning its just a renamed / rehued version of an existing graphic.
Exactly... When EMs start handing out arties let me know. Maybe I will show up
Ahhh, so recently created / uniquely named / low distribution items have no value. I see.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Re: Possible Renegade EM... Something Fishy...

Ahhh, so recently created / uniquely named / low distribution items have no value. I see.
Pretty much... Unless you can kill me with it it is crap.


Lore Master
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Re: Possible Renegade EM... Something Fishy...

Not to be stupid, but 99% of us don't play Siege. Please factor this in.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Re: Possible Renegade EM... Something Fishy...

Stupid is as stupid does... it is just pixels.


Re: Possible Renegade EM... Something Fishy...

Who is Kelmo btw?


Lore Master
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Re: Possible Renegade EM... Something Fishy...

And opinions are like...

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
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Re: Possible Renegade EM... Something Fishy...

No reason to lock this Cowboy...
Hey, take a good look at where you are kelmo...then take a good moment to think about what you called the people here and the items they collect. Don't put a lock on this because of me...all I was doing was pointing out your obvious error.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Re: Possible Renegade EM... Something Fishy...

Who is Kelmo btw?
My prize possession is a Trammel moon stone... That is who I am.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Re: Possible Renegade EM... Something Fishy...

Hey, take a good look at where you are kelmo...then take a good moment to think about what you called the people here and the items they collect. Don't put a lock on this because of me...all I was doing was pointing out your obvious error.
I called them pixels?

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
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Re: Possible Renegade EM... Something Fishy...

Alright folks, we need to calm down here. I don't want to have us bash the EM program when they may very well be completely innocent of any wrong doing. From what I have heard, Mesanna has been informed and is investigating the situation.

At this point, we don't know the reason for what was seen on this vendor. I would urge everyone to take a step back and not play the blame game. Let's really try to be supportive of Mesanna and hopefully she will give us information on the situation if possible.

The EMs have the same rights as other posters here. I'm not going to allow folks to sling mud in hysteria. Now let's take a step back. I know many of us are really worried about this and when we are worried, we tend to lash out.

An' Kelmo, deco is really important to these folks. This is the passion for many of them, just as Siege is for you. You'll start a riot if you aren't careful. *grins*


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Re: Possible Renegade EM... Something Fishy...

Who did I belittle? I am going nowhere. This is my forum too.


Rares Fest Host | LS April 2011
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Re: Possible Renegade EM... Something Fishy...

I called them pixels?
No, you are just trolling a discussion thread about weird items appearing on vendors.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Re: Possible Renegade EM... Something Fishy...

Yeah... OK.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Re: Possible Renegade EM... Something Fishy...

No, you are just trolling a discussion thread about weird items appearing on vendors.
*chuckles* You do not want to see me on a troll...


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
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Re: Possible Renegade EM... Something Fishy...

If something is out of order, then it is a NEW DUPE. Not a "rogue EM."


Lore Master
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Re: Possible Renegade EM... Something Fishy...

Kelmo, i have the greatest respect for you and the way you handle people on the boards, and i mean that most sincerely. But when your game experience is pretty much Siege only, and you fully admit that your prized possession is a trammel moonstone, what should the rares community think of your opinions? Several of my best friends play this game in the same manner that i believe you do, placing no value on "deco" - rares OR Em items, etc. I would never post in a PVP or SP forum about how things should be done, or about a reported exploit that made me move three tiles faster on my imaginary horse pixels. Just curious why you took such a confrontational stance here.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Re: Possible Renegade EM... Something Fishy...

I respect this community. I really do. The wealth and items you folks have astound me. You are like keepers of the history.


Re: Possible Renegade EM... Something Fishy...

your remarks do not show you have respect for this forum and imo your not the best fit for this forum. thats just my opionion and how you come off to me


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Re: Possible Renegade EM... Something Fishy...

But accusing EMs of being renegade... That is kinda out there. just saying.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Re: Possible Renegade EM... Something Fishy...

your remarks do not show you have respect for this forum and imo your not the best fit for this forum. thats just my opionion and how you come off to me
*smiles* Get to know me...


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Re: Possible Renegade EM... Something Fishy...

fraggles... I am not gonna be your normal mod. it will be OK.


Lore Master
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Re: Possible Renegade EM... Something Fishy...

fraggles... I am not gonna be your normal mod. it will be OK.
This is true, but sometimes it is fun to watch him "escort" someone out the door while knocking over every single table and chair in the joint with their head. :)

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
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Re: Possible Renegade EM... Something Fishy...

Now let's see if I can get this up before another page of posts occur.

*takes a deep breath*

Let's all take a break and step away from the thread. I know many of you are upset and freaking out about this. I'm not happy about it either. Let's take a step back from pointing the finger at the EMs. We don't have all the facts and I'm not going to allow folks to continue to bash them based on speculation. I know that emotional high is adding to the fire and Kelmo's opinion on rares collecting didn't help matters much.

Kelmo. You come from a different world than many of us. Many of us have collections worth billions that have taken some of us over a decade to achieve. I know you don't understand the interest, but I ask that you respect it. This is our community's passion and for some, it is all that keeps them still playing this game.

I respect you as my boss and I appreciate your help on the forum, but I also have a job to stand up for this community as one of their moderators. These folks may be a pain in the ass sometimes, but most of them are good people who are really upset right now. They need your understanding. If an exploit came out on Siege that erased everyone's PBDs and folks lost their prized items to looters, decay etc without warning... you'd have a massively upset community. That's the situation we are in at the moment.

Community. Let's try and help Kelmo understand what rares collecting means to us. He comes from a world where rares aren't as plentiful or prized by most. I know you're on edge right now, but please let's take a step back ourselves before we set the forum (and Kelmo) on fire. Please.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Re: Possible Renegade EM... Something Fishy...

Just saying you have wonderful mods in place already. You do not want me here? Behave. *smokebombs*


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
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Re: Possible Renegade EM... Something Fishy...

If something is out of order, then it is a NEW DUPE. Not a "rogue EM."
/agree. Like I said hold onto your good rares unless you want to see a cpl hundred of them out there.


UO Producer | Dark OverLady
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Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to let you know we do not have a Renegade EM, and that I am looking into this.



UH OH !!

Most likely just a duper. I think EM items should have a serial number on them :)

Damn, Renegade EM sounded like so much fun. Mesanna could have one shotted the EM in RL :)


Lore Keeper
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Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to let you know we do not have a Renegade EM, and that I am looking into this.

Thanks for the update Mesanna, good to know you are watching out for us.


Few notes on some of the event items. I have bought 4 of the 6 or more demonic zombie skulls from a certain nonluna vendor (diff nonluna vendor that had the skull mugs and short stools) on atl to resell in town. I told manti last week that I think that number might be off unless someone happened to get at least 6 of the 10.

The same vendor I have been buying them from has had quite a few of the same event items over the last couple of months for cheap. All of the items there were 10-20 million range and even the first couple of demonic zombie skulls were in that range but they started raising the price each time.

About the replica of the rowan tree I alone took 27 of them to the last rares fest so there are quite a few out there.

But ya there is one vendor in luna that has had a lot of duplicates of certain atl event items for sale and it is restocked when low with the same items.

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
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Thank you very much, Mesanna.

Please keep us informed. We all know you have your hands full right now. Any additional information you have to help calm our community or in the worst case, let them know what to watch out for, would be greatly appreciated.

Again, I'll remind the community to keep their posts constructive at this point. Pointing fingers, accusations and such will not help the situation or Mesanna right now.

Edit: I'm going to lock this post right now and let folks calm down. For right now, please do not reopen this thread. I know you're all really worried about this subject right now. I will try and get a way for everyone to get any information to Mesanna that may help her.
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