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[Discussion] Worthless Things I Collect


Lore Keeper
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Hi everyone-

There are a few things I collect that most people think of as being worthless. I thought I would mention them here, so perhaps some of you might save them, if you run across them in IDOC loot. You could take them to rares fest, if you have space available on your trip. Once they arrive at the rares festival, they could become mine!

I rarely pay even 1k each for any of these, so it isn't like I am fixing to make everyone rich, sorry guys. I know... they are trash, but don't remind me. Just let me enjoy my cheap thrills. (Yeah, "Fixin' to" - that's Texas talk. Just humor me. I'll go away soon enough. =)

Only three things are coming to mind right now. There are probably a few others, but I am not remembering any others, right now.

The three things I wish you would haul across the world for me are:
  • "Happy 6th Anniversary!" cakes - these are the yellow ones.
  • "Happy Birthday! Thank You For Celebrating 5 Years Of Glorious Adventure With Ultima Online" cakes - these are the ones that come in various colors.
  • Blessed Bacon - only the blessed ones.

The things I collect stack. The colored cakes only stack with cakes that are the same color, but they do stack.

Do any of you collect worthless things, too? Surely I am not the only one, right? If there are worthless things you save, I will see about saving whatever it is for you. Then I can take it to rares fest, so you can increase your worthless collections like I do! =)

Thanks for reading!



Yes, I collect the cakes and I pay 5k per :)

I can bring my "swaps" to the rares fest


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
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My worst habit is collecting Personal Bless Deeds with funny names.

It's bad b/c they DON'T stack and I'm getting to the point where they are affecting my lockdown space!

Of particular note, I have:

PBD for Sex, A Kiss, Satan Himself, I Hate Lag, Lag Machine, A Secret Pact, A Rabbit, A Mouse....

I can't even begin to list the ones that I'm too embarrassed to type out!

Bliss- I'll be sure to find some of your "Wants" by Raresfest Time! I'm so looking forward to everyone visiting my home shard!


Seasoned Veteran
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Speaking of PBDs...

Someone named a book "Box of Cheese" and used a Personal Bless Deed from "A Mouse". I saw it at a Rares Festival a couple years ago. Hilarious! =)


Stratics Veteran
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I worst habit is collecting Personal Bless Deeds with funny names.

Great memories! This post made me go dig through my bag of funny named deeds I used to love and had forgotten about.

I think my favorites I have are A PBD for 'a moron', 'a newbie' and 'a loser'.

I used to hand them to friends and tell them they must have dropped their deed back there..

I also have 'your mother' (another funny one)

And perhaps a little dubious..

'A Personal Bless Deed for Anyone'

Fun times!


i asked a while ago, but got no answer. What do you all think off the price for PBD with names like:
PBD for Decoration
PBD for a Kiss (Yes I have one as well)
For my best Friend
For HappyAnniversary
For my Dear
For Your Birthday


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US currency! Er, wait...


Lore Keeper
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US currency! Er, wait...

But yeah, I've got a small collection of items with pbd's on them. The weirdest I've seen is the book Kim mentioned, a complete suit that has matching pbd's on each piece and a cauldron with a pbd on it.

Funny stuff


Looks like im going to join up with PBD Hoarders Anonymous..

I Have The Following Personal Bless Deeds For:

An Ancient Mummy
Age Of Shadows

I also Hoard Old Vendor Deeds With Neat Names, AOS Clothing, And Whispering Roses... I have a Problem :/


Rares Fest Host | LS April 2011
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Ohh.. probably ill put some PDBs on a vendor on next rares fest:


The Devils Hand
Kiss Me
A Bag of Chisps
Bilingual Orc
Gandalf the Grey
Dead Presidents
A new car
Some Viagra
Using Viagra
My Loved One
A Million Dollar


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
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I own the "Box of Cheese Blessed For A Mouse"



Grand Poobah
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Hah, I have a stack of those yellow cakes and a smaller one of the blessed bacon as well. I'll collect anything that stacks, it only takes up 1 lockdown, amirite? :)

I like weird things as well, I wish more of them came up for sale. Bizarre bugged items are just neato. My favorite is a little red book that when you double click it instead of opening it gives you the sextant coordinates of where you are at. No, I've never tried to copy it. I'd probably do it wrong and end up blanking it out hehe.


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
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The King Of Misnamed/Bugged Items, IMHO:

Here's the pic for you Kim and Athelas:



Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
Yes, I collect the cakes and I pay 5k per :)

I can bring my "swaps" to the rares fest
Uh-oh, competition! I will take duplicates to the fest for you, too. =)
Do you collect the sixth anniversary ones, too or just the other colored ones?

HEHE...I always eat the bacon! :)
R.C., you eat the bacon?! Oh, horrors!

Hah, I have a stack of those yellow cakes and a smaller one of the blessed bacon as well. I'll collect anything that stacks, it only takes up 1 lockdown, amirite? :)
You are right, if it only takes one lockdown, I might be hoarding it! Let me run check on my numbers of those two items. I don't have many. I only have 207 slices of blessed bacon and 41 yellow cakes. If they had been stackable back when I did IDOCs every day, I would have had more, but darnit - I didn't keep them. Anyway, I'll race you to 60k on the cakes! Hmm - there probably aren't 60k of them left in all of UO.

PBDs are fun to collect! I decided to let go of most of mine a while back, since they take up so much room. I think I only have two now, one for Cinderella and one for A New Car.

I have enjoyed reading about all of your collections. I'm sure there are more of you out there who collect. Who hasn't confessed, yet? Come on! =)



Babbling Loonie
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I have kept a few PBDs with names that interested me I have PBDs for-
All Eternity
Age of Shadows
A Balron
A Dragon
A Lich
A Shadow Wyrm


If I have to add my wierd little obsession, then mine is torn between Practice Weapons (I have 3 swords, 3 bows, 4 maces, 6 hatchets, 3 crooks, 3 spears, 3 gnarled staffs and 3 skinning knives, yet still have no battle axe! :()

I also collect those coloured armour suits from one of the recent events (I forget which), such as the dark red and charcoal platemail suits.

Not so much a worthless collection is that I collect rubble, and have 29 dock floor pieces, which everyone keeps trying to buy from me! :)

If anyone collects the PBDs I have a few I could bring along:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday (No Friday :()
Poo On A Stick
Harry Potter
Dolly Dagger
My Best Friend
A Friend
My Favorite
Someone Special
My One-And-Only
Nobody Special
My Only Love
Someone I Love
My Sweet Love

So quite a few that I could sell/trade if anyone is collecting! :)


Seasoned Veteran
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I also collect those coloured armour suits from one of the recent events (I forget which), such as the dark red and charcoal platemail suits.
I'll trade you some suits from that event for the Personal Bless Deed for "Someone I Love".