Queen Mum's delicious Chocolate Chip and Sugar cookies
Carbon dating ;P
Raffle choices included picking up an old Juggernaught...
...A mystery bag (far right)...
...Or a yellow bag with a T-Shirt and some other stuff
Whispering Rose crew
Chris Weakley (Facilities Manager, Bioware Mythic)
Eugene Evans w/ son (General Manager, Bioware Mythic)
Mr. Cal Crowner (Producer, UO)
Dev Row ;P (the non-presenters)
High Seas!
Booster Experience
Booster Feature List
Derek Brinkmann (Lead Engineer, sporting '08 UO shirt)
Booster Overview
Mike "Phoenix" Moore (Systems Designer) -- (thanks Obsidian)
Booster Overview
Shade (thanks Yalp and Obsidian)
Booster Overview
Booster Overview
Booster Overview
Orcish (right) and Tokuno (left)
New Dock area
New Dock area
Pirate board
New Dock area
The matrix (just a screwed up pic, haha)
Placing a new boat
New quest
Gargish boat (right) and new small rowboat (left)
Back to the Orcish, setting up cannons
Repairing boat (after the battle; didn't take snaps of that, waiting on Mesanna to see if I can post the video I took)
Raffle time! Everyone won though
Cal and Mesanna (right)
EMs Faine Morgan (oops, thanks Yen Sid for correction on order, haha), Dudley, and Pallindo (thanks Yalp) -- PS, was nice to meet you Mrs Faine Morgan
All the EMs in attendance
Bag design
The good-humored Cal making fun of the Old Spice guy (Ultima is now diamonds!)
Devs answer Qs
Devs answer Qs
Cal and group egg on Mesanna to try on robe
Mesanna in what looks like an old Counsler Seer robe hehe