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Next time leave the RL politics out of it...



Im not sure I even want to know what happened.
He had one sentence for his whole bash. I wouldn't call it much to worry about hunter. Its like scrathing the surface and saying you sanded all the paint off.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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this whole thread is like walking onto a empty elevator that someone recentlly farted in.

you know someone farted in it
you can smell it
but there is no one there to place the blame on

that is how i feel when reading a thread where absolutlly nothing is posted about the back stories.

im not saying i wanna know the back story, im just curious why we all have to read a thread that has nothing in it.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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"Yes, I saw something of a commotion at the gates. I thought
it was one of those Republican part members trying to over
throw the crown again. But I did not see her up close."

This must be the line everyone is talking about. Honestly I've known Tailspin awhile now (From when he was a EM on Chesapeake) and I am positive he meant it to be nothing offensive AND it sorta does fit into the RP.

A republican form of government- is a type of government in which the citizens of a country have an active role in the affairs of the government, and the government is not headed by a hereditary ruler such as a king.

Don't think too much on the comment....or if you do, try to laugh....hmmm perhaps make a guild to try and get Queen Dawn to change government types. Then they will throw rocks at you and it will make sense *Smiles*

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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Is that it?

Gee I was hoping for something atleast more exciting then that.
Sometimes seeing it once, thinking about, then thinking about it more makes it larger then it really was. Thats why I always run journal converter so I can see what is exactly said.

I think somewhere was a line of EM Tailspin saying he doesn't like cookies

*Runs to the Nuclear Bomb Shelter* Mommy!!!
(That was a joke FYI)