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[Discussion] Dawn Suits

  • Thread starter A Stoned Mariner
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A Stoned Mariner

Has anybody by chance been keeping track or compiling any #'s on these as we see them for sale now in full force?

A Stoned Mariner [SCB]
Seafarmers Collegium of Britannia

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would put the number of completable suits somewhere between 25-50


1) Some pieces abandoned on player bodies
2) Not all 6 guards on every shard died
3) Some skullcaps being cutup for cloth


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

1) Some pieces abandoned on player bodies
2) Not all 6 guards on every shard died
3) Some skullcaps being cutup for cloth
I saw at least two guard corpses that didn't give up the armor. I'm pretty sure there were more than that. Can anyone tell me what causes that to happen?

One of the shards didn't have six guards to begin with. I think it was Oceania, but I can't remember for sure. Does anyone remember which shard it was?

The more I think about it, I would be surprised if there are more than 30 complete sets out there.


Have any of you actually cut up skullcaps? I've heard people talk about the possibility of doing it, but haven't heard of anyone who actually did it. If so, how many do you know of that were cut up? Did the skullcap return marble colored cloth when cut?

Did anyone try smelting a piece of the armor to see if special ingots were returned? I doubt it would give back marble colored ingots, but it would be neat to have one or two like that. =)


Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I saw at least two guard corpses that didn't give up the armor. I'm pretty sure there were more than that. Can anyone tell me what causes that to happen?
Not sure of the exact cause, but many people viewed fully looted corpses as fully suited. Until a person actually opened it up these bodies would remain this way.

One of the shards didn't have six guards to begin with. I think it was Oceania, but I can't remember for sure. Does anyone remember which shard it was?
Not sure on the shard question, but 4-6 per shard dropped.

Have any of you actually cut up skullcaps? I've heard people talk about the possibility of doing it, but haven't heard of anyone who actually did it. If so, how many do you know of that were cut up? Did the skullcap return marble colored cloth when cut?
No, since I didnt have any extras I could not cut them myself. However they only give 1 cloth per...so would take several to make anything with them.

btw...I am considering the number of pieces out there could possibly produce that many suits out there...not sure on how many there are now, but know three people with a total of 15.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not sure of the exact cause, but many people viewed fully looted corpses as fully suited. Until a person actually opened it up these bodies would remain this way.

Thanks for your reply.

I experienced that as well, where the corpse appeared to be wearing the armor and upon opening the corpse the the armor disappeared completely, showing no armor inside or out.

What I was wondering about is the corpses that appeared to be wearing the armor and when you opened the body the armor was in there (or appeared to be in there). You couldn't loot the corpse. The armor just stayed there, both in the corpse and on the body. Now, I am thinking they had probably been looted and lag caused the problems with graphics.


Nevermind.... Manticore set me straight on some things about the numbers. :eek:

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What I was wondering about is the corpses that appeared to be wearing the armor and when you opened the body the armor was in there (or appeared to be in there). You couldn't loot the corpse. The armor just stayed there, both in the corpse and on the body. Now, I am thinking they had probably been looted and lag caused the problems with graphics.

Nevermind.... Manticore set me straight on some things about the numbers. :eek:
These were town criers, they were unlootable but you could search the corpse.