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[Discussion] Daemonic Crisis Vanquisher --- what is making it so popular and more....?

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Stratics Veteran
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So, since the event on Pacific, I've noticed the influx of Daemonic Crisis Vanquisher selling for a rather hefty sum (seen from 12 million now up to about 100 million+). I must say, as soon as I saw the graphic of the item, and then found out that it had to ability to ignite flamestrike graphics....I wanted one immediately.

But then, after last night, I thought to myself:

This is a gumball drop item, that anyone participating in the event had an opportunity for a brief time to retrieve the item. Approximately 200+ have dropped, and people are profiting big time off of it.

My question for discussion with the community is this:

What is the big glamour about the statue? Is it the graphic of the item, the ability to produce a flamestrike, both reasons...or something completely different?

Also, if you have prior knowledge that there would be a similar drop on your home shard which would allow you to get an item that produces a flamestrike graphic....would you be contempt with that instead of Daemonic Crisis Vanquisher?

Curious since I find it hard to justify paying what people are now asking for just due to the popularity. And if you had the opportunity to buy one, how much would you pay?


Crazed Zealot
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The misconception here is "gumball drop". People associate that term with "mass quantity" therefore - low value. While that may be the case in general but for some instances one must consider other factors.

Don't forget my general rules for engaging the value of an item:

1. Quantity + intensity value
2. Name + intensity value
3. Graphic + intensity value
4. Usefulness + intensity value
5. Overall desirability + intensity value

When you hit 4 of the combination from above the price jumps dramatically. And price fluctuates even within a single category, i guess you can call it intensity value within each category.

A good example is the Two Story Statue, it basically has only 3 of the values above (3, 4, and 5) and yet the intensity value on #3 and 5 is maxed out so the price on that remains at ~200 mil.

The demon statue has 2, 3, 4, and 5 of the above. If people can afford it, they don't want just 1 they usually want in pairs, especially for decorators. The intensity level on #5 for this one I'd say is near max as well.

Granted this was a gumball drop, but there were still limitations in that only a couple of hundred dropped. Divide that by 30+ shards its only 6-7 per shard which compared to the number of people who wants out there is not enough to keep up with the demand.

So in a nut shell, don't judge its price based on one factor alone. Gem Of Immortality has over 300 in existence and each is still fetching ~200 mi.

This equation can be applied to just about any item. The only unpredicted variable is how bad a person wants it. Sometimes that alone can drive the price up to an insane amount.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The misconception here is "gumball drop". People associate that term with "mass quantity" therefore - low value. While that may be the case in general but for some instances one must consider other factors.

Don't forget my general rules for engaging the value of an item:

1. Quantity
2. Name
3. Graphic
4. Usefulness
5. Overall desirability

When you hit around 4 of the combination above the price jumps dramatically.

The demon statue has 2, 3, 4, and 5 of the above. If people can afford it, they don't want just 1 they usually want in pairs, especially for decorators.
Granted this was a gumball drop, but there were still limitations in that only a couple of hundred dropped. Divide that by 30+ shards its only 6-7 per shard which compared to the number of people who wants out there is not enough to keep up with the demand.

So in a nut shell, don't judge its price based on one factor alone. Gem Of Immortality has over 300 in existence and each is still fetching ~200 mi.

I agree with you, as that is how I approach most items that I want to acquirer...I'm just curious that if the vast majority are trying to acquire them due to the flamestrike properity, and if it would have the same desirability if more flamestrike properity items dropped in a similar fashion.

I think in the terms of "Blackrock Encrusted Mortar..." and "Anglenon's (sp?) Silver Mortar..." --- was it because of the properity that allowed it to produce flamestrikes that made it so desireable? I mean someone paid 2.4 billion for one of those....I wonder if it was because of the item as a whole or what....because they may be kickin' themselves now because of it....

I guess just food for though....because I would be curious to what happen to these items if another drop was confirmed that produced a different item with this ability.

Thanks for the input! = )


The FS graphic is what made it go for so high. You have to remember, prior to these items being released, there were only 2 unique items that did this.

Judging from recent events in the last 6 months, I highly doubt this will be the last time items like this will be distributed.


Crazed Zealot
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With respect to the Blackrock Mortar and Pestal, that's a good example of the wild variable that came into play. Remember that item was on a bidding war path between 3-4 bidders up to 1.5 billion then 2 billions up to 2.4. Soon after people realized what happened and the very next one went back down to below 1.5 billion and eventually the silver ones went between 700-1 billion.

Try my equation out on some of the items you currently own and you'll see that it works for most of them.


I personally never once thought either of the mortars were worth more than a billion at the time, even prior to that bidding war. My opinion was just simply based on the fact that usually when items get released, their value gets inflated due to everyone's initial fascination with it, and I was not buying into the hype.

The mortars have definitely lost a lot of value due to the release of this item, as the more amateur collector with gold only really wanted those items for the FS graphic, and now that a much cheaper alternative is in existence, the mortars will probably be worth half of what they were selling for.

I foresee a surplus of these FS graphic items coming into play, and the sale of them being roughly 50-250mil across the board for all items that have the ability to do the graphic assuming more of these will be released, which is a valid assumption to have. Obviously, those prices are subject to change as more of these items are released or if it stops here.

The only items that probably will not lose a lot of value are the two unique ones I mentioned in my post earlier, as they both are wearable, have a unique name, have a unique look, and would probably be worth a bundle even if they did not have the ability to do a FS graphic.


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I've witnessed one of these go for 12m on ATL. Now, maybe the seller was being nice to a friend, or maybe the seller didn't know the value of the item, but given that transaction I think the prices we are seeing discussed are pretty high. Just my observation.


The person who sold it for that admitted it was a special deal for a friend in another thread on this board. The price quote I'm providing is very general, and is simply to provide an opinion on the matter, nothing more. No one needs to follow what I have to say :)

Angel Dust

Slightly Crazed
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yep, that was me. The one for 12 was for someone I know. I also sold one the next day for a value of about 170 mil


Rares Fest Host | LS April 2011
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Not 2.4b guys... 2.5b! i remember well.. haha
But probably the real price that just a couple of people was going to pay was 1.5b, then the last billion until 2.5 value was just a bidding war.

The effect is cool, but with so many flamestrike-effect items out there now, of course all items like the gloves (seer item, owner payed about 5b in today's gold value), the mesanna doll (3b), self inmolated notes and of course the mortar and pestles will have the price reduced alot.

I bought yesterday on PAC a Daemonic Crisis Vanquisher for 50m. It was pretty easy to find a seller for 50m and there was a couple guys spamming to buy one for 30m. Probably this statue (at 50m) will not decrease the price when the next gumball item pops on the market just because the graphic.

PS: Heh.. EMSeppo is reading this thread. Seems that they are really concerned about the rares values so much as any other collector out there.


It is one of the coolest items i've seen, the flamestrike graphic works in your pack or in a secure box which is cool, bummer it doesn't work when locked down. I received one as a drop (and am selling btw) but the limited time made me very excited, only had about 10min to get one. I think it made it special to know not many are out there, 200 is a lot but not like other things.


Lore Master
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After reading these post concerning this particular event item I had thoughts about what happened to many of the server birth rares. Although they are still very collectible but so many of them had thier values reduced greatly when the same graphics were reused with a differant name/color. Or in some cases became craftable like the alchemy server ups, thier is a differance in the names but the design is exactly the same. Most recently playing cards from what I have read on the posts here have also become loot with the new treasure chests.

That being said what's to stop em's from producing some more event items that have special affects as was posted on this thread. I think its very likely they will since they now have given out a bunch of the new fire works wands etc. I go one step further and say whats from preventing them from coming up with ideas to make these craftable using lets say the achemy skill etc, and having another skill to be used to have them be recharged. These new items seem to me the flavour of the month and dont get me wronge I love the graphics along with alot of other players, which only means there is going to be more players asking for these cool visual affects untill them become a common seen item in the game.

I could be wronge and they could end up like the 2 story talking statues that even with the dupping of them have retained there value. Time will tell what plans they have for the future event item give aways.


I will wait until the next flamestrike item comes out or even the one after that to get the demonic crisis vanq.


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I will wait until the next flamestrike item comes out or even the one after that to get the demonic crisis vanq.
That is where I am leaning at this point as well....why I thought of the discussion.

Pretty much on the same page as well....I think that the vast majority of people are trying to get these items fast is due to that property. (Reason why I wanted it so bad at the beginning...but then thought about it and changed my mind)

But you never know....maybe they won't provide anymore items like that....maybe they will. Who knows?!



DCV is just the flavor of the week. Noone can guarantee we will see more items like this in the future, but im willing to bet we will.

I use to enjoy collecting rares. Now everytime you turn around there is something new to get. It use to be cool to have something unique that noone else had. Now everyone has something that noone else has so nothing is special anymore.

In closing the small bit of advice i'll give to anyone is... never pay more for something than what its worth to you. Just because some fool is willing to part with 200mil for a DCV doesnt mean anyone else is. Rares are only worth what people will pay, not what people want to sell for.



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And it goes to show....that even after I couldn't fathom paying that much for it....still paid 85 for one on Atlantic.....it is a nice little item even if there is a bunch of 'em out there.


Lore Keeper
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I think Manticore did a good job summing up and listing the factors contributing to an item's value. I can't think of anything to add to that list.

He wrote, "The only unpredicted variable is how bad a person wants it. Sometimes that alone can drive the price up to an insane amount."

I do think a person's desire for an item is a major factor.

Most of the things that I think make the Daemonic Crisis Vanquisher popular have already been mentioned.

I had mine for a little while before someone told me they did flamestrikes. I was really excited to hear that! To me, it was pleasing as just a plain statue. There were no other statues in game that used that graphic that I was aware of, so that made it special to me. Then to find out it did flamestrikes... not just flamestrikes, but unlimited flamestrikes - wow! =) Seemed too good to be true.

If I had prior knowledge of the upcoming drop of another item that had a flamestrike animation, I'm not sure if I would be content having that one over the Daemonic Crisis Vanquisher. I like the name of this one. It has spiritual significance to me. Knowing how I function, I would probably want at least one of each flame strike item that came out. Hmm... then again, I was content not having the mortar and pestle, so ... yeah, perhaps I would be fine with a different flamestrike item.

One reason I like this item is because it reminds me of Draconi and his pyro antics. I liked his bold style and the things he managed to accomplish in the game. For me, this statue is a nice reminder of some good times, back when Draconi was the fireman.

If I could change something about the DCV, I would change its color. It isn't easy to see. Besides, I liked the purple daemons I have seen before during events. Purple anything is usually good, in my opinion.


Angel Dust

Slightly Crazed
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And it goes to show....that even after I couldn't fathom paying that much for it....still paid 85 for one on Atlantic.....it is a nice little item even if there is a bunch of 'em out there.
Ya answered your own question GED. You fell into the hype. Good question about color Bliss, anyone try dying it with natural pigs? I think I might try tonight, I'll let yas know if it works.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ya answered your own question GED. You fell into the hype. Good question about color Bliss, anyone try dying it with natural pigs? I think I might try tonight, I'll let yas know if it works.
I know....I started laughing about it last night after I purchased it. There is something about....I think just the mighty combination that pulled me in like a magnetic force. I hope they don't re-release it somehow....but hey, I have one now, can't complain. =P

And if you do dye it.....let me know, I'm curious to see how it looks myself.

Angel Dust

Slightly Crazed
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LOL! I got a PM askin to buy one and I told guy what I wanted, he replied saying he would wait because they have been released on 4 shards alrdy


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
LOL! I got a PM askin to buy one and I told guy what I wanted, he replied saying he would wait because they have been released on 4 shards alrdy
Maybe I am a little slow based on how I am reading this, but I think you are saying that:

1. Someone contact you to BUY (not asking you to buy one of there statues, but for you to sell one)
2. Released on 4 shards already? Interesting information..... =P

Angel Dust

Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
OK, so I tried dying the statue, didnt work with tok dyes, natural pigs, or vet statue tub. oh, and i hope i cleared that up in the Pm GED


Rares Fest Host | LS April 2011
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Hard to believe this item was released on a different shard than Pacific because the name of the item, its very very related to the event name on pacific.

Angel Dust

Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
it wasnt, they guy wanted me to sell him one for 20 mil and i said no. The whole 4 shards thing was his reply.
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