So I had a little idea and have decided to turn it into a big idea.
As from tomorrow night at 7.30 uk time for the next 6 weeks I will be organising peerless hunts, champ hunts, SA hunts, dungeon crawls and basically anything else that people want to do.
The focus will be on getting people doing things that they would not normally do, maybe because they need a group to do it, they dont know how to do it or they are just new to the game.
For this reason the meeting point will be New Haven. I aim to leave at eight but the 30 mins before hand can be for helping new players out with advice or quest getting etc.
If an EM event is scheduled for that night then I will urge people to join that.
There will be other things like the chicken league going on (which I want to be at) so I'll offer new people to come to that with me whilst others of you go off hunting.
It's all about getting involved, so all you experienced players get yourselves to Haven and spread the love.
As from tomorrow night at 7.30 uk time for the next 6 weeks I will be organising peerless hunts, champ hunts, SA hunts, dungeon crawls and basically anything else that people want to do.
The focus will be on getting people doing things that they would not normally do, maybe because they need a group to do it, they dont know how to do it or they are just new to the game.
For this reason the meeting point will be New Haven. I aim to leave at eight but the 30 mins before hand can be for helping new players out with advice or quest getting etc.
If an EM event is scheduled for that night then I will urge people to join that.
There will be other things like the chicken league going on (which I want to be at) so I'll offer new people to come to that with me whilst others of you go off hunting.
It's all about getting involved, so all you experienced players get yourselves to Haven and spread the love.