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[UO Herald] Test Center 1 - Publish 67 Available Today!


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Some nice changes, Little gutted about the randomize Thunting spots. As a rune library owner that's a lot of moving I'll need to do to clear the Fel/Tram books.

But so be it!

Looking forward to getting on TC to try these new things out.
Maybe some of the old spots will still be in the list of randomized locations? Or is it going to be completely randomized?

Think we need to see how it works on test :D

Uthar Pendragon

Seasoned Veteran
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has anyone been successfull yet on the maps? I know i am in the right area but not even getting the old messages??

ok nvm. I finally found it. was an adept chest in ter mur- had garg loot about 17 items, essence of diligence, gems, and a skeleton key oh and 15k gold.

spawn was 3 toxic sliths and 3 leather wolves (to start with they called for help)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh man, those are much easier to hunt. Better than a cloth looking old style map!! :)

Jon the Fisherman

I'm excited about the treasure hunting features but was hoping for an sos chest update as well. Still, thank you dev's.


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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I'm hoping that this will allow us to dismount and speak via the same macro If so, this change will make my transition to the EC much smoother.
yes this works my macro is

dismount/say(dredd kill)/wait for target/curser target current

Dredd is my mare have not tried all kill but i tend to use my pets name
"Wait for target" was the solution. Thanks, Storm.

Yaaaay. Also, can I just say: bane dragons look fricken sick in the EC. :thumbup1:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Tame-release loop to make huge spawn grief :eyes:
I just dont see to much of this happening. Or atleast for very long at each attempt. But then again if some one wants to tame release loop ten greater dragons in a room Ill sit and watch.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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Wee! One of our Modders' efforts paid off and is now stardard feature... yay client programmer peeps!

○ Buttons on the party health bars will now cast Chivalry equivalent spells if Chivalry skill is higher than Magery.

Other than that... yay Patchurday!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is there a pin for the location on that map? I'm having a tough time seeing it. Mind you I do have color vision deficiencies.
It's right in the center of the map in red, the JPG compression has made it harder to see.

I suspect even if you can't see it, the chest is at the center of the map.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am really looking forward to this! And the new maps look really cool. :) I think that will be a big help since the locations will now be random.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Old maps dug up still yield old junk, such as regs, scrolls etc. :sad2:


I like the random map thing and and interesting solution for the random maps.

I hope you have some more eastereggs in your backhand, like some themed treasurespawn.

R Traveler

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hmm t-chest guardian mobs? Does it mean t-chests are guardian locked and once all guards dead it public for everyone?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hmm t-chest guardian mobs? Does it mean t-chests are guardian locked and once all guards dead it public for everyone?
As I recall they changed t-chests so only the t-hunter and those in the party can loot it. Since it didn't mention this was changed I think it's safe to assume that rule still applies. Guardian mob most likely refers to the monsters that spawn with the t-chest. They still have to be picked with lockpicking.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Old maps dug up still yield old junk, such as regs, scrolls etc. :sad2:
I think there's a 30 day window where they remain like old T-Maps for those who want to get them done before they convert to new maps. That was my impression, anyway.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dont change the old T maps..just leave them were they are...
So no mater if you mark or make a new t map rune book it will always be changing spots?
Because i just tryed a few spots on test and man i cant find any..and im going of the radar and looks the same as map...

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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A new map in the Classic Client!
They are removing the original maps? That is horrible. The new map makes it way too easy to find the location. Why don't they keep the original maps. It makes no sense.

The most fun part about treasure hunting was finding the location.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They are removing the original maps? That is horrible. The new map makes it way too easy to find the location. Why don't they keep the original maps. It makes no sense.

The most fun part about treasure hunting was finding the location.
I agree with that. I loved the pen-on-paper look. The color makes it look more like a screen-shot now. My cartographer doesn't carry colored pencils or paint.

Is this how the cartographer made maps look too now?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They are removing the original maps? That is horrible. The new map makes it way too easy to find the location. Why don't they keep the original maps. It makes no sense.

The most fun part about treasure hunting was finding the location.
Well they removed rune libraries for the old tmaps, So it's a fair swap I think.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dont change the old T maps..just leave them were they are...
So no mater if you mark or make a new t map rune book it will always be changing spots?
Because i just tryed a few spots on test and man i cant find any..and im going of the radar and looks the same as map...
You have mining on your t-hunter build?


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Tmap changes very unexciting. Does this mean I have to have mining on my t-hunter now?
I assume you only mean unexciting because for a while we wont have a cheat-sheet that tells us exactly where to dig :p

I have no problem with it. I actually think this makes it more fun having to search for once in a long time.

I agree.

Treasure "hunting" IMHO means actually "hunting", "looking" for where the Treasure is hidden.

Treasure Map libraries took the hunt away from the equation.

It was a mere recall, dig chest up, rinse and repeat "ad nauseam".

Well, with random locations, hopefully NOT mappable into new Treasure rune Libraries (i.e. meaning they are not limited to a set of locations which players can eventually all map out....), the hunt part seems to be back !!

Good design change if it has been done well. Before applauding it, though, I am waiting to see whether the new locations will truly be all random and never mappable or, eventually, players will be able to map them all out into a new set of runes.....


Just got home from work and was able to check out the new maps. Bravo. It's about time we got something that actually resembles the game environment. I'm glad you guys went ahead and redid them looks great!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Good design change if it has been done well. Before applauding it, though, I am waiting to see whether the new locations will truly be all random and never mappable or, eventually, players will be able to map them all out into a new set of runes.....
Me too, I would hope it is random, but I see too many issues with them appearing under player housing, inaccessible spots or in bad spawn areas.

It may just be 200 new fixed spots and you randomly get one out the bag.


They are removing the original maps? That is horrible. The new map makes it way too easy to find the location. Why don't they keep the original maps. It makes no sense.

The most fun part about treasure hunting was finding the location.
Sorry but the original maps while nostalgic were garbage. Thats the whole reason the sites and libraries existed because the maps were just to lousy to acurately dig up the chests and it was just easier to recall then mess around with them. As an avid level 6 t-hunter going on 6+ years i'm not at all saddened by the removal of these old maps in fact it should have been done like this much sooner!


well i took a look around, and you are gonna need mining on your template now, while not bad, it means some swapping about. The lvl 6 maps in malas spawned rotting corpses and wanderers of the void i think, easily soloed with EV's. the skeleton key is a nice addition, so you won't break it with paragon chests,i even got one of the new creeping vines. I hope this makes it onto the actual servers this next week, this looks fun


New Player Protector
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Interresting t-map changes :)

I won't be testing on TC though, because my t-hunter's a tamer, and I don't have pets there. I will await the findings of other players and then once it's live...

Thanks for the TLC! :)

Ken of Napa

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is a really good patch.

The only thing that seems a bit worrying is the randomized locations, not sure how that works, but if its truly randomized, then out goes all rune libraries for treasure hunting. As does any chance of casual treasure hunting. :(

It has the potential to be as bad as randomized resource spots.


you get a very good view of the area that is not in a tilted view, so as long as you can recognize it, you shouldn't have that big of an issue finding the spot. It uses much the same setup that the EC uses for thier t-maps


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just did a lvl 6 in tokonunu. Not much in it. I wont go into the few new things I pulled out of it... dont want to spoil it... but the loot. weapons, armor and the like actually looked worse. 18 random junk items. Some looked like they didnt have any mods at all. some had a few low intensity mods. Most were mediocre. I'll try a few more.

Nice touch with the guardian tag devs. and im glad they bounce back to the chest now. But the secondary spawn has no tags and can be lead off and left behind.

p.s. Too bad for you rares collectors and your ilsh maps.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lots of nice changes and bug fixes. Yet throwing skill is still not fixed.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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Campaign Benefactor
Sorry but the original maps while nostalgic were garbage. Thats the whole reason the sites and libraries existed because the maps were just to lousy to acurately dig up the chests and it was just easier to recall then mess around with them. As an avid level 6 t-hunter going on 6+ years i'm not at all saddened by the removal of these old maps in fact it should have been done like this much sooner!
I have only dug up a couple dozen maps, no where near a professional hunter. Before I knew of the sites which told you the exact location, I didn't have much of an problem figuring out the location on most maps. Maybe it could have been a little more detailed, but going from that to 100% recognition of the location makes the hunting part pointless.

This is just another example of them stripping away old UO and replacing it with something way too easy. It is obvious why it is being done this way, they don't want to have to draw maps for all the facets they neglected to. Now they are replacing it with radar, which looks ugly and takes away from the immersion. It looks like someone printed out a picture and pasted it in the treasure map. It looks awful.

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Cool, nice changes. Since they fixed the champagne bottles you reckon they will bring our LichE statues back to their original state too?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Am I right that all maps that have not been decoded will become the new style maps immediately when the new publish is released?

If they have been decoded they stay old style for 30 days and then convert to new style when again decoded?

I've got a pile of maps that should be worth doing with these new changes. :)


Grand Inquisitor
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Instant Pet logging to avoid ever needing to res a pet with the vet skill, and avoiding the loss of it's skills. Pets should be on a flag timer like it's owner.
This isn't broken. It's working as intended. But nice try... ;)

Rand Althor

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The only thing that seems a bit worrying is the randomized locations, not sure how that works, but if its truly randomized, then out goes all rune libraries for treasure hunting. As does any chance of casual treasure hunting. :(

It has the potential to be as bad as randomized resource spots.
I love T-hunting and used to do it alot... every so often I still go out.. I hate the idea of random spots.. determining where the exact location of a map is, is.. not exciting.. it's more annoying then anything.. simular to the Thanks Giving maps, not the old tmap locations, but a pain, added a few more mins to find, but really was it "exciting"?... nope, just a pain..


Seasoned Veteran
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Buttons on the party health bars will now cast Chivalry equivalent spells if Chivalry skill is higher than Magery
Lots of thoughtful changes in this publish.

Though any chance we could get cleansing wind to cast if mysticism is the highest skill?

Vampyre Kitty

Seasoned Veteran
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I just have a quick question.. my tmapper doesnt have mining.. she never has.. but I read on someones post here that you need it now..is this confirmed.? I didn't see it on the patch notes.. and I really dont wan't to have to work mining ugh.. is it just easier to dig up the chest if you have it.?