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[Discussion] Goals met now what?

Tangled Metal

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As many of you know I came back to the game in December after a 2 year break. I thought it would be really tough to start back with pretty much nothing. Fortunately the Solstice Stag Event was going on and I was lucky to get several drops and sell them really fast for some quick cash.

Then between the Rares Festival and a few good events I was able to amass quite a few rares and a lot of gold from selling a few items I had multiples of. i geared up all of my characters with just about the best items available, bought a nice 18 x 18 with the intention of creating a museum and started having a lot of fun just playing.

Sometime in the last month or two I got really bored. After going around to every vendor on Atlantic and building quite the collection I can't seem to find anything to interest me. There are very few rares that I would even want to add to my collection and they are in the 250mil plus per item range. I could afford to buy them pretty easily but I am just uninterested.

With all the new rares being added to the game, being a rares collector isn't all that much fun. I mean it was far more fun back in the day before xsharding to spend years trying to find someone to see you some horse dung or scaffolding. There was a challenge back then. Now the challenge is not much more than selling something for enough gold to buy something else!

So, I am strongly considering packing my characters up and closing my accounts in case I want to come back later. I have yet to make a final decision, but there may come a time very soon when I sell or donate some items to some of the wonderful people in the rares community. Unless I can be convinced to stick around. This game has occupied nearly 10 years of my life and it is just starting to loose its luster. Any suggestions?


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Regardless of what people think of me, I figured I'll add my two cents:

I've played roughly since beta, and have taken small breaks (a month or so) here and there. As of the past two months, I have barely played due to real life obligations which took a majority of my time. This past week, I started to log back in, see what was going on....etc. and as it always happens for me, I get caught back into the game...thinking about what I need to do or achieve.

May it be about rares, PvP, finishing characters skills, slaying creatures, hanging with friends, or creating new enemies....it all depends on what you want out of this game. I recommend if you are starting to lose enjoyment with it and you have nothing else that you want to accomplish, take a break from it. It will help uncover the enjoyment once you return. If you do too much of anything, sometimes it diminishes the true value.

Worst case scenario, if you aren't tight with money, or have too many accounts activated, just keep the accounts active and come back as you please. I've never stopped paying subscription fees.

Nastia Cross

Rowan I totally understand what you're going through. UO lost its luster for me months ago. I started out small by closing two of my accounts, but the bordom never abated. So I took a 6 month break. I came back last week and was quickly swept up in the excitement again. The rares fest on Chessy so far has been great and I've been so busy designing and planning for our group's recognition by the Crown on Chessy. I too would recommend a break. Or simply try something new.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
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Its summer, if your like me you lose some interest because there is so much more to do in RL. This is more of a winter game for me.

Tangled Metal

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I am down to just one account and the $13 a month does not hurt me. Thanks for the advice guys. I may just take a bit of time off and perhaps I will find myself back soon. I do enjoy the game, always have, always will. The funny thing is I almost enjoy reading the boards more than playing! So, I guess if something exciting like a Pirate expansion came about I would know about it and be back fast! Plus, I think EA needs my money!


Crazed Zealot
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I've lost interests in this game up until the start of the EM program I think back in 2004. Before then, I did and tried just about all the professions and don't get me wrong they were all fun. And rare collecting was always part of that. But I know where you are coming from, i.e. there were many time periods that I've exhausted all of my contacts and owned the rares I wanted. But the start of the EM program changed all that. I can't stop playing because I attend 95%+ of the events each week, follow all the story archs, having fun, and on occassion getting an item or two. Plus on top of that, now we have Rares Fest nearly 4-5 times per year and Messana's Holiday events thats 3-4 times per year as well. So anyways, there are plenty of things of do. But i also agree withe the other posters, take a break then come back. We'll all still be here hopefully lol


You could try RPing. Many people are surprised at the breath of fresh air being an RPer brings to their game. That's what I've found on Europa anyway. It's new, it's different. Just a thought.

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
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You could try RPing. Many people are surprised at the breath of fresh air being an RPer brings to their game. That's what I've found on Europa anyway. It's new, it's different. Just a thought.
I concur. Perhaps find a good rp community and use it to take a break. Whatever you decide, don't make any rash decisions. Take your time.

I know some collectors who have also chosen to become more focused in their collecting if they are in a slump. Sometimes finding a couple types of items and decorating a house around them can bring back that passion. When you get a new item that you don't have, it can perk you up and make you giddy again. Some of the focused collections I've seen in the past are different types of food/drink, weapons/armor, blackrock/orc/elven/fey, rares related to thieves (Hi Peil!), botanical, evil, etc. Find a theme or two and redesign your home to show it off. Make an evil temple, an orc fort, a candy shop, a bar, an armory, a greenhouse... etc... and then focus on getting rares related to it. The hunt and the feeling you get when you find a new one might perk you right up.

Good luck!


Grand Poobah
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If you don't feel like playing just don't play. When you get in game and it feels like most of your time is spent "working" then it's no longer a fun hobby but becomes drudgery that leads to dissatisfaction. There are a million things out there you can get interested in, and you'll come back when you feel that old tug to play again.

Barring that you can always make a new list of goals you want to accomplish and tackle them when you feel the inclination. I am very goal oriented and find it really satisfying to tackle a project to completion, I'm also a perfectionist so my projects tend to take a long time. Of course this can get old after a while - for example I have been working on decorating a fel castle for a few years now. I'll eventually finish, and it always gives me something to work on (though I have been going after newer and more fun projects lately).

With rare collectors there really isn't ever an end to their collecting. So you may consider consolidating your UO time to only attending EM events. At least then you will be working towards a goal but not devoting a significant amount of time for it.

You say you acquired a plot for a museum but maybe haven't done anything with it yet? If you enjoy customizing and decorating then maybe once or twice a week do something with that. I'm nearly finished with a project myself, and I even took a day off (the horror!) because I was *cough* hungover and really didn't feel up to messing with it. Don't push yourself to finish things if you don't feel like it.

If you don't actually enjoy customizing/decorating then consider hiring someone to do the work for you. You might enjoy at least running around and looking at what other people have done (especially the asian shards), maybe compile some pictures to get a clearer idea of what you would like to have. I find housing to be tremendously enjoyable, if you never really got into it before then you might want to spend a little time seeing if it is something you would want to devote your time to.

Sorry for the book, I hope it was helpful. Tl;dr version: if you don't want to play, don't. You'll come back when you feel like it, and it will be fun again.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Try Siege...

Bombastic Fail

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I might be a little late to your party here but here it goes..

**This is a PVPer speaking; so sorry if I offend anyone**

I simply get rares and sell them to spread out suited PVP characters to every shard.

Now that you know this; even if you break or whatever (which I have a few times); it will be similar when you get back... Sadly. So it will eventually catch up to you.

My suggestion(s)? Do something you have NEVER done before!?! Your a rares collector? TRY PVP!! Learn to play a mage(dexxer if you already tried a mage) PVPER! It's fun and a lot of work. Will keep you going for a while. Already did that? MAKE A GIMPED OUT PVPER!! Dont do cookie cutter character. Really; gimp out a character and see what you can come up with; and kill a lot of people. You will be surprise how much enjoyment you will get as people cry about your gimpiness.

If you have done all the pvp before?

TRY A PURE TRAM CHARACTER!! Again; get crazy with it. Try a Sampire. Or A Whammy. Or try a disco spellweaver mage. Do something you have NEVER TRIED BEFORE!!

Did all that? OKAY FINE!! Go join a roleplaying community and ROLEPLAY!! I was extremely surprised how much fun I had doing this (Yes; a pvper saying that) EXPECIALLY WHEN YOU KEEP YOUR IDENTITY A SECRET!! DONT TELL A SOUL ITS YOU!! It's actually a part of the game many have not explored and should do so.

Those are a few of the MANY MANY things you can try if you haven't already. So good luck and hope you keep playing! :thumbup1:


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
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This has been a great thread with some great advice, some of which I may consider for myself. Thxs Rowan for starting this thread.

Tangled Metal

Lore Master
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You guys/girls have some excellent advice! I think for the moment I will just step away for a little bit. I have tried most everything available in the game, every skill, most every play style, built characters on almost every shard. Sometimes you just have to step away from something to remember the reasons you are there in the first place.

I want to thank everyone for the honest and kind suggestions! I half expected "Can I have yer stuff?" posts and that would be it. The Rares Collecting community has always been the kindest most understanding group. Anyhow, I will try and keep up with what is going on and I may pop in game from time to time. See you all on the flip-side!

Yen Sid

You guys/girls have some excellent advice! I think for the moment I will just step away for a little bit. I have tried most everything available in the game, every skill, most every play style, built characters on almost every shard. Sometimes you just have to step away from something to remember the reasons you are there in the first place.

I want to thank everyone for the honest and kind suggestions! I half expected "Can I have yer stuff?" posts and that would be it. The Rares Collecting community has always been the kindest most understanding group. Anyhow, I will try and keep up with what is going on and I may pop in game from time to time. See you all on the flip-side!
Can I have your stuff? :p

Jk lol, good luck to you and I'm sure we will be seeing you soon ;).


Lore Master
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First I have to say I'm impressed you were able to accomplish so much in the game. I have been playing since almost beta and still have tons and tons of things to do in the game. I will admit between work, family and other activities my actual time to play was some what limited. Perhaps limiting your time to a few hours a week would help slow things down for you in the game.

About four years ago I became pretty bored with the game esp when alot of my friends were leaving for other internet games. I still had lot to accomplish but the drive to do things was gone. But I decided to collect the old xmas statues and see if I could get a complete set. Well after a bit of time I accomplished that goal and I said oh rats now what do I do. Then I decided to try and collect all the names and colors in both directions. Now that was a challenge I could never complete but I found it to be extremely enjoyable. I was going to various shards and spamming at the banks for the statues and buying large collections along the way. I also had some great conversations with other players and made a number of new friends who also collected them. This kept me playing the game for an extended period of time.

But atm that has become boring as well because it's become almost impossible to find new statues that I dont' have already. I have all the common names now and and almost all the uncommon names and about half of the rare names, angel statues and surfers. Luckily with imbuing and the new abyss dungeon this has kept me playing. I still have lots to explore and to do, but I try and accomplish these goals at a slow pace so that I can always have something to look forward to.

So perhaps take a break and when you come back take it slowly and find something to collect which will be almost impossible to complete but will keep your interests in the game.


Seasoned Veteran
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I think eventually you do run out of things to do, and your best bet is to take a break. Sometimes a short break is just that, sometimes it becomes a long break, and sometimes you decide you will stop playing for good. Regardless, even 6 years since I have played UO, I still feel fondness for it and part of me is glad it is still around.

With collecting rares, you really can never accomplish everything, maybe it is easier now to find rares for sale but there's always something else that you never owned, that you never found, that you didn't even know existed. It's this obsession that keeps many interested in UO long after the tedium of fighting dragons and kids at the moongates has faded.

Wyatt of Catskills, retired