Will consider getting soulstones, but was just curious overall which would keep me alive longer; parrying or spirit speak. I'm leaning towards spirit speak as of now.
If your worried about third level spawn, you'll want evasion.
I'm not too keen on my necro sammy, prefer my vamp sammy at the moment. The reason is this; having to cast curse weap lowers karma, so consecrate lasts a much shorter time (as does divine fury and EoO to a lesser extent). I then end up frustrated casting consecrate every 5-8 seconds, then curse, carrying regs, having lower karma and in your position, also not being able to use evasion/counter attack/stam increase from confidence.
I find I'm casting these two spells (ConsW/CurseW) too often on my necro samurai, which remove special attacks (LS/AI etc) and also mean i have to wait to cast evasion/counter etc etc.
SS for me has a great deal of potential but the reality is that lower karma and casting corpse skin/curse (even if it is only once every thirty seconds) means that consecrate only lasts 5-7 seconds and the whole flow is ruined, mana is lower etc etc. Dont forget when you're casting your not hitting and therefore not healing/doing DPS.
You can either roll with FC/FCR with prot on and cast slower, and have to increase phys resist or with prot off and risk being interupted at the crucial moment, followed by a likely death....
On the plus side using SS you get to animate dead (skele dragons?) have the option of wraith form or vamp, corpse, summons (wolf/bat?), hellsteads, revenants etc etc which is always nice! Blood oath also becomes trivial with SS type leech (vamp +curse = 70%) though whether animates are really useful/suitable to be used on non-caster type templates due to the drain on mana they present alongside their ability to interfere with you honoring a foe due to them doing damage first etc is another debate.
It depends if you like to keep it simple or fiddly and varied. Neither is "right". SM seems to be super-succesful with his, maybe mine just has a poo suit! Mine necro sammy rolls with both parry and SS though, but has no M&S or HLA on weap, just the standard 45 dci. Maybe with some love he'd be unstoppable....
Either way, neither takes long to train, especially parry so just fiddle with them both?
Picus - yes that is a nice suggestion but he only has 75 skill points to play with, not 150!