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[Discussion] 4th of July Staff - Lake Superior - Two Spellings


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I just wanted to point out that there are two spellings on the staves from Lake Superior. One reads, "Staff Of Independance" and the other is "Staff Of

I wanted to mention it, even though spellings errors don't usually make much difference in price, if any. It does give some of us one more thing to look for, in order to make our collections complete.

Please pardon me, if someone mentioned this previously. If it was mentioned, I missed it.


JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I wanted to mention it, even though spellings errors don't usually make much difference in price, if any.
I would think that the incorrectly spelled version, as long as it is in short enough supply, would fetch a much higher price.


This kinda stuff is often confusing to me... a misspelling that typically places a higher desire on the incorrect version. Is there any idea of how many incorrect spelled staff's there are compared to the correct ones?

It confuses me to the point where I've spent 5+ years acquiring the misspelled ethy horses for all my chars, and yet, I've seemingly seen only a difference of a mil or 2 for such errors.

A few factors I weigh in on this are as follows:

  • Everyone on LS had a chance to get a misspelled staff
  • Everyone NOT on LS had a chance to get a misspelled staff (often shard-trading types.)
  • Amount of time the misspelled were available before the change/how many were obtained
  • No longer obtainable of either type
As for the Etheral vs. Ethereal horses:

  • Not everyone had a chance to get one since it was an early vet reward
  • How many have been lost over the many years that they have been available
  • How long were the 'incorrect' spellings available to those who could get one
  • Only the current spelling is able to be had
I'm not trying to start a riot or argument, but I'm questioning why the differences in misspellings and their market value impact, lead to many different conditions of desire and price?

Other examples include Nose helm vs. Norse helm, Lich vs. Liche statuette (now fixed), Great Lakes Extravaganza robes, Royal brit guard sashes..you get the idea.



Personally I can not spell worth a damm ..So you others that bring us to the fact I commend you .... I have to use spell check for all my posts ..

Keep up the good work guys ... Thanks


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Id guess there are alot of them, at least a hundred. I logged on Lake superior about 5 hours after the "event" ended and made newbie characters to get the staffs, got bored of it after 8 characters went to the statue (thats before i knew something like it would be on every shard) Anyway, all of the ones i got are misspelled.