Was just wondering, you mentioned that you have solo'd every champ with your mele dexer.
How do you kill baracoon and neira solo with a sword? I have got archery on my template to finish those guys off solo.
I always end up getting to frustrated trying to mele those guys because they just run and run and run... Neira is the worst as she summons shed loads of undead spawn which slows things down even more.
Is there any trick to getting them to stay still? What am i missing?
How do you kill baracoon and neira solo with a sword? I have got archery on my template to finish those guys off solo.
I always end up getting to frustrated trying to mele those guys because they just run and run and run... Neira is the worst as she summons shed loads of undead spawn which slows things down even more.
Is there any trick to getting them to stay still? What am i missing?