So you're suggesting that giving up is a good thing right?Do you know what a ghost dance is? Native Americans facing the loss of their culture and tradition and knowing of no way to effectively fight the encroaching whites conducted ceremonies in an effort to bring back the past, the buffalo, the customs and beliefs, the way of life of an era that was dead or dying. It didn't work.
How much energy are you going to expend on this?
I have 5 accounts can I vote 5 times no?
XYZ: You burst onto the scene here in U.Hall just a couple of months ago and you just won't let up with this campaign. It seems to me that if you want to persist in using U.Hall as your preferred channel for getting the developers' attention on this issue
Classic Spammer: XYZ gets it.
Classic Spammer: I have no desire to pursue a career in game development. It is unstable and the pay is not on par with legitimate development or administration jobs. No thanks.
Now what are 2 main differences between a Classic Freeshard and a EA Classic shard?Another Classic Spammer: EA turning the wellbeing of their game over to stratics was the WORST idea ever. I'm a markeXXXXX dragXXXXXX founder, and long time reader of UOforums, both of which hate stratics for solid reasons, I also hate this place and still feel dirty being here, they have done nothing but build a negative rep since their get go almost. but alas, I'm forced to be here because they are now the gateway to the devs and such. sad, but hey, nothing I can do.
It is against the rules (on Stratics and in UO) to mention free shards by name.The greatest success in a freeshard is ***, which was destroyed due to some politics and then devolved into ********. ******** has a good ruleset, and if we add statloss to that (a must, unless we want a gankgame) I think that's great. I think that's the purest form of the game.
The question in the poll isn't if there should be a "classic shard," it is, "Do you want a Classic UO shard" And a lot of people don't want one. They aren't saying don't bother making one by voting no.i really don't understand why 196 people voted No to having a classic shard, if you don't want to play it then don't, doesn't mean u have to vote against it, If EA had us vote if we wanted the Origin shard put it when it was put in I would have voted yes even though i never planned to play on it