You misunderstand the kill switch theory. You are PVPer you don't have a kill switch. We are PVMers we do have a kill switch. The kill switch in our end is not that we press a button and everything dies it's that we have a ending. PVPers goal is to kill and win against other players. This in turn you want your armor and weapon quickly to play your game. Test center is great for this.I'm not missunderstanding anything here UOKaiser.. Seriously, go through all those insurance, cheating and what-not debates and you'll see this is just like them.
As for your opinion about imbuing I just don't share the same views, don't fret over it and seriously DO NOT assume I'm not agreeing simply because I do not understand. That's cheap.
The skill allows you to build items. That's all there is to it. You're stretching this beyond its limits if you know what I mean. It had an impact in the game, and if AOS was done properly I'd say it could have been a negative impact. As things are now, imbuing IMPROVED just about everyone's game experience. Do certain templates dominate because of easily-obtained items? Yes.. That's a fault in templates' mechanics, not in items or imbuing.
I'd like EA/M to expand on this system and maybe try to enhance it with mechanics that will "force" players to interact more, but that wouldn't be right. And as it is, imbuing does absolutely nothing towards what you're saying.. And honestly, PVP crafters and PVM crafters? What exactly are you on about?.. And where did I ever bring up Felucca/Trammel issues or mentioned you being "forced" to play in Felucca due to scrolls?
Get it straight, I don't care. I only want to play. If I'm champ-hunting it's because it's fun to be there with my friends as there are occassional fights. And that's the reason I play obviously. What's the reason you play? To feel NEEDED? Well, tough luck. I am not paying EA/M to NEED anyone, as far as equipping my characters goes. If the game is fun, I'll interact with other players having fun. Some of them are able to enjoy the game through crafting- Some through healing others. And some through farming. If I want something they have I interact with them, as I refuse to build an imbuer, as an example. But I don't need a nerf to imbuing or to sell power scrolls to draw everyone around me and most of the players I've met, don't either.
As for PVP guilds not building community and such.. Sorry, got to disagree. If that was so I'd have to revive my PVMer, crafter, build an imbuer and finish up my tamer in training. Come to think of it, even then I'd still enjoy simply playing with my friends regardless of the template. But for now I can simply rely on them and it feels more comfortable doing it out of personal CHOICE than it being forced on me. I hope I'm giving you an example you can understand with all this.
All in all I can't help but tell you once more that you appear to simply be whining out of feeling lonely and bored in Ultima Online, which is your problem, not the game's. And the same goes for your opinion that the game's become too fast-paced. After a decade and more I want some things FAST, it's natural. It takes absolutely NOTHING off my enjoyment. So each to their own I guess.
For PVMers and trammel classes the end result is not what we looking for. We are not going to use our advance items to kill other players. Our enemies are repetitve,respawning,and always at the same spot. They don't think,they don't counter attack,they don't taunt us and if we taunt them they have no clue what we saying. So our game begins when we loot our first monster. From there on out we strive to find better loot to get stronger to find better loot to kill stronger untill we kill the strongest of all and concentrate on finding better loot to increase our power to kill the monsters faster to find better loot.
The game for us is the journey through this. Test center is boredome incarnet for us. Because the quest is done as soon as you enter the game. Imbuing because it was not thought out with all the consequences have made this journety short for us. We reach our end game in mere months insteread of years. PVP players begin there play from the end of our journey. This is why PVP love it and non-PVP will eventualy hit the brick wall unless they decide to engage in PVP afterwards.
I would think you would want the game to survive for much longer than try to condem the obvious. PVP cannot survive without the subscriptions from trammel players. Hell trammel can't survive with subscription from fel players. You want pvp players to stay and you want Trammel players to continue there quest.
I never suggested a nerf to imbuing. I don't like any nerfs for anything. I suggested a increase in caps and stats that can only be gained by random items and craft items while imbuing stays at 500 intensity. While PVP players have there perfect items to fight with agaisnt each other. The Trammel players will continue there quest to find better items that cannot be achieved through imbuing. And because the items are by using the random system this quest will last many many years. The items has to be able to break the cap not just reach the cap quicker that would make no sense. it has to be able to give 70 dci 70 hci 80-85 ressit 190hp,mana,dex and so forth. This will be balnced ofcourse by the random mods and that it's as rare as farming high end monsters like before.
If a pvp player gets a hold of enough items to increase all his cap which would extremly difficult. He will still have to deal that they are all random mods.