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[Discussion] Big Majik Flippers


Rares Fest Host | LS April 2011
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Season 8 thread has the next info:

Big Majik Flippers (Turns You Into Orc When Worn) (*)

This info is true? some people are saying these comes from the new Quest Ophidian Vs Bane Chosen. The item name "Big Majik Flippers" was found on the new cliloc on the Client v 7.0.7 so i guess its not a EM item, or its a event item that will spawn on every shard?

Any confirmation? Thanks

ps: Season 8 Thread
ps2: Cliloc client 7.0.7

Bombastic Fail

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Yea they were a giveaway for people who were at the event. A "click here" box that gave them. So who knows how many that are around! Fun for roleplaying and messing with noobies :p


Slightly Crazed
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Big Majik Flippers (Turns You Into Orc When Worn)
"we'll give 'em gloves *contains coughing* that say Big Majik Flippers.*inhales* and when you put them on
*contains laughing*... you turn into an orc !"

*entire dev team erupts into laughter on a uo-retreat*


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Season 8 thread has the next info:

Big Majik Flippers (Turns You Into Orc When Worn) (*)

This info is true? some people are saying these comes from the new Quest Ophidian Vs Bane Chosen. The item name "Big Majik Flippers" was found on the new cliloc on the Client v 7.0.7 so i guess its not a EM item, or its a event item that will spawn on every shard?

Any confirmation? Thanks

ps: Season 8 Thread
ps2: Cliloc client 7.0.7

May be it is your English or may be I am too sensitive but the way you post things just comes out wrong. You made the post back then asking to separate vending style items from the rest so I've done that for you with the * symbols, now you are asking if the information I put on there is even true? Offering a justification behind your question doesn't make the comment less rude. Again, I would have appreciated a PM from you first if you needed better explanations on them.

Does that mean from now on each time people make random statements about a particular item that you are going to question that here instead of doing some investigative work beforehand? Most answers can be found with a simple research.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May be it is your English or may be I am too sensitive but the way you post things just comes out wrong. You made the post back then asking to separate vending style items from the rest so I've done that for you with the * symbols, now you are asking if the information I put on there is even true? Offering a justification behind your question doesn't make the comment less rude. Again, I would have appreciated a PM from you first if you needed better explanations on them.

Does that mean from now on each time people make random statements about a particular item that you are going to question that here instead of doing some investigative work beforehand? Most answers can be found with a simple research.
Im behind you Manti, some people are to stupid for there own good!!!!

It reminds me of this thread:


When you can simply "look" in the event thread and see how many and what shard as, you kindly posted all the info ;)



Lore Keeper
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The reason he's asking is because he's curious if it will be released on all shards, why its viewed as a personal attack i'm not sure.

Athelas [Treasure Trove] Museum, Atlantic


He wasn't questioning the accuracy of your information, he was asking if this item was going to be available on other shards through the same release method.

So, I'm not really sure why he's getting attacked for asking a question that I'm sure others would like to know the answer for, or having people imply he's stupid. I can assure you he's far from stupid and actually one of the nicest people I've met in game of late.


Stratics Veteran
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The reason he's asking is because he's curious if it will be released on all shards, why its viewed as a personal attack i'm not sure.

Athelas [Treasure Trove] Museum, Atlantic
If it was going to be released on all shards it wouldnt be in the EM item thread for a specific server, it would be in the same group as the messana items (coming to a shard near you with new uniqie items) :p



Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Not quite sure on this, but i think i remember a regular new quest that gives a fishing pole (i think) that turn you into an orc. I could be wrong on this, or maybe its another monster. Anyone know?


If it was going to be released on all shards it wouldnt be in the EM item thread for a specific server, it would be in the same group as the messana items (coming to a shard near you with new uniqie items) :p

Actually, if you had took the time to verify this information you would realize that historically Manticore has always placed event items that were released on every shard under a banner labeled "All Shards".

Whereas the Mesanna items are shard specific, and that as of yet none of the items shown in that thread were released on any but a single shard


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
If it was going to be released on all shards it wouldnt be in the EM item thread for a specific server, it would be in the same group as the messana items (coming to a shard near you with new uniqie items) :p

Go to the original post and click on the links, thats why he is asking.

Athelas [Treasure Trove] Museum, Atlantic


Crazed Zealot
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Like I said, it's an either/or case, either I am over sensitive or he doesn't trust my posts. But as Athelas said after viewing the links in his post it is understandable why he made that inquiry. But like I stated before, if its a question regarding my posts, I would rather receive a PM in the future.

To clear some other points,

If an item was on all shards then I would be put it under all shards as DVI said.

This was an Orc related arc on Chesapeake shard that lead to this big battle finale where at the end of the event a vending machine was left for players to click on before they left the Orc cave. I have not seen this arc on any other shard.

The only shard thus far where one shard EM copied the other shard's EM on items were the recent orc armor pieces where the Atlantic EM copied the Europa EM between a month apart with similar Orc armor pieces. But those were different stories and very different to the Chesapeake items.


Lore Keeper
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I'm going to go with over sensitive. A lot of you guys and gals may not know this but Manticore and I used to be on the Magincia Beach Bagball League together and Manti's mother would make him wear a magic protective girdle (uniquely hued) to keep his extra sensitive skin safe from the elements. Oh those were the days...

Athelas [Treasure Trove] Museum, Atlantic


Rares Fest Host | LS April 2011
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May be it is your English or may be I am too sensitive but the way you post things just comes out wrong. You made the post back then asking to separate vending style items from the rest so I've done that for you with the * symbols, now you are asking if the information I put on there is even true?
The * symbols are for me? they are for the community :thumbsup:

As you have stated before, you are not the only one compiling info on the Season8 thread so this is not a personal attack to you and its not even a attack at anyone at all! Its just a simple question based on the new information found on the last Cliloc. Only the Devs can add stuff to the Clilocs so probably this item was asked especifically by Chessy EMs or the devs plan to release this item on more than 1 shard.
BTW, the past vending-style item names are not on the cliloc.


Selling Majik Flippers 100 Mil each. PM if interested.

All 10 sold, thx.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Actually, if you had took the time to verify this information you would realize that historically Manticore has always placed event items that were released on every shard under a banner labeled "All Shards".

Whereas the Mesanna items are shard specific, and that as of yet none of the items shown in that thread were released on any but a single shard
Maybe i didnt word it right, i know what i ment! An item wouldn't be on the EM list for a certain shard if it was a global item it would be in a different list like the Messana items are.



Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
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I think the correct and simple answer to the OP's query would have been that (at this time) this particular item was a reward from an EM event on Chesapeake.

However, as pointed out, the fact that it was part of a publish does raise the possibility of it popping up on multiple shards.


Lore Master
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These were made available on the GL shard tonight. Confirmed that they will likely be making an appearance at a shard near you sometime soon. Likely as a part of an EM event, not as a "drop" off of monsters.

Good work looking at the cliloc data, Apetul.


Maybe i didnt word it right, i know what i ment! An item wouldn't be on the EM list for a certain shard if it was a global item it would be in a different list like the Messana items are.

As I already pointed out if it is released on multiple shards it would be listed on the EM list under all shards, and as wootsauce has kindly pointed out it was released on a second shard this evening which means it should be moved to a new category.

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
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As I already pointed out if it is released on multiple shards it would be listed on the EM list under all shards, and as wootsauce has kindly pointed out it was released on a second shard this evening which means it should be moved to a new category.
Festive and seasonal category (perhaps?)...IMO these rank up there with Easter baskets and Cornucopia. :)


last Night Great Lakes got the same flippers but in Green Color. Saw atleast 100 people run in to get a pair.


I wish they had some events on Oceania ...Well not in Fel ... I have yet to go on a event ... probably my fault though..


Seasoned Veteran
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I had to leave that shard as i saw there was a huge lack of events there. :( Good bye ol friend.