Vet, specifically, is one hard to gain on at high levels.
Most of the time, except for the GGS system gain (when you've not had a gain in about 30 hours, at that skill level, you have an increased gain chance, practically automatic if the difficulty is high), You won't get a Vet gain over 110 except when curing higher level poisons, or resurrecting a pet.
That's why Tamers often hang around in Luna, looking for people coming in for pets needed brought back to life. The NPC vets have reduced that traffic a little, but those pet owners who know that the pet's stats don't fall as much from a player's rez as from the NPC, will still seek out player Vets first.
Get two low-level creatures that can kill each other fairly easily, that you don't care if their stats bottom out (things you'll release after training is over). Have them bond, then have them attack each other where they can actually kill each other. wait for one to die, rez it, start the fights again, repeating as necessary. IT will be less healing chances, but better gain chance ones. when done, release the critters, since they'll be down to their racial minimums (if not lower) by then, for skills.