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[Discussion] Odd Statue change ....

Xanth de Orlig

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I haven't really looked at things in my keep for, well for some items years it seems ...
I happened to be on a whim looking over some of my table displays, and moused over what I believe was a Statue of Finnagan ...

It now says this when you mouse over it?

Works like an ask answer ball when you click it as well ...

Thought it odd ....

I have been out of the loop for quite some time .. maybe i missed something?

Anyone else have this issue arise?

Yen Sid

I haven't really looked at things in my keep for, well for some items years it seems ...
I happened to be on a whim looking over some of my table displays, and moused over what I believe was a Statue of Finnagan ...

It now says this when you mouse over it?

Works like an ask answer ball when you click it as well ...

Thought it odd ....

I have been out of the loop for quite some time .. maybe i missed something?

Anyone else have this issue arise?
Yes, I think they are all ask and answer balls now.

Tangled Metal

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Works like ask and answer ball from the 300th anniversary bags. Been like this for a couple years now.


Ya sometime last year I was shopping and found one and didn't realize that the Finnigan's Statue changed. Thought I found a nice rare for a day or so before I put two and two together.