Old Man of UO
The formula to calculate the damage bonus from the anatomy skill has been posted two different ways, and if I do a Google search I can still see both calculations. There used to be a stated 5% damage bonus for GM+ skill, but that reference has been removed from both UOHerald playguide and Stratics calculator (which used to include this reference).
In the formula currently listed,
Anatomy Damage Bonus = (skill/2+5)
This is what it used to read on Stratics:
The Damage Bonus % = anatomy / 6 (+ 5% if anatomy at 100.0 or higher)
If the first formula is correct, it would imply there is a 5% Anatomy bonus ever for zero Anatomy skill! Or, if that weren't true, then Human JOAT would get the 5% bonus for the implied 20% Human skill.
At one time, one of the developers commented on this and confirmed that there was a 5% bonus for the GM+ skill. Has this calculation changed, or was there never a bonus? Which is correct?
In the formula currently listed,
Anatomy Damage Bonus = (skill/2+5)
This is what it used to read on Stratics:
The Damage Bonus % = anatomy / 6 (+ 5% if anatomy at 100.0 or higher)
If the first formula is correct, it would imply there is a 5% Anatomy bonus ever for zero Anatomy skill! Or, if that weren't true, then Human JOAT would get the 5% bonus for the implied 20% Human skill.
At one time, one of the developers commented on this and confirmed that there was a 5% bonus for the GM+ skill. Has this calculation changed, or was there never a bonus? Which is correct?